11th Floor Rescue

Welcome Baby Goslings
Welcome Baby Goslings

There was high drama at the CBWC’s Calgary office this week. A family of geese had to be rescued from its home on the 11th floor balcony outside the CBWC’s offices.

For some unknown reason, geese return year after year to nest on the CBWC’s balcony. They did so again this year. Goslings were born either Monday or Tuesday this week. A rescue had to be called in because the mom and dad geese were trying to entice the goslings to follow them — putting them in immediate danger of falling because of the 11th storey location with a lot of traffic blasting by below.

The Alberta Institute of Wildlife Conservation came out on Wednesday this week and caught the birds to take them to a safer location. This has become an annual springtime event for the CBWC.

We thought you might enjoy the following photos and videos of the arrival of the goslings and the family’s rescue.

Babies All Packed Up and Ready to Go
Babies All Packed Up and Ready to Go
