Announcement Regarding Heartland Regional Minister’s Role

Devin Seghers, our brother in Christ, continues to be recovering from the trauma of his injury incurred almost a year ago.  While Devin is broadening his activity to include some social interaction and some re-familiarization with normal life, he is still a considerable distance from coming back to work.
We are encouraging Devin to engage in the activity of ‘returning to life’ rather than to feel the pressure of ‘returning to work’.
In light of Devin’s need for ongoing healing, Wayne Larson and Faye Reynolds will be sharing the task of Heartland Regional Minister for the time being.  Wayne is well familiar with the area as a former regional minister.  Faye has extensive experience of the region in her many and varied roles of ministry.
We continue to pray for Devin and Joan.  We pray for Wayne and Faye as they engage in these new responsibilities.
Contact Wayne and Faye at the following numbers:
And also continue to remember and contact Jenn Gurel, our Heartland Region Administrator at (306) 789-2900
