BCY Update
Written by Mary Dyk
The BCY Pastor & Spouses Retreat was held on the evening of Thursday, June 12th and the morning of June 13th.
The Retreat began with Craig & Beth Bosnick leading us in worship. Mark Hazzard was our speaker and he talked about being generous to others with our resources and our time. We are in challenging times, and yet it is no different than the days of the early church.
Mark reminded us that being serious about unity means being serious about encouragement, saying, “Gifts are given—fruit is grown.” Unity is diversity in harmony and requires maturity. Unity is not uniformity, nor is it universalism. We need to discern what are community absolutes, what are community standards, and what are our own personal preferences.
AGM of the 127th Convention of Baptist Churches of BC
For our AGM, Peter Anderson and his team brought us together and led us in worship. Carolyn Arends was the keynote speaker for our AGM. She spoke on “Practicing Presence in an Age of Distraction.”
Carolyn shared with us that everything and everyone has a presence, and that presence invites and requires our presence. Presence leads to encounters through nature, through animals, with other people, in art and beauty, and through saints. Carolyn encouraged us to practice listening, curiosity, wonder, slowing down, and discovering God through the Arts.
We also did the business of the Convention during our AGM. We heard from Keats Camps, HopeHill, and Carey. We concluded our meetings with a great BBQ at White Rock Baptist Church, with volunteers from Berea providing and cooking the meal.
Welcomes and Farewells in the BCY Region

Welcome Keith Li, Assistant Pastor at Westside Baptist Church
Keith graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. After graduation, he worked in the IT department of a telecommunication company for over ten years. In 2014, Keith responded to God’s calling to full-time ministry. In 2015, he enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at Alliance Bible Seminary in Hong Kong, specializing in Chinese Cultures Studies. After graduating from seminary in
2018, he returned to his home church, EFCC Yan Fook Church in Hong Kong, to serve as a pastor for 3 years. Keith was primarily responsible for serving in Cantonese-speaking career fellowship and Mandarin-speaking youth.
In 2022, Keith, along with his wife Fion and their children, relocated to Vancouver. Keith is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver. In 2024, Keith joined Westside Baptist Church as a pastor. Keith and Fion has two children, Gordon and Ashley. Keith has a strong interest in IT, enjoys sports such as table tennis, badminton, and basketball, and also loves music. He plays guitar and bass guitar.

Welcome Thomas Chan, Lead Pastor Grace Community Baptist Church
Thomas Chan accepted Christ when he was 14 years old. In 1999, both he and his wife answered the call by God and entered the seminary. In 2006, he became a pioneer church-planting missionary of the Evangelical Free Church of China – Hong Kong Overseas Missions Board. In March 2007, he was sent to Macau to open the Taipa Gospel Hall. After this church had become established, he continued to pastor the church until June 2021.
In January 2022, he enrolled in the Master of Pastoral Studies program of the Canadian Chinese Theological Seminary Vancouver (CCST). On June 1, 2024 he graduated with a master’s degree in ministry (MMin).
On June 2, 2024, he was called to be the senior pastor of Grace Community Baptist Church to shepherd the flock that God had entrusted to him.
Moving On – a heartfelt thank you for your ministry! Wishing you God’s richest blessings for the next chapter in your life.
- Farewell to Lorne Willms, interim pastor from Qualicum Baptist Church
- Axel Schoeber, interim pastor from Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria
- Lisi Schrottner, interim pastor/worship coordinator from Kitsilano Christian Community
- John Lunn, interim pastor from Fairview Baptist Church
This regional newsletter is published quarterly within the CBWC’s monthly newsletter, Making Connections. Have a story idea? Email our senior writer, Jenna Hanger: jhanger@cbwc.ca