A New Chapter

I love to read.
Novels fill the quiet moments of my day with epic fantasies, compelling mysteries, frontier stories, and humour competing for time and space.Thoughtful and inspiring Christian writers encourage me to prayerfully pause and reflect, at times interfering with other demands. Finally, the Bible, theology, and history ground me in the reality of two basic assumptions: there is a God who made this world and us, and what we do with our lives matters. These many and varied books impact my days and nights, and definitely shape my words and choices.
My love of books, which as a bibliophile is honestly more of a compulsion, has truly shaped my life in deeply transformative ways. Maybe that’s why, as I contemplate moving into what our culture calls ‘retirement’, I am most comfortable thinking about it as a new chapter. Retirement is typically linked to the ideas of ceasing, withdrawing, and isolating yourself—as in, you are retiring from work, or as a jury retires to reach a verdict, or you retire and withdraw to a senior’s community. None of these applications feel particularly compelling to me. But if I think about retirement as a new chapter in my story, that feels much more attractive. Who knows what inspiration, mysteries, opportunities, challenges, and adventures await?
Maybe that is also why, as I think about this new chapter, I am strongly drawn to two simple choices. I want to reread the books that most powerfully shaped my soul and were used by God to direct my days. I want to sit down and review again the things that our Lord taught me, without other time pressures and expectations forcing me to hurry up. In other words, I want to ground myself again in the simple truths that have guided me this far on the journey.
I also want to slow down enough in this new chapter of life to learn what it means to walk with God. Candidly, most of my life has been lived at the pace of a sprint, with massive lists of must do’s, should do’s, and ought to’s overflowing my days. Yet, according to some writers, our souls function best at three miles an hour, which happens to be a walking pace. In the upcoming chapter before me, I hear our Lord inviting me to slow down enough to walk with Him and listen to His voice.
I don’t know what this new chapter will bring but I do know that the truths that guided me to this point and the ONE who has been with me the entire way, will lead me through whatever adventures await. Now that sounds much more exciting to me than retirement, so, let this new chapter begin!
Larry Schram
Hellos & Goodbyes in the BC/Yukon Region
A Warm Welcome to the following Pastors in the BCY Region:

Thiago Machado, Director of Family Life and Young Adults at West Point Grey Baptist Church
Thiago is married to Vivian, and they enjoy hiking together. He enjoys running marathons (being fine to stay at the back with the slower group!) He grew up in a family that loves to read and loves to serve the local church. He holds a PhD in Veterinary Sciences and is currently finishing his Master of Divinity at Regent College.

Phil Adkins, Lead Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria
My name is Phil Adkins. I am pleased to join the CBWC family having served in pastoral ministry in other denominations at churches in Banff, Saskatoon, Strathmore, and most recently on Bowen Island. My training is in liturgics. I am called to help the church prepare and offer historically-informed, biblically-faithful, theologically-grounded, and culturally-relevant worship. I believe robust and diligent corporate worship is a primary avenue of spiritual formation and gospel proclamation.
My wife (Samatha) is an elementary school teacher and author. We have two children, Julia (20) and Levi (17). We are grateful for kindred spirits at Emmanuel Baptist Victoria and look forward to serving Christ and our community together.

Drew Melton, Lead Pastor (Preaching & Vision), at First Baptist Church Vancouver
Drew Melton is the newly-elected Lead Pastor for Preaching and Vision at First Baptist Church, Vancouver. Drew is originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, but as an adult he has spent significant time living in the Chicago area, in Cambridge, England, and in south Florida. He and his family moved to Vancouver in 2023. He is married to Dr. Brittany Melton (Associate Professor of Old Testament at Regent College, Vancouver) and they have two children. Drew has been in church ministry for over ten years, either full-time or co-vocationally, with pastoral experience in England, the US, and now in Canada. He holds post-graduate theological degrees from Wheaton College and University of Cambridge, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Duke University with a dissertation focused on St. Augustine’s preaching in conversation with 21st century preaching. He occasionally teaches as a sessional instructor at Regent College, Vancouver.
Interim Pastors – Thank you for your willingness to serve:
Don Crawford, Interim Pastor at Kitsilano Christian Community Church, Vancouver
Awlwyn Balnave, Interim Pastor of Congregational Care at White Rock Baptist Church
Farewells – Wishing you God’s richest Blessings for the next chapter in your life:
Jennifer Friesen, Former Associate Pastor, at White Rock Baptist Church
John Yu, Former Associate Pastor, West Vancouver Baptist Church
Jasper Song, Former Lead Pastor, U-Campus Baptist Church, Vancouver
Doug Green, Senior Pastor, retiring from Burnaby North Baptist Church
This regional newsletter is published quarterly within the CBWC’s monthly newsletter, Making Connections. Have a story idea? Email our senior writer, Hannah Hamm: hhamm@cbwc.ca