Making Connections January 2025

Looking Ahead Together to 2025

As we reflect on 2024, we, at the CBWC, are grateful for the ways we, as churches, ministries and partners, walk alongside one another—grateful for each person those groups represent. Looking ahead, we invite you to continue to connect both online and in person through these upcoming events: 

Kurios Gratitude Gala 

This online event is a celebration of all that God has done and is doing through KURIOS. Join us January 26 for:

  • LIVE from Guatemala with this year’s participants
  • Musical Performances
  • Prize Draws
  • Partnership Updates and Opportunities
  • Kurios House Art Installation Reveal
  • Alumni Testimonies
  • And much more….

Learning from One Another, Online!
The Theology for the Ordinary Book Club continues to meet several times a year via Zoom, and the invite is always open for new participants! The next meeting is Wednesday, January 8 at 6pm PST, discussing Lucy Peppiatt’s The Disciple: On Becoming Truly Human. RSVP to

Making Disciplemakers, a 5-session practical Zoom cohort designed as a place to bring your stories, roadblocks, listening ear, and hard questions about how to make disciples who make disciples, kicks off January 14, hosted by the Church Planting Resource Team.

On January 28 at 5:30pm PST, we are pleased to invite Jodi Spargur (Red Clover/CBM) and David Nacho (FBC Vancouver) for Doctrine of Discovery: Exploring Its Hidden Roots. This free webinar will provide an hour of teaching on the Doctrine of Discovery, its historical arc, and what it has to do with us as Baptists. We will also hear from Indigenous voices speaking on the impact the Doctrine of Discovery still has on them today. Register here. 

Using Ai Basics and Why it Matters to the Church. Watch for more details soon on a webinar coming February 13th about using AI in ministry. 

And speaking of online resources, we’ve got a growing series of free 5-minute videos to play in your Board or Elders meeting to help with various important aspects of leadership and administration of a CBWC church. Download or stream Board Essentials here. 

Ministry Retreats
Heartland ministers and spouses, you have until next Monday, January 6, to register for this year’s retreat taking place January 20-22 in Russell, MB, with guest speaker Layton Friesen. Get the details here. Ministers in the Mountain Standard Region, your retreat is taking place February 3-5 at Gull Lake Centre with Dr. Cory Seibel—and you’ve got until January 10 to sign up.  

Ministers and Spouses across CBWC can save the date for Banff 2025 Retreat: November 10-13 at the Banff Springs Hotel.  

CBWC Assembly: In Person in 2025
Our association of churches enjoys face-to-face time with others every second year at our Assembly in Calgary, AB. On May 22-24, 2025, we’ll connect through meaningful worship, engaging keynote speakers and workshops, meals and free time, while also participating in the annual business meetings. Shaped around the Lord’s Prayer, our 2025 Assembly will feature keynote speaker Dr. Carmen Joy Imes, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology. 

Online Registration opens February 1, 2025. More information: 

SERVE Whitehorse 2025 

Each summer, youth groups from all around CBWC descend on a community for a week. The goal is to demonstrate the love of Jesus through active service, in partnership with a local CBWC congregation. Past locations have included Yellowknife, Flin Flon, High River, Kamloops, and Prince Albert. SERVE is like the best parts of summer camp combined with the best parts of a short-term service trip. During the day the youth engage in service projects and in the evenings, they gather to share stories, worship, play wild games, and hear from a dynamic speaker.

This year, SERVE is taking place in Whitehorse, YT. Join us July 6-12 for this unforgettable event! Registration is now open: 

Visit our website for details on these events and more! We look forward to seeing you. 

A Time to Pause and Reflect with Tim Warkentin

By Hannah Hamm

A new year has begun, and with it perhaps mixed feelings. Traditionally, January is a good time to reflect on your patterns of living; how do you feel about your work/ministry/relationships? This is a time for “choosing what you did not choose,” to borrow a phrase from Skye Jethani. No matter where you find yourself, whether it is where you would have chosen to be or not, how can you choose to flourish there?

Are you willing to take a few moments and ask yourself: What gave me LIFE this past year? What did the opposite? What can I STOP doing in order to embrace true life this year?

At our Banff Pastors and Spouses retreat in November, Tim Warkentin gave a TIMtalk on something he calls a Sacred Pause. There is increased expectation in the world to achieve more with the time that we have, and even in the church we are always pushing ourselves to do ministry more efficiently and with greater results. Tim (and our other 2 main speakers) challenged us to pause and reflect, release what is holding us back, rest in the acceptance we ALREADY have from our Creator and then return to the work of the Kingdom with open hands.

The arrival of January 2025 affords us a window of time to do just this. The Advent and Christmas busyness is behind us. The lights, decorations and bling are put back in the church basement. Is there a brief moment here where “all is calm?”

About a month after Banff, Tim and I met to consider how to support you in this. Our desire is that you could welcome God into where you actually are. Let go of what’s distracting you. Rest comfortably in His Presence. Experience God’s full embrace.

Some of you likely know what works for you already—what brings you to this place we are describing. Let this be an encouragement to lean into those patterns that come to mind.

Others may appreciate this invitation into practices you didn’t have to research or prepare for someone else. Our prayer is that you will look at the following ideas with an open, prayerful heart and see what might jump off the page for you. Think of these as ways to tend your own garden, or at least to prepare the soil for the Spirit to bring life to you.

Please accept this invitation to consider your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual health and perhaps embrace (or release) one thing for the year ahead.


  • Assess your physical health. What’s working and what isn’t? Go see a doctor, book that physical exam, don’t ignore that symptom…
  • Ask yourself, what is one thing you may want to stop or start consuming?
  • Move your body regularly (if needed, choose a reward that might actually motivate you).
  • Think about something active your friends do that you could join. Or perhaps joining an activity will be a way to make a friend outside of your congregation.
  • Intellectual:
  • Spend a bit of time with someone outside of your demographic. Learn about what matters to them, stretch your mind.
  • Get a recommendation for a blog or a podcast from someone “younger.”


  • Write an appreciation note to someone.
  • Think of the three strongest feelings you’ve had in the past 24 hours.
  • Write a letter to your past self. What would you say to yourself when you were just starting ministry about how to care for your interior world?
  • Read the opening chapter of Scazerro’s Emotionally Healthy Pastor.
  • Consider viewing the Sanctuary Course.
  • Consider using your extended health therapy benefits.


  • Ask Jesus how He sees you and wait for His answer.
  • Experiment with a new prayer practice.
  • Consider a daily Scripture podcast or reading plan. Maybe try a different translation than you’re used to?
  • Book a retreat at a local retreat centre (anywhere from a few hours to a few days away).
  • Write out your own Beloved Charter (as Carolyn Arends encouraged in Banff), exploring specific Scriptures and making them personal.
  • Ask God to show you where His script might be more flexible than yours (as Skye Jethani showed using the story of Moses and Jericho in the wilderness).

We heard an unexpected theme emerge in Banff through Carolyn, Skye and the TiMtalks, about living and ministering out of a place of grace and belovedness. What would it look like to explore this further? The point of this article is not to motivate us to add another item to our to-do lists. The point is to engage living well, where we are. What does this mean for you? Is it time to release something on the to-do list in order to make space for something that brings life? Or time to explore a fresh practice which will help you sense the movement of God in your life? Regardless, this is about engaging in something that is helpful, that opens up room to encounter God in a fresh way and that takes all of us deeper into God’s love. May you find a new sense of God’s unique, full life laid out before you this year.

Contact Tim at 604-562-4906

 Partner Spotlight: Hopehill

A Hopehill Story

Marie moved to Vancouver in 2022 to be with her grown children and grandchildren. She’d spent her entire life in a small town in Nova Scotia. Her husband died in 2017 and the longer she was a widow, the lonelier she became.  

The move to Vancouver was exciting. Initially she moved in with her kids, but eventually their needs grew, and they required the family space. Someone recommended Hopehill. When she enquired of us this June, I had a hunch that we needed to help this lady. It wasn’t until November that a space opened up, but she was willing and ready to move in. Her personal income was $2100 per month, and we were able to find a price that worked for her and us.   

She’s more than a happy renter. She volunteers at our weekly teatime, and she talks to people about how happy she is to be with us. If someone is curious about Hopehill and wants to talk to a resident I send them to Marie. Why? Because we are more than just low-cost rent for low-income seniors. We are a community building trajectory. How can we help low-income seniors live well? Body, soul, and spirit. It’s what we do.  

We open our next 64 unit building in March 2025. We are looking for 4 young couples who want to live as “floor hosts” to interact with seniors, helping to build the Hopehill community, and in turn, be blessed for their service. If interested, please contact Move-in date would be March 2025.   

Here is our latest update on our building project for December 2024. View video update.

Rev. Jamey S. McDonald
Chief Executive Officer

Heartland Regional Newsletter

January 2025

CBWC Camp Spotlight

Our CBWC camps are a valuable extension of the local church. Not only do summer camps offer lifelong memories, but they serve as a place of interactive discipleship for our church members. Camp has always been a beautiful gateway to the church and to a life in Christ. Here is a little spotlight on what’s going on in our CBWC camps heading into 2025.

Katepwa Lake Camp, SK

Originally founded as Katepwa Baptist Kamp in 1949, KLC has become a place to belong. Some people call it home, others call it family, some call it their legacy. We celebrate with KLC that they have reached the milestone of 75 years of ministry!

Registration is now open for KLC Winter Camp, February 17-21, 2025.

Mill Creek Camp, AB

This Spring, Mill Creek is embarking on a large scale renovation of their electrical and water systems. Their fundraising campaign is called “Love the Lodge” and can be accessed at Also consider participating in their Travelling Book Sale!

Gull Lake Centre, AB

Gull Lake summer camps and leadership programs were full in 2024, and they also launched a second leadership training program high schoolers called Faith, Experience, and Discipleship, as well as a leadership program in Kenya. They’re rolling right into 2025 as well, with Winter Camps January 31-February 2 for Jr. and Sr. High students, and February 21-23 for grade 4-6 students.

Summer Camp registration for Gull Lake opens January 9. They increased prices by $100 for most camps, but they have a $50 early bird discount, and a $50 CBWC discount. So, if you attend a CBWC church you can attend camp for the same price as last year. Register here.

Keats Camps, BC

Keats Camps, which is entering its 99th year of ministry, recently welcomed Cheri Tubbs as Camp Director to oversee the summer and shoulder seasons. They also upgraded one of their staff accommodations and added a Wibit play structure to the waterfront.

Keats summer hiring is already in motion. Staff applications are open, and the first round of interviews will take place in the first few weeks of January. Camp registration and LEAD applications will open on Saturday, January 11. Register here.

The Quest at Christopher Lake, SK

The Quest was founded in 1945, giving it over 75 years of ministry and camping experience. Every year Quest has a variety of employment and volunteer opportunities in order to run facilities and summer programming. This is a great way to learn new skills, while having fun and making a difference in the lives of kids! Staff positions will be filled beginning in February. Summer camp registration opens January 2:

Camp Wapiti, AB

Camp Wapiti, south of Grand Prairie, is all about connecting with God in nature, operating since 1963. They strive to provide quality programs—encouraging growth, great community, and a lot of fun!

This past summer, Wapiti had over 300 campers attend camp. They have begun the process of gearing up for summer 2025. First on the list is to hire a director: fulltime, May-August with the possibility of staying parttime in the fall. Summer registration will open February 1:

HeartSmart HR: New Year, New You!

By Louanne Haugan

I always find the beginning of a new calendar year an opportunity to get my literal and proverbial house in order—purging that which is unnecessary and getting back on track that which is life-giving and helpful. I am reminded of Paul’s words in Philippians where he wrote, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” 

I am not sure if issuing charitable giving receipts and maintaining good record retention practices are the first things that pop into your mind when you think of noble or lovely, but striving to be excellent in all we do should be. 

Issuing Charitable Giving Receipts 

Providing timely donation receipts is crucial for good donor stewardship, as it shows appreciation for the gifts received from your donors. Most donors expect an immediate receipt without requesting one and failing to provide one can negatively impact your relationship. If there is a situation in which you do not provide a receipt, you should make sure your donors are fully informed.  

Your church must issue charitable giving receipts to donors so they can claim tax credits or deductions on their annual income tax returns. To facilitate the process, the CRA recommends issuing receipts by February 28 of the year following the donation. You can issue receipts periodically throughout the year or provide a cumulative receipt for all cash donations at year end. Each non-cash donation requires a separate receipt. A general practice is to issue a receipt for one-time gifts within 30 days (including any securities and other gifts-in-kind) and to issue a receipt for recurring/pre-authorized gifts once a year.

Receipts for cash gifts must have the following:

  • a statement that it is an official receipt for income tax purposes
  • the name and address of the charity as on file with the Canada Revenue Agency
  • a unique serial number
  • the registration number issued by the CRA
  • the location where the receipt was issued (city, town, municipality)
  • the date or year the gift was received
  • the date the receipt was issued
  • the full name, including middle initial, and address of the donor
  • the amount of the gift
  • the amount and description of any advantage received by the donor
  • the eligible amount of the gift
  • the signature of an individual authorized by the charity to acknowledge gifts
  • the name and website address of the CRA

Record Retention 

January is a great time to go through your files/records to determine what can be destroyed and what must still be held by law. The following chart provided by the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (CCCC) provides some common examples of records and suggested retention periods. They have made every attempt to give accurate information in this schedule. You may wish to check with your lawyer or other professional advisor for information specific to your situation. 

CRA Retention Periods for Financial Books, Governance, Operations, and HR Records

For more information on other subjects related to good governance and operations, please visit our Board Essentials page, or contact the following: Victor Ku (Finance), Jerry Wang (Operations), and Louanne Haugan (HR & Benefits).  

Happy New Year! 

Copyright ©  2025 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections December 2024

Banff 2024—A Invitation to Rest

By H. Hamm

A trip to a historic castle in the Rocky Mountains. A collection of over 200 Kingdom servants, all seeking the goal of restoration together. If those old walls (and chandeliers) could speak, they would say the attendees are well on their way to the REST that was sought (and also that which wasn’t).

With lovely accommodations, nutritious and enticing meals, many available options for physical relaxation and views to deeply absorb, guests couldn’t help but receive some measure of restoration.

The gifts received went beyond what the eye could see and the body could feel.

Many hearts, hands, and minds went into filling up the proverbial “reservoir” so that guests could, in turn, return home with gifts to offer from the overflow.

Carolyn Arends and Spencer Capier gave the gift of music, both in performance and in shared worship. Their talent is undeniable and speaks of their many years making music together. Carolyn also gave the keynote address on Tuesday morning, encouraging guests to live as “Reservoir Christians” rather than “Channel Christians.” This was based on a quote from Bernard of Clairvaux which encourages us to let the ministries we receive fill us up before we begin channeling out to others. Many are quick to do the latter. May we sit with the idea of our belovedness until we believe it and then move from that place into ministry. Too often we serve FOR acceptance rather than FROM acceptance.

Each morning there was an opportunity to receive encouragement from within our own CBWC pastoral team. Tyler Graftaas (Calgary), Scott Simpson (Calgary), and Rebecca Thornber (Vancouver) shared beautifully and with insight from the 3 “lost & found” parables on the unexpected nature of God.

Another guest presenter was Skye Jethani, a pastor/theologian/comedian/podcaster/ family man from Chicago. Many listeners of his podcast, the Holy Post, were already accustomed to his wit and passion as a teacher. Over three sessions, he challenged everyone to make space for God to do the work, even if that means God going outside God’s own script. The invitation was to let go of the outcomes, to carefully consider why we do what we do in our lives and in our churches, and to simply answer the call to be the presence of Christ wherever we find ourselves—whether we specifically chose that situation or not.

Daily worship with Craig Bosnick and his team was like a taste of heaven. There’s nothing like singing with multitudes of church leaders; encompassing race, gender, age and perspective all together in one voice of praise to God.

Many took in other opportunities for enrichment including the Kairos Blanket exercise with Jodi Spargur and TiMTalk presentations from Bryana Russell and Tim Warkentin.

A collection of ordinary and extraordinary moments graced our visit and will remain in memory. The castle-sized fireplace brought ambiance to the hall, along with a bit of extra smoke that caused a stir one evening! A special dessert which must not be named, but rhymes with Leaver Snail, delighted our taste buds on a dark, cold evening. We bid a fond farewell to one of our regional ministers, Larry Schram, with a prayer and a Tilley hat fit for adventure. A collection of youth leaders took down Peter Anderson at glow-in-the-dark bowling, even as he gifted them with pizza.

Perhaps most significantly, the Holy Spirit met everyone present in agreeably sacred places like Stillpoint, and also around meals, in the pool, and on the hiking trail. May the ministry received be multiplied, both within the recipients at Banff and to those met along the way in the aftermath. Hope to see you there next year! Mark your calendars Nov 10-13, 2025.

A Tribute to Larry Schram

upon his retirement from the position of Regional Minister in the BC/Yukon region

Larry, God has gifted you in unique ways (including football in college, who knew!?) 

You are a wise discerner. You are someone who, after you listen to someone, can discern quite quickly what the real underlying issue is. You’re also amazingly good at giving the three action steps that are needed to address the issue.  

Larry, we rejoice, and thank God, for what you have been to us. We rejoice, and look forward to, what that next adventure might hold.  

Our Father God, we gather together, thankful and grateful for Larry and Erna. For the ways You have molded and shaped Larry, and for his ministry to us. Thank you for his heart and love for the church, churches and church leaders; encouraging all to remain faithful.  

Give them wisdom and understanding. Help them to end this role in a sense of joy, and to enter into the next phase with wonder and anticipation. Grant them good health and safety in travel, and allow Larry peace in a less-busy season. Allow him to be still—a challenge for many—and to know that You are God.  

Bless, keep, and encourage them we pray. 

(Adapted from Rob Ogilvie’s address to Larry and Erna at the close of the BPC) 

CBWC Staff Christmas Traditions

My First Advent

By Grace Wulff

It was 1982, a year of change.

I was a young mom with two incredibly active toddlers. We were anticipating moving from our small townhouse to a bigger house in a neighbourhood where we would raise our kids.

My husband was not often around, a busy paramedic working long hours—and in the midst of this season, I received the call that my beloved Grandma had died. We were close. It was my first close encounter with death, and I was shaken. To add another level of complexity, my husband’s brother came to live with us. He was a missionary in South America coming home to prepare for his wedding and we wanted to make it special.

So, when I was overcome with nausea, I put it down to grief, and nerves, and exhaustion. But alas, to my surprise, I was pregnant with our third child.

While some women glow with pregnancy, I suffered with severe morning sickness that lasted months. Gone were my plans to prepare wonderful meals for my brother-in-law. It rather became a summer and fall of survival-mode.

Dad often said, “This too shall pass” … and so it did. I found myself in our new house, creating a home, while resting a great deal of the time. I wanted to be excited about the pregnancy, I truly did.

And then something happened to shift my thoughts; to change my focus. I don’t remember who gave me the book, but it was a simple activity book to prepare for Advent. Back then, Advent was foreign to me—something practiced by other churches, not mine.

But here was an invitation to enter into a sacred time of waiting; a time of change. As I began to think about it, I started to relate to Mary.

Heavy with child.

A world of unknowns.

Praying for her baby.

Advent became real to me. We, too, could embrace this time of waiting with anticipation and hope; each day focused on preparation for our new baby. This was wonderful to teach my children, and we began an advent adventure that has now repeated itself over forty years.

It was simple, really. Each day as we waited for Jesus’ birthday, we could choose an activity to help us prepare. The kids helped me make cards and cookies, gifts we gave away. One day we made homemade “snowballs” out of cotton and sent them to their uncle who was serving in the army overseas. Of course we had a “snowball” fight first, before we packaged them up with our love.

One day we turned on our outdoor Christmas lights, making it a celebration of light. I can’t remember every activity, but I remember the joy we shared that made the waiting so much easier. And it was joy that we could share with others.

On Christmas day, we served birthday cake for Jesus and sang. It was very meaningful, and we knew that soon we, too, would welcome a new baby into our home.

My third child arrived weeks later, in early February. This daughter, now a busy mom of four, celebrates Advent each year with her children, and I delight in finding resources for my grandchildren to think about in this season of anticipation and preparation.

Advent has become so commercialized, associated with cheap chocolate calendars or other treats, but I keep coming back to the simple truth of this invitation.

To wait with hope.

To focus on the coming of Jesus.

To quiet my heart in the midst of busyness and receive the gifts in the waiting.

Mountain Standard Regional Newsletter

December 2024

Doctine of Discovery: Exploring Its Hidden Roots

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Cor. 5:18)  

As the CBWC continues our work with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework for reconciliation, we will be offering a second FREE webinar via Zoom on January 28, 2025, at 5:30pm (PST). This online seminar picks up where we left off in 2021, as we prepared for the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  

At that webinar, churches asked whether we had responded to all of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. One of those calls is the repudiation of the concepts of “terra nullius” (empty lands), and the Doctrine of Discovery (DoD).  

We are pleased to invite Jodi Spargur (Red Clover/CBM), and David Nacho (FBC Vancouver) for an hour of teaching on the Doctrine of Discovery (DoD), its historical arc, and what the DoD has to do with us as Baptists. We will also hear from Indigenous voices speaking on the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery on them today.  

To register for this webinar, click HERE. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered emails 24 hours in advance of this event. 

 Partner Spotlight: Carey

Letter from our Dean of Student Residents
By Rafael Franco, Dean of Student Residents, Carey Theological College

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has prayed for and supported Carey’s student residence program over the years. In my role as the Dean of Student Residents, I have the privilege to spend time with these young UBC undergraduates. I get to watch them pursue their dreams, build community, and form bonds that will last a lifetime. 

I think this is the fruit of the faithfulness of God’s people.  

 From the steadfast prayers of parents who have entrusted us with their children, to the generosity of partners who trust our mission,

God has blessed us through the Body of Christ; people who care immensely about the ministry we serve in.  

 Let me share what two of our students, Grace and Kristina, have said about their experience of living at Carey:  

  “I’ve developed a consistent prayer life this year… and it’s because of how I’ve grown in my relationship with God at Carey. I also feel like I’ve become more confident and sociable this year as I’ve been getting to know more people at Carey.”  

— Kristina, Carey Student Resident 

 “The most valuable thing about living at Carey has been making friends with loving people who are not afraid to call me out when I am wrong. The Carey community has truly helped me understand Proverbs 27:17, ‘As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.’”  

— Grace, Carey Student Resident 

 Their testimonies reflect Carey’s heart: a place where students are not only learning but also being shaped as leaders to serve out God’s calling for their lives.  

Carey staff touring the 2-bed unit of Timothy Hall

Looking to the future, I am excited about the growth resulting from our new building. We have a new student residence building slated for completion in late Spring 2025. The building will welcome an additional 104 beds to our current capacity of 44, bringing even more opportunities for students to grow and flourish in our community. 

The vision we have for this new student residence, Timothy Hall, is inspired by a passage beloved by our president, Rev. Dr. Colin Godwin:

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

 — 2 Timothy 2:2

We want Timothy Hall to be a place where students are ministered to and built up, ultimately leaving as Christian men and women, capable and mature in their faith, able to teach and disciple those around them. 

Drawing closer to Timothy Hall’s opening, I cannot wait to meet the students God will bring to our doors. Many of us who are passionate about student ministry at Carey are busy envisioning programming that will shape and point our community to Christ. We do not take lightly the grace that God has given us to be a beacon of light on UBC campus. Carey is filled with hopeful expectations of great things from God.

Timothy Hall will be completed late Spring 2025

Currently, applications to our student residence for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 academic year are open. If in your churches there are UBC students, current or prospective, in need of on-campus housing, please share the exciting news with them. Invite them to take a look at our webpage or fill out an application form. Carey is grateful for the partnership with CBWC, and over 15% of the students in our program are part of the CBWC denomination.  

 Thank you for listening to our story. I hope you are encouraged, as I am, in the work God is doing in our community. If you want to support our ministry in Timothy Hall, please take a look at this page to see what our needs and prayer items are as we take this next step forward. What we are achieving is only possible because of many faithful prayers and supporters in our mission.  

 In Christ, 

 Rafael Franco  

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections November 2024

Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

By Military Chaplain Troy Dennis

Serving communion while deployed in Latvia 2019

Remembrance Day forms one of my earliest memories. While in Beavers, I was chosen to bear a flag and followed the careful instructions to “dip the colours” at the appropriate time. I wasn’t old enough to understand what giving the supreme sacrifice meant, but the solemn nature of the ceremony was impressed on my mind. Since then, I have almost always attended a Remembrance Day event. I am compelled by a sense of duty, that being a good citizen means honouring those who serve our country. I have always held this in equal priority with praying for our leaders; that “we may lead a peaceful and quiet life…” (1Tim 2:1-4). After all, the cost for a peaceful and quiet life is often paid in blood.

Since joining the Canadian Armed Forces (CF) in 2014, Remembrance Day has taken on a whole new depth of meaning, mainly because it has become much more personal.

My role as a CF chaplain puts me shoulder-to-shoulder with our amazing military members. While I conduct religious ceremonies and give prayers or reflections at important events, I am primarily an advisor at all levels on compassionate and ethical matters, as well as moral and personal issues. I am fully embedded. I go where my unit goes, and I “eat the same dirt.” Together we train, live in austere conditions, eat, attend meetings, exercise, bunk down, do tasks, etc. In 2019, I deployed to Latvia for six months. I get to know a lot of our members and walk with them through life’s ups and downs.

As a result, I know people who have been injured or died while serving. I have visited in the hospital, done funerals and unit memorials, comforted loved ones, and listened to their stories. On Remembrance Day, the names carved in stone remind me that these soldiers, sailors, and air crew were spouses, children, parents, and friendsjust like the comrades I serve beside today. Remembrance Day is very personal, not only for me but for every CF member.

We live in a day and age when many customs and traditions are being set aside. Many are uncomfortable with parts of our history. Anything that smacks of institution can seem suspect.  Some crave the open road of new experiences, not rearview reflection. And so, many people are simply “moving on” to establish lives disconnected from the past.

It would be a shame to forget the people who gave their lives serving our country. I’m all for building new traditions when the old don’t make sense, but Remembrance Day has to be a keeper. The price for a peaceful and quiet life is just too high.

This Remembrance Day, I invite you to attend in person or tune in to a ceremony. And most of all, offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the people willing to pay the price for a world where we might live peaceful and quiet lives.

(Major Troy Dennis is a chaplain in the Canadian Armed Forces, serving at CFB Edmonton. For 20 years he was a pastor with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada before becoming a chaplain in 2014.)

Baptists on the Move: Active in Mission Update

Thank you to all the churches and individuals who participated in Active in Mission this past summer.

From White Rock to Winnipeg, CBWC folks laced up their shoes and opened their wallets, joining Baptists across the country to address issues of food security in Canada and around the globe. Riverdale Baptist in Whitehorse and Argyle Road in Regina both blew past their fundraising goals, garnering over $1300 each in donations. The national donation count has not yet been finalized, but close to $38,000 has been confirmed so far with more on the way.

CBWC’s Staff Team worked together to travel 3877 kilometers. Executive Minister Rob Ogilvie and his wife Bonnie participated during their holidays in Europe, cycling 300km in 5 days. Heartland Regional Minister Mark Doerksen walked in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Washington State, and BC, while Communications and Church Planting Assistant Cailey Morgan preferred moving on the water—paddleboarding in lakes, bodyboarding in the ocean, and even going for a river paddle on a rainbow pool floatie.

CBWC Foundation VP Chris Reid stuck closer to home—getting her miles in on the spin bike and treadmill—as well as chasing her new puppy, Murphy. “We spent a lot of time walking, hiking and playing with baby Murph!” Chris says. “We honestly never stopped moving!”

Louanne Haugan, Peter Anderson, Victor Ku, Tim Kerber, and Esther Kitchener rounded out the team with running shoes, bikes, golf clubs, and kayaks.

Watch for details in the coming months on how the funding will be distributed to ministries addressing food insecurity.

 Partner Spotlight: CBM

A Story of Hope

Lily comes from a small village in Nagaland, India. Because her parents struggled financially, they sent her and her siblings to different homes, where they worked as domestic helpers. Lily’s vulnerability led to her being abused, which cause emotional and mental trauma. “I felt my life was without hope and meaning,” she says.

CBM’s partner, Miqlat Ministries, came alongside Lily and invited her to take part in tailoring training. “I am very happy that I am undergoing training, and I want to stay at Miqlat,” she says. “I am exploring my potential. Besides the tailoring training, I am learning to cook, socialize with others, to read the Bible, and manage my temper.” Her participation in the program has helped her develop holistically, and since coming to Miqlat, she’s received love, support, encouragement, and friendship.

This is just one of the many stories featured in this year’s Hopeful Gifts for Change catalogue.

As the Christmas season approaches, we will all inevitably feel the pressure to find the “perfect gift” and be inundated with endless options of what that perfect gift could be. As decision fatigue sets in, we may even be tempted to think of gift catalogues in the same way we do any shopping tool, asking ourselves “What can I buy for the person I love?”

But what if we shift our mindset from “What can I buy?” to “What can I give?”

Through Hopeful Gifts for Change, you can help girls like Lily build brighter, more hopeful futures through rehabilitation and spiritual care. Children in Rwanda with disabilities and their caregivers can receive much-needed support and education to improve their quality of life. As the church continues to grow in the Middle East, passionate church leaders can be equipped through mentorship and training to share the gospel in their unique contexts and communities.

Just like the faithful who have given over the past 150 years to support Canadian Baptist Ministries, you, too, can have generational impact by giving on behalf of someone you love.

“Thank you for the prayers and for the opportunity to learn skills that empower and strengthen me.” – Lily

For more information, please visit: 

BCY Regional Newsletter

November 2024

Giving Tuesday Tackles Food Insecurity in 2024

December 3, 2024 marks the third year in which CBWC has actively participated in the National Day of Giving, known as Giving Tuesday. The first year, we raised funds for our Ukranian church in Manitoba to help with the influx of refugees. Last year, our focus was on collecting donations to go towards disaster relief.  This year, we are excited to support three churches—one from each region—with their Christmas food programs!

Dauphin First Baptist Church provide meals twice a month through their hot meal program. As part of their program, they make a large Christmas meal with all the fixings and feed around 300 people.

The North Okanagan Community Chaplaincy, in partnership with Vernon First Baptist Church, has a regular street ministry. On December 15, they will host a Christmas dinner and hand out “Blessing bags” with food, personal hygiene items, toques, mitts, socks and hand warmers.

With the devastating effects of the fire in Jasper, AB, we have decided to support the work that Jasper Park Baptist Church will be doing in helping those struggling with food shortage come December. 

Speaking of Jasper, we’ve raised over $3000 in fire recovery funding, but they could still use more help.

To support either of these important initiatives, visit and follow the Designation Fund dropdown menu to GivingTuesday Take Steps to End Hunger or Jasper Fire Recovery. Together we can make a difference!

Introducing our new Editor & Writer, Hannah Hamm

I’m honoured, and thankful, to have started in August 2024 with the CBWC as the Senior Editor/Writer, following the lovely Jenna Hanger. The Communications team has been very welcoming.

I’ve been a BC girl for most of my life, having grown up in Kamloops where my dad, Rev. Ray Parker, was the prison chaplain. My stint in Alberta began when I studied Education and Theology at Prairie Bible College, receiving my BRE in 1995.

And yes, for those of you who’ve guessed by my last name, it was there that I met a certain Albertan, Randy Hamm. We were married in 1996 and, after a couple of years of full time camp ministry at SABC, we moved to Vancouver to study at Regent College.

During our time in Vancouver, we had 3 kids who are now 14 (Lucia), 19 (Miranda), and 20 (Brendan). I started a music business out of our home and taught 100 kids a week—in parent-participation/group classes—for 15 years. Randy was pastoring and doing ‘freelance marriage ministry,’ and we were both very involved in church, as well as being intentional about taking time for spiritual retreat. Rivendell Retreat on Bowen Island became an integral place in our journey, as well as Barnabas Landing on Keats Island.

It was in 2011 that we found ourselves settling into lay leadership in a lovely Vancouver CBWC church for the first time (after a work transition) and we have been blessed to be part of this denomination ever since.

In 2017, we felt the timing was right to move to the interior of BC, to simplify the life of our family. Randy began seeking out a small CBWC church for us to serve in, and God clearly led us to First Baptist in Vernon, BC. We’ve been serving here for seven years now. I am especially thankful for friends and co-ministers at FBC, Dan & Sharon Watt who pastored there just before us, Grace Wulff, Laurie MacKay and Chuck Harper. As well as ministering in the area of worship and music at FBC Vernon, I work as a teacher at a local school. Most recently, in Kindergarten! (Pray for me).

I look forward to new and continued relationships in this denomination which I love. I’m pleased to be able to serve in this new way.

Dwelling in the House of the Lord

This is the final installment of the Psalm 23 reflections we’ve been offering as a way to reset our focus on the Kingdom of God and His invitation to each of us to enter His shalom. These articles are adapted with permission from CBWC Pastor Deborah Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom. We invite you to purchase the book for use in your personal devotional practices or as a group study. This reflection is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible join us at the conference. If you’d like to participate, visit

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing… and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever (Psalm 23:1,6)

These two bold statements frame Psalm 23. They are like bookends with all of life lived in between. We have examined life with God through the metaphor of a Shepherd caring for His sheep, traversing all sorts of terrain, and encountering different circumstances in an effort to give His sheep the best possible life. He does all of this because of His goodness and love for us.

Now we come to the end of Psalm 23 and read the psalmist’s final statement of hope, the culmination of a life lived closely with his Shepherd.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

David makes both his opening and closing statements with confidence. The Psalm 23 picture is not only for the future but also for today and for all the days of our lives. We, too, can live with the same confidence as the psalmist when we begin with the belief that we lack nothing because God is with us. This is our baseline from which everything else flows and overflows!

What a beautiful and good life we have been given. It is not always an easy life, but it is one that is encompassed within God’s goodness, love, and mercy. When all is said and done, we have a choice before us. We can keep Jesus at an arm’s length, understanding that He is necessary for our salvation but not actually desiring Him as someone we walk closely with. Or we can begin to see our life through “God with us” eyes and discover the beauty of traveling the road with Jesus, enjoying the green pastures and still waters, and committing to the right paths. We do battle, trusting that the Lord is at our side as we grind through the dark valleys and face our enemies with confidence. And we feast at the table as we celebrate all of life.

Now, we face the biggest leap—from theory to action. We must choose to move from knowing to doing, living out this life while trusting that God is with us in all things. You might be wondering how one gets started. The best place to begin is with who you are and where you are right now. It’s appropriate to start with your true self because this is who God created and whom He wants to bless.

From there, we embark on the journey to transformation. We don’t merely drift into transformation. Life with Jesus is an intentional life, uniquely given to each of us for a particular purpose. Again, through awareness, disciplines, and practices, we create the conditions where the Holy Spirit can transform us.

It is also a journey of discovery as we give the Holy Spirit our attention. There is so much to learn and experience and enjoy! We know that not everything is certain. However, we have a good life not because of what does or does not happen but because God is good, and our souls are intimately connected to Him. This is how we step wholeheartedly into our lives. This is how we embrace all aspects of life and live it to the full! This is how we are sure to discover that God’s goodness and love does indeed follow us all the days of our lives.

This is an ordinary life filled with extraordinary power.

May the fullness of shalom be upon you today and every day until Lord’s return, when His glory will fill the whole earth. May you flourish in all you are and everything you do.

May you feel the welcoming delight of God over you. May joyful wonder flow out of your spirit inspiring the world around you.

May you be faithful to your calling and experience the joy of serving and loving others.

May you live confidently in the goodness and love of God, and may you be restored to wholeness as you walk with your Shepherd. Amen.

Join us in prayer for rest, restoration and shalom for all our clergy, and especially those joining us at BPC November 11-14. Watch for highlights from the conference in next month’s Making Connections!

HeartSmart HR: Year End Updates & Reminders

It is hard to believe that we are closing in on the end of 2024—the year has flown by! Last November, I wrote an article about how a good compensation package rooted in Christ-like attitudes demonstrates how well churches care for their staff, and in turn, how this impacts the church’s effectiveness and reputation. As churches are now gathering to approve 2025 budgets and wrap up the end of the fiscal year, here are a few updates and reminders for consideration:

• Last year, the CBWC joined forces with CBM and the CBOQ to create customized accounting software that could be utilized by all partners, allowing us all to operate more cost effectively. We are joining forces again in 2025 by bringing the administration of our Canadian Baptist Group Insurance Plan in-house. AGA Benefits Solutions (formerly J&D Benefits) and in particular, Linda Bissonnette, has done a wonderful job enrolling, invoicing, and caring for our churches and members since we moved to the national plan in 2017. We are thankful for their many years of service to us. By collectively hiring our own benefits administrator, we are able to bring our plan administration costs down while adding “exclusive” member service. Details of these changes will be shared in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

• This fall, our Regional Administrators emailed the updated 2025 Salary Guide along with the COLA Letter to churches. The CBWC provides churches with an annual recommendation for cost-of-living adjustments to salaries in keeping with Canada’s rate of inflation. The salary grid assists our churches in determining fair compensation for their pastor(s).

• Preparations should be made to issue new Clergy Residence Deduction (CRD) forms, the T1223, for ordained or credentialed pastors and staff. For those requiring deduction at source, the T1213 must be issued. The T1213 should be completed by mid-November each year, as it may take the CRA up to 4-6 weeks to approve applications.

• As soon as the fiscal year ends, T4 slips must be issued to staff. Please remember to include taxable benefit amounts for staff enrolled in our Canadian Baptist Benefits Plan who have group life insurance. AGA Benefits Solutions will be issuing a taxable benefit report to each church along with the December billing, with each member’s benefit amount to be included in Box 40 of their T4.

• If your church uses a third-party payroll company, you will need to reconcile any special payments or adjustments that were made to staff payroll with the payroll system. Also, please check to ensure that the year-end (YTD) payroll and statutory deductions for CPP, EI and federal taxes reconcile with your payroll journals. You want to make certain that accurate T4 information is correctly filed with CRA to avoid a PIER notice (Pension and Insurable Earning Review) being issued. As always, please be sure that T4 and T4A slips are filed on time, preferably by the end of January.

If you have questions or need clarification related to Human Resources or closing out your church’s year-end, please contact the CBWC office for assistance. We remain incredibly grateful to those of you who minister to and serve the church by carrying out these critical duties.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections September 2024

What’s Happening in September

  • Theology for the Ordinary Book Club is THIS WEDNESDAY, September 4 at 6 pm PST using zoom. We will be discussing Forgive by Tim Keller. Contact Cindy to register: 
  • National Day for Truth & Reconciliation is September 30. Resources available for your September 29 church service: 
  • Banff Conference: November 11-14. Make sure to sign up before Earlybird Deadline September 10! 
  • Board Development Essentials Video Series has launched! We hope you’ll use these free, 5-minute primers in your Board or Elders meetings this year. 

VBS Rules!

So many of our churches ran awesome VBS programs this summer, and a few of them shared photos with us! Check out some of the fun that was had these past couple of months. We love to see it!

 Partner Spotlight: Hopehill

Intergenerationality at Hopehill

Some of you know Hopehill. We are a ministry of the CBWC providing low-cost affordable housing to low-income seniors in the Vancouver area, “in Jesus’ name.”. Close to 400 folks call HH home. The average age of our residents is 79 years old. That’s a lot of wisdom. And to that wisdom we like to add some energy (of youth), and our seniors love it when it happens.

1. This summer, for July and August, we were glad to take on 2 students as interns. Georgia is a 2nd year University of Victoria student. Luciano is a first year Simon Fraser University student. Both return to full- time studies this fall.

2. In July, we were thrilled to have a youth group from the Summerland Baptist Church spend a day with us They were on a mission trip to the Lower Mainland.   On the day with us, they met seniors, participated in group activities, and served our residents by “sitting and listening..  We were impressed by this group of young people They were amazing.   

3. In the fall of 2024, we look forward to having the KURIOS cohort spend a week with us in their learning cycle They learn about gerontology (seniors) in the mornings, and in the afternoons get to put into practice what the morning hours taught them.  Our residents LOVE them being with us Win-Win. 

Heartland Regional Newsletter

September 2024

Jasper Update

Submitted by Rev. Roy Nickel

Dear friends,

On our return to Jasper late afternoon Friday, there was a flurry of activity coordinating with ATCO to restore gas service to both church buildings, Kurios House, and to our home (through this we learned our antique furnace in the manse needs to be replaced!)—assessing them for visible damage. Then, with hunger haunting us, I couldn’t keep from driving around town to see the aftermath. Words fail. Maybe a few don’t—Slave Lake, Ft. McMurray. You’ve seen the devastation on TV. It’s worse. Friends’ homes, historic character houses, iconic church buildings (Anglican, United). The fickle nature of the fire, sometimes taking all in its path, sometimes a single home standing, sometimes just a single home burnt! But 70% of Jasper seems to be in the same condition we left it. Surreal!

God has us here “for such a time as this” (cf. Queen Esther). Social media helps us keep in touch with our church family. A couple of single young adults won’t be back. We’ve posted personal & church updates, offering help to our friends and neighbours who have lost everything, expressing love and care for our neighbours. On Sunday, we had a “non-service”—opening our church doors for people to come for a cup of coffee or a bottle of water, hugs, prayers, conversation. While only a few came, it caught the attention of many, and we received messages of gratitude. Our prayer is that through this event the community will see Jesus in us. Some already have. We will resume services sometime in September. Steve and Ingrid are moving ahead with plans to start Kurios—we are thankful for their leadership, their contributions to our church, and their friendship!

Insurance says the ceiling insulation in the brick church and in Kurios House needs replacing. Ash and even soot were found in all four buildings. We will be out of our home for a couple more weeks as it undergoes a professional deep clean. What we thought was unconscionable delays (selling the old church) has turned out to be a blessing. We are serving as a dormitory for a couple of weeks for Team Rubicon, who is on site to help people sift through the ashes. Later, we will use the sanctuary for a donation site and help the United Church resume their thrift store. We are offering the use of our new church to the United and Anglican churches to meet. The Sunday school rooms, washrooms, kitchen, and lounge will be temporary residences for a couple of families. God knew!

THANK YOU for all your phone calls, e-mails, and messages of love, encouragement, and offers of support!! Please pray that we will have patience, courage, strength, and wisdom. There is great trauma that affects us all, especially those who have lost everything. We ALL grieve over our wounded town, but there’s a sense of resolve to band together and rebuild. Jasper WILL be back!

With a grateful heart, on behalf of Jasper Park Baptist Fellowship and our town,

Rev. Roy Nickel

Shalom in Enemy Territory

This reflection is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible to join us at Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Early bird deadline for BPC registration is September 10, so make sure the clergy in your life are signed up to join us!

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5).

Imagine being invited by a really close friend to a dinner party.

You’ve been looking forward to it all week because you know your friend is a fabulous host and wonderful chef. It promises to be an amazing evening. When you arrive at the gathering, your friend welcomes you and ushers you into the dining room, only to discover all the other guests are people who have caused you hurt, betrayal, and disappointment in life—and they are sitting at the table! Your host sees the look on your face and, in a weak attempt at reassurance, tells you not to worry and promptly invites you to sit down and eat.

Why would your friend do this to you?

Or perhaps more perplexing, why would the Good Shepherd invite David’s enemies to the celebration in Psalm 23?

We all know our world is broken, and we realize that we ourselves are broken. In some ways, it feels like we are living in enemy territory every day. Our values feel attacked. The pressure and competition of the world is on us. We put on airs of confidence and don our false masks in order to convince people we are worthy of their employment, recruitment, and even friendship. Our enemies often include people we cannot forgive. However, more often than not, our enemies are also more vague and illusive things like thought distortions, temptations, and strongholds—those worries that plague us night and day in the aftermath of life-changing events. All of this can leave us haggard and worn out.

And yet… there are still those moments when the kingdom of God breaks through, and we catch shalom sightings. For me, the simplicity of sitting at a farmers’ market on a beautiful day in the midst of great uncertainty evoked a sense of peace and joyful wonder. In fact, I have decided to rename this farmers’ market moment and call it a kingdom moment, because in this time of unsureness, it gave me a glimpse of a beautiful world that felt whole and right, where everything was as it should be. It was within this ordinary life occasion where goodness crowded out the anxiety, and I received a gift of shalom from God to me.

God is in this broken world. He has gone before us already and scouted everything out. Nothing catches Him off guard, not even a pandemic. Not even a war. He knows where the predators are even when we can’t see them. Psalm 23 reminds us more than ever, to stay close to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and not wander off on our own. It urges us to pay attention to the quiet ways in which God shows up and reassures us that He is indeed with us. Shalom guides the soul back to God and points us to the hope of Christ in a broken world.

He Anoints My Head with Oil
In the midst of grazing in the alpine meadows, enjoying the best grass and the freshest water, sheep are still surrounded by predators and often tormented by unwanted pests. However, the shepherd is always watching for parasites of this sort, and at the first sign of infestation, he immediately applies a remedy which is a linseed oil concoction. This oil is applied to the sheep’s head, and there is an immediate transformation. The sheep’s fear and agitation give way to lying down in peaceful contentment.

Oil has a very symbolic meaning in the Bible. It represents the presence and power of the Spirit of God. Jesus was often referred to as the Anointed One, using oil as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit being present and acting in Christ.

So it is within this backdrop—remembering that David had been shepherd himself, that Psalm 23:5 is written—giving a picture of an extravagantly set table filled with an endless buffet of gourmet food, yet surrounded by the presence of enemies. The Good Shepherd knows David’s fears and immediately puts him at rest by anointing his head with oil, symbolically declaring the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

But here’s the startling revelation. If you notice, the enemies are sandwiched in between the feast (joy!) and the anointing of oil (power!). The enemies don’t stand a chance.

We can feast with joy and rest in the truth that the Lord is our Shepherd, and we lack nothing. We sit in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

Congratulations Trinity Baptist Preschool!

By Jenna Hanger

Yesterday marked an exciting milestone for Trinity Baptist Church in Sherwood Park, AB, as they cut the ribbon and celebrated the grand opening of their new preschool building.  

The preschool has been a meaningful ministry for the church and community for the past nearly three decades. After running for a few years out of the church basement, it was moved into what was planned to be a temporary building in the parking lot in 1999. Now, 24 years later, the new building is open and ready for the 30 three- to four-year-old registered preschoolers this fall.  

“The preschool means a lot to members of our church, and it means a lot to people in the community. My own son was a student at the preschool years ago,” says Ashley Winkel, the Children and Family Ministries’ Pastor and Director of the preschool.  

“Even now I meet young adults with ties to the preschool from twelve to fifteen years ago. It’s really neat to see a ministry with this kind of longevity and to see it set up so well now. It feels like there are no limitations to this ministry and to how it will impact our little world around us.”  

An exciting feature of this building, which CBWC was honoured to be a part of via the C2 grant, is inclusion accessibility. The long, outdoor ramp and some bathroom features will allow every child access to the building and programs.   

“Our building now doesn’t have hinderances or barriers. Every child can come and be a part of our playground. It actually brings a tear to my eye,” Ashley said. “I am excited to have kids who are a part of our program just be able to get in and out of the building when before, it was such a struggle.”  

The theme for the preschool comes from Zechariah 4:10: “Do not despise these small beginnings”—a reminder that this phase in the lives of the little ones starting school and their families is such a special, significant time. Ashley shared that they love and take seriously the opportunity to be a part of such a formative part of life for these families. 

When asked what practical tips she had for parents with first time preschoolers, Ashley shared one of the most helpful things to do is to have intentional conversations at home.  

“If you have the ability to go to your preschool ahead of time, that is great. Put pictures of teachers up on the fridge. Talk about it at bedtime, and include it in your prayers together,” Ashley said.  

“I think as parents, when we talk about these things, we might be feeling more anxiety about it than the kids are feeling. So, to be calm and joyful about this big milestone really helps them feel like, ‘Oh this is an okay thing. It’s big and important but it’s okay too’.”   

Banff: A Personal Perspective & What to Bring When You Join Me

By Hannah Hamm

Maybe this sounds familiar— “When through the woods, and forest glades I wander… When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur…then sings my soul to Thee!” This could be an excerpt from my journal the last time I was at the CBWC pastors & spouses retreat in Banff, AB.

My husband and I, with the full support of our church council—which we do not take for granted—have made it a priority to be at this gathering for several years now. All aspects of this retreat are a feast for your physical and spiritual senses. The VENUE is unparalleled, and you will have ample time to explore both the castle, the grounds, and the town of Banff. The catered MEALS will more than satisfy your hunger, delighting your eyes and imagination just as much as your stomach. Another gift during mealtimes is long, unhurried CONVERSATION time with just a few table mates—maybe a new connection or maybe someone you haven’t seen since the last retreat. The SESSIONS are packed full of meaningful worship (well-led and planned by someone other than you), prayerful blessings, and directly relevant teaching. I have consistently found myself moved by one or all of these elements each day at the retreat. A favourite place for me—and others with a smaller social battery like myself—is the spiritual formation area, Stillpoint. Take TIME TO BE ALONE with your Maker, and the Maker of all the splendour framed by the huge windows. Maybe do some art, or pray in a new way, or just sit and listen for the voice of Love.

If you’re still not convinced this is worth asking your church council for, maybe consider the natural, spring-fed outdoor pool just outside an epic, historic indoor aquatic centre. I can’t even count the hours or the deep conversations I’ve had while floating there, surrounded by mountain grandeur during the day and brilliant stars by night.

So, now that you’re asking your church council to consider sending you, here’s what you should plan to bring.

– Comfortable clothes and your bathing suit
– Exercise clothing if you’d like to use the hotel facilities (these are generously offered on loan by the hotel, if requested; ask Randy Hamm how to access this perk)
– Walking shoes or boots for unforgettable outdoor exploration
– Weather depending, you may need winter gear for outdoor warmth
– Notebook or journal
– Your own access to the Scriptures

All linens and many toiletries are provided by the hotel

Come find me if you are attending with an extroverted pastor spouse and need coping strategies! Hope to see you there and may your soul sing. ~Hannah Hamm.

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections August 2024

Jasper Update

From Rev. Roy Nickel of Jasper Park Baptist Church

Esther 4:14 ” For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

Since writing this month’s MSR newsletter article, a “monster” wildfire (300+ foot wall of flames) swept up our picturesque Athabasca Valley and destroyed 30% of the town of Jasper. We feel so fortunate – the flames did not reach the center and north parts of town, so the original “Little White Church in the Rockies”, our manse, as well as the brick church deeded to us by the Lutherans survived the fire. Kurios house was also undamaged – we are SO grateful, and KURIOS will go on this fall! One of the main couples of the church lost their home, yet their generous hearts are already looking for ways to give to bless others! We’ve been absolutely floored by the generosity of people around the world, with their gestures of caring, support and prayer.

Our members’ meeting last night was SO encouraging as everyone was enthusiastically looking for ways to serve our community! We’ll offer the churches who lost their buildings (Anglican and United Church) the use of our building. We can provide some space in the white church for accommodation. We can offer the old sanctuary as a place to donate/receive donations of furniture, clothing and other essentials of life (not everyone carries home or tenants’ insurance). There are other possibilities for ministry and service. Please pray for wisdom for us as we move forward. Pray that the fire (still out of control) doesn’t double back on the town. Pray for physical, emotional and spiritual strength – the road ahead will be daunting! Thank you for your generosity, prayer and encouragement! Clearly, God brought us to this position “for such a time as this”!

Upcoming Events

Theology for the Ordinary: September 4 at 6 pm PST using zoom. We will be discussing Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I?  by Timothy Keller. All welcome!

Earlybird Registration for Banff Conference: September 10

CBWC Board: September 19-21

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation:  September 29

Banff Conference: November 11-14

Coming Soon—​Board Development Essentials Video Series! We hope you’ll schedule a few minutes into each of your 2024/2025 Church Board Meetings to engage these brief primers on practical elements of church leadership and administration.

Creating “A Community of Belonging”

How Active in Mission helped one church bring dignity and connection to its community

You may have been hearing a lot about Active in Mission from us over the past few months and be wondering what all the fuss is about. Active in Mission 2024, Feeding Hope, is in full swing to raise funds for ministries like The Neighbourhood Church’s community pantry, which we’ll hear about below. Help us address food insecurity in Canada and through CBM’s global partners by donating at!

For many years, The Neighbourhood Church (TNC) has been running a food hub for those in Burnaby, BC, who are food insecure. With help of several grants, including a 2023 Active in Mission grant made possible by the hard work and fundraising of churches and individuals across the Canadian Baptist family, TNC recently transitioned from a food bank to a community grocer-style ministry.

Now, people come for more of a scheduled shopping experience, giving them dignity and worth and avoiding the long lineups that they’re used to at the food bank.

Some who come for food are altogether homeless, and others are just struggling to make ends meet. Many are from war-torn countries or are new to Canada. And at the pantry, they are finding not only physical support, but emotional and spiritual support as well. TNC Outreach Coordinator Shelley Roxburgh explains, “One of the really beautiful things is that someone in the church built the extra-long table where we can sit and be with one another, and hear a little of their story as they wait to go into the pantry.

“We are now providing food for about 750 to 800 people per week,” Shelley says. “Obtaining food for that many people is really challenging. And so, we are constantly looking for donors and using our financial gifts and grants to secure more food. And we just thank God for people that He brings to us each week. Our goal is that this pantry will really help create a community of belonging.”

Our aim is to raise $100,000 across the country. Won’t you join us in Feeding Hope?

 Partner Spotlight: Carey Theological College

Guided by Faith: Carey Builds to Expand Community and Discipleship 
Sam Nakai, VP Operations & Registrar, Carey Theological College

“I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides Me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know Me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides Me; I am the Lord, and there is no other.” This passage from Isaiah 45 vividly tells the story of Carey Theological College’s current building project.

Our story began over two decades ago when Carey’s main building was constructed with the intention of further developing the campus on the northeast corner of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. There were numerous attempts to initiate the current building project with various uses and partnerships proposed, but none succeeded in moving forward. As time went on, Carey faced financial strain due to the changing landscape of theological education, that almost brought Carey to bankruptcy. The urgency to construct the new building to generate revenue and “save Carey” became critical, especially as it started borrowing money to meet payroll obligations.

Throughout this challenging period, the board and management team at Carey remained faithful, trusting that God is Lord and that His good and purposeful plans would, in time, come to fruition.

A new management team was brought in, and they embarked on a journey to alleviate the financial strain independent of a new building. This helped to ensure that when the new building was constructed, it would be based on a stronger foundation of financial stewardship. Initial positive results encouraged the board to make the bold decision to take time and raise the necessary funds for Carey to construct the new building on its own to solely support its mission. With the support from key donors, including the CBWC Foundation and board contacts, Carey was introduced to a stellar team of project managers, a lead architect, financing advisors, and up to 30 consultants to tackle the monumental task of designing and constructing the new building amidst rapidly rising interest rates and skyrocketing construction costs post-pandemic. Despite these immense challenges, God equipped Carey’s dedicated consultants. The work which the team is doing beautifully illustrates how God moves in the hearts of those who know Him and those who do not. I believe it’s because every person working on this project set aside their egos, allowing God’s invisible hand to move through the project—patiently waiting at times, actively overcoming at others, and systematically softening hearts when needed.

Construction progress since July 2024

But for what end? Carey’s ministry throughout its 65-year history has focused on one single goal: that people may know from the rising of the sun to the west that there is none beside God; that He is Lord, and there is no other. Thousands of student residents have been impacted by God through Carey’s student residence program. Each year, they speak about the community they are proud to be a part of, the lifelong friendships they are forming, and the spiritual growth they experience living with other Christians. Ultimately, they sense God’s presence when they walk through Carey’s doors. This story continues as the all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present God brings people together from all walks of life to fulfill His purpose for His people to relate towards others so that they commit to live for Christ and to live like Christ—the Great Commission.

Carey asks for your prayers as it approaches the completion of construction in the spring of 2025. We request that you prayerfully consider donating to provide a welcome package for students, sponsor a Bible verse for a prayer path, or furnish a student room or community space. You can contribute by following this link. Thank you for your generous prayers and support.

Carey’s original prayer path located outside our building. The verse reads: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” – Joshua 1:9

MSR Regional Newsletter

August 2024

Resources for Observing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024

By Jodi Spargur

Canadian Baptists across Canada are marking the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in their Sunday services this September 29th. A national working group has been hard at work to make your job in planning for that Sunday as easy as possible. 

There is a whole service outline available online with prayers, songs, and even a couple of recorded message options from Ray Aldred or Terry LeBlanc. There are resources for children’s and youth engagement, as well as ideas for learning in your own communities. 

Often, when I am speaking with pastors or parents, they will say something like, “Our kids are learning so much about the legacy of residential schools in school. They are learning way more than I ever did. But I am afraid that they will grow up to hate the church because of what they are learning.” One of the best responses to this fear can be ensuring that we talk about this legacy in church. We need to teach children the tools of our faith that equip us and them to face hard things. 

What are those tools, you ask? There are many, but let’s start with three:

Lament: Learning to lament what has gone wrong. To allow our hearts to break with the things that break God’s heart. (Jeremiah 9:20)

Solidarity: In Jesus’ parable answering the question, “Who is my neighbour?”, He tells the story of the Good Samaritan, who saw the suffering of the man beaten and left on the side of the road. The Samaritan cared for the injured man and went to great expense to see him returned to health. (Luke 10)

Justice: Where oppression is still ongoing, or has maybe changed shape slightly, the prophets remind us to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8) Doing justice might look like loosing “the chains of injustice.” (Isaiah 58:6)

Over the past few years, I see more and more people wearing orange shirts to church on the Sunday closest to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. A year ago, I was standing outside of a church after the service had wrapped up, and I noticed an Indigenous woman who had stopped on the sidewalk and was watching people come out, many had on Orange shirts. “What is that group?” she asked me. “That is a church that meets in that building,” I said. “And they are wearing Orange shirts?” she asked. “Looks like it,” I replied. “Hmm, there might be something to this reconciliation thing after all,” she replied, and walked off with a smile on her face. 

The path of healing and justice is more than a day and more than an orange shirt or the affirmation that “every child matters.” But what we do on the one day, of September 30th, might make a bigger difference than you realize. 

Check out the website: and share with us a story of what your September 29th worship service looked like. 

Lament and Comfort in the Valley

 This reflection is adapted with permission from Pastor Deb Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom in order to bring attention to CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible to join us at Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Support clergy care today: 

 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4) 

How do you tend to respond to the dark valleys of life? 

Psalm 23 provides us with a different lens through which to view life. We have already established that David seemed to have accepted that stuff happens, and his response to hardship was to place his trust in his Shepherd who was leading him.  

So many of the writings are a crying out to God, questioning Him, and wondering where He was in the pain and suffering. The beauty of Psalms and Lamentations is that they are vulnerable and raw—but then consistently and remarkably turn a corner, moving from lament to praise. They give us a template of sorts with which to work through our own pain. 

Looking at Psalm 23 in particular, we see that hardship is a normal part of life and that the dark valley, though extremely difficult, is also a necessary part of life. It is not easy to hear this, but the reality is that there is some growth and learning that can be accomplished only in difficult times. It is in the dark valley that trust is deepened, resilience and spiritual muscle are built, and wisdom is gained if we remain open to the work of the Spirit in our life. Through the analogy of sheep in Psalm 23, we discover that the valley is where the richest nutrients in the grass and the freshest water is found. It is where sheep are most vulnerable, but are also most closely watched by their Shepherd.  

Grief and lament are necessary for healing. Our pain, left unchecked, will consume us. Prayers of lament are an invaluable way of placing our fears and disappointment in front of us and before God. This allows us to address the issues that threaten to take over. Placing our anguish and grief before God stops them from hovering in the background and tormenting us. Lament is a practice that releases us from the power our fears and emotions hold over us. The dark valley and how we respond to it is all part of our formation, for better or for worse. Importantly, it is also another invitation to deepen our relationship with Jesus by growing our faith and developing our confidence in God’s trustworthiness. Lament helps us grieve in a healthy way, moving us forward through the valley to the other side of pain, grief, and suffering. 

The prayer of lament is also a way of reaching for God, drawing closer to Him, and finding words to articulate our pain. Sometimes there are no words at the beginning, only emotion. When we offer a genuine response to what has happened to us, the layers are peeled back and laid open and raw before the Lord. In this way, we can enter into an authentic conversation with God, as well as experience an unearthing of what we actually believe about Him.  

For Christ followers, this means the dark valley is where profound intimacy can grow between us and the Lord. 

Maybe you are reading this now while you’re in a dark valley. I would imagine that these words cut to the core. I get it. It is not my intention to make light of a situation or downplay the pain and suffering anyone is experiencing. We cannot sugarcoat the fact that suffering hurts. It can be devastating and has the capacity to overwhelm and destroy us. The wounds that suffering leaves behind can stay with us for years. I think it’s important to state that our great hope in Jesus does not take away the pain and anguish, but hope does provide the strength to get through one more day when we are hanging on by a thread. 

For David, it was in the shadow of death and during times of suffering and failure that he discovered the compassionate and gracious love of God. The same is true for many of us when we look back on our most difficult seasons in life.  

Let’s be honest. When we are at the end of our rope, all we have left is God and ourselves. If we are going to come out the other side, then we have a choice to make. Will we trust that God will come through even when we can’t seem to find Him in the darkness? 

Shalom awaits us in the presence of the Lord. 

Questions for Reflection 

  • What are the places in your life where you feel God is silent? 
  • If God is actually walking with you through the valley, how will you know where He is? 
  • How do you cultivate shalom in times of disruption? 
  • Where have you experienced God’s peace that passes all understanding? 

Summer Recipe Ideas

By Jenna Hanger

After complaining for all of May and June about the cold, windy days, the summer heat as landed with a heavy, relentless thump. While I am thrilled to finally be able to use our little pool and put away the sweaters, I am less thrilled to be struggling to keep my house at a liveable temperature!

I don’t know about you, but the last thing I feel like doing in a sweltering house is cooking, and there are only so many times a person can eat a hot dog! For my own sanity and yours, I have compiled a few recipes that are easy, quick and BBQ and camping friendly!

Tinfoil Dinner

You will need:

-Ground Beef
-Potatoes sliced thinly
-Carrots sliced thinly
-Onion (I like yellow onions)
-Seasoning salt

Take your large piece of tinfoil (you will be folding it over and sealing it to cook, so make sure you grab enough). Smear a generous amount of butter in the middle of it. Take some ground beef, and smash it down. Beside the meat, place potatoes, carrots, and onions (these can be placed together). Put a little more butter on the veggies. Season the whole thing with seasoning salt. Fold the tinfoil over, and roll the edges to seal in the food. Make sure it is sealed—you don’t want the juices falling out as you flip it on the fire or BBQ. It is also important to keep your food as flat as possible to make cooking faster. It is better to make a couple, instead of making a lot in one.

Let it cook on one side for a few minutes, and then flip it once to cook again. As soon as the meat is cooked, you’re good to go—but keep it on the heat for a few minutes to crisp up potatoes. Open, add ketchup if you like, and enjoy!

Some people like to add egg, onion soup mix, BBQ sauce, etc. to the meat. Think of a meatloaf recipe. I personally think it tastes awesome with just seasoning salt and butter. There’s something about how it all cooks together with the juices that makes everything very tasty.

Shrimp Wrap with Sweet Chili Mayo

This is a great meal for a hot day. It also can be made ahead of time and brought on a camping trip.

You will need:

-Shrimp (I like the already cooked, tail off shrimp to make it fast and easy)
-Rice Noodles
-Lime juice
-Rice Vinegar
-Sweet Chili Sauce
-Sesame oil
-Salt pepper

Essentially, what you will do is combine your shrimp, coleslaw, and sauce ingredients in a bowl, then mix it all up, and serve it in a wrap with rice noodles. Some recipes call for cooking your shrimp first, with cornstarch and oil to make them crispier. You will want raw shrimp for that. If your shrimp is already cooked, you can crisp it up quick in a pan with a bit of butter or oil, pepper, and garlic salt. Don’t overcook, or the shrimp will be rubbery. For measurements of the sauce, I like to use this recipe for reference:

If you are packing for camping, I would combine your sauce ingredients in a Tupperware. Then, combine it with the shrimp and coleslaw right before serving, so your coleslaw doesn’t get too mushy. Leftovers are good for a couple days, though. It tastes great cold!

Marinated Chicken Thighs

My sister started making this, and it’s honestly so tasty and amazing. It’s a recipe for smoking chicken thighs, but we have BBQ’ed them too, or popped in the oven—and they were delicious. My sister lets them marinate for a full day or overnight—the longer the better.

You will need:

-Boneless, skinless chicken thighs (you can use other types, but this is my favourite)
-Soya Sauce
-All Spice
-Cayenne Pepper
-Garlic Cloves minced
-Brown Sugar
-BBQ Rub

The recipe she uses is here: . These are great to serve with fries, salad, potatoes, rice—whatever you want! If you serve with rice the extra sauce is amazing to use on top.

Peanut Butter Chicken Wraps

This is another great summer recipe and my husband’s favourite meal. You can cook the chicken and make the sauce ahead of time if bringing camping.

You will need:

-Chicken breast
-Lettuce or coleslaw
-Rice noodles (or rice, I like rice noodles best)
-Peanuts (optional)
-Green onion (optional)

For sauce:
-Peanut butter
-Rice Vinegar
-Soya sauce
-Sesame Oil
-Pepper and salt
-Crushed red pepper flakes (add depending on how spicy you like it)
-Grated ginger (recipe says fresh ginger, I just use ground and put in less than what I would if it was fresh)
-Garlic cloves, minced

Cook your chicken and cut into small cubes. Combine sauce and whisk well. I like to pour the sauce in with the chicken on a pan and heat up quick, but you don’t have to do that. You can just combine with chicken. Then you make your wrap with your rice noodles, lettuce or coleslaw. Throw some peanuts on for crunch, and green onion because green onion is good on pretty much everything. For the sauce, I like to use this recipe: . They make their wraps a bit different then I do, combining the sauce with the coleslaw—but I like combining it with the chicken. You can also add bell peppers if you like for more veggies. It’s a flexible wrap!

Watermelon Salad with Cucumber, Mint and Feta

My mom just introduced this salad to us at a family BBQ. It is so refreshing and different, a perfect addition to any summer meal!

You will need:
-Mint and Basil Leaves
For Dressing:
-Lime Juice

This is a very fast, straightforward recipe. Found here: Perfect for camping or as an addition to any of the shared recipes above!

Attention All CBWC Retired Pastors: You are invited to BPC!

We are getting very excited about the upcoming Banff Pastors and Spouses conference taking place this November. We are still accepting gifts to our Give or Go campaign to help subsidize conference costs so as many pastors as possible can attend. Donations will be matched up to $25,000—this due to a generous gift from a CBWC supporter earlier this year who understands the role this conference plays in promoting clergy health & wellness. To learn more about this initiative and to donate to Give or Go, please visit Clergy Care – Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (

We are also excited to announce, for the very first time in the 50-year history of the Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference, that we are offering all CBWC retirees an invitation to attend this year’s conference at a substantially reduced rate–- 30 percent off! For many, retirement has provided new opportunities to encourage our body of believers. Like Barnabas who recognized the grace of God at work in the church and stayed to cheer on those in the faith, our retirees bring with them a lifetime of experience and godly wisdom to be shared. We look forward to welcoming them as an act of ongoing clergy care and an extension of our deep appreciation for their faithful ministry. To receive the discount code and for more information, please email Esther Kitchener at

Career Opportunity: BCY Regional Minister

Click HERE for info!

Notice of Voluntary Disaffiliation:

The CBWC wishes to express its gratitude to Emmanuel Baptist Church in Saskatoon, SK, in honour of our shared history and ministry together. The CBWC was notified of their voluntary disaffiliation effective July 4, 2024.

 Emmanuel Saskatoon was incorporated in 1960. We pray God’s blessing upon this congregation as they move forward in embracing a new beginning and alignment elsewhere.

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections July 2024

Active in Mission Campaign:

Feeding Hope

Our CBWC Staff team is getting active AGAIN this summer to help raise funds across Canada for those grappling with food insecurity both locally and globally. Our team goal is to walk/run/bike/golf/kayak the distance across Canada—7,560 kilometers—by the end of August!

Last year, we were able to raise $110,000 collectively, and of that, 11,000 of those dollars were granted to CBWC churches engaged in food security programs here in Western Canada. We want to make an even bigger difference this year! It’s not too late for you to get on board and get Active in Mission with us and other Canadian Baptists from across the country to help feed people around the world.

If you or your church would like to register to join the 2024 campaign—Feeding Hope—click on the link below for instructions.

To learn more about Team Staff CBWC and to encourage them with your donation, visit CBWC Staff ( and let’s see how far across the country we can get by the end of the summer!

 Partner Spotlight: CBM

The Power of a Few to Inspire the Many

On the outskirts of Cochabamba, Bolivia, a small 25-member church serves 75 children every day. A church of 600 in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon serves more than 4,000 refugees. And in Nagaland, India, a local Baptist denomination is helping victims of human trafficking by providing job skills training for a better future.

Amidst the volatility and uncertainty in our world today, CBM’s global partners are making an impact in their communities. God is present and active in places of instability, tragedy, and human suffering.

And they aren’t doing it alone. Part of CBM’s long history in mission has been to make connections among our global partners to help fulfill their desire to extend their reach and impact by partnering and networking with other churches and organizations. The Gisenyi Africa partners have brought together other partners in East Africa to learn from and support one another. Groups like the Baptist Forum for Aid and Development, the Global Baptist Mission Network, and the Ascent Network have reached out to collaborate further for greater Kingdom impact.  

These types of networks have been key in responding to recent tragedies and unexpected crises. With feet already on the ground, our partners are able to identify and deliver what’s most needed. In recent months, there have been flash floods in Kenya, continued unrest in DR Congo, and the war in Ukraine still rages on. Because of your support, we have been able to respond quickly.

We celebrate the ability to reach people in need when they need it most. Thank you, CBWC family, for your part in allowing us to ensure we’re ready to respond again when the next crisis or unforeseen tragedy occurs.

BCY Regional Newsletter

July 2024

Carolyn Arends at BPC 2024! 

Anticipation is building towards welcoming CBWC Clergy, Chaplains, and Spouses to Banff 2024! Come and invest in rest, expansive time without ministry demands, deep conversation with others in ministry, worship that you don’t need to plan, and thought-provoking sessions geared towards transformation and growth.

There is something deeply refreshing and comforting about having long, unhurried, undistracted conversations with fellow pastors in a beautiful place.

– BPC Attendee


Monday Evening Concert

Following a shared dinner together, our Monday evening concert will be filled with the inspiring and uplifting music of Carolyn Arends and Spencer Capier!

Carolyn Arends has released 14 albums (including two brand new projects, Recognition, and In the Morning) and is the author of 3 critically-acclaimed books. 15 of Arends’ songs have become top 10 radio singles on the Canadian pop and US Christian charts. Arends has earned 2 Dove Awards, 3 Juno Nominations, and was recognized as the West Coast Music Awards’ Songwriter of the Year. Her prose has been recognized by The Word Guild, The Evangelical Press Association and The Canadian Church Press Awards.

In addition to her busy touring and speaking schedule, Carolyn has been a regular columnist for Christianity Today, Faith Today, and CT Women, and has served as an adjunct professor at a number of universities. She has a degree in Psychology and English from Trinity Western University and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Regent College. She lives in Surrey, BC, with her husband, Mark, and their young adult children, Benjamin and Bethany.

Carolyn is currently the Director of Education for Renovaré, a far-reaching organization that encourages and nurtures spiritual renewal. She continues to be available on a select basis for speaking, retreat facilitation, concerts, worship leading, and songwriting and performance seminars. Connect with Carolyn by visiting and be sure to sign up for her Weekly Digest. You can also find her on Instagram (@carolyn_arends), Facebook (@CarolynArendsOfficial), Twitter (@CarolynArends) and Spotify.

Tuesday Morning Session: Worship and Keynote

Living in the Overflow: The Cycle of Grace

Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:37-39)

As we pour out our lives for others, are we continually replenished or constantly drained? Are there some things we can do to co-operate with God in His desire to fill us with living water? On Tuesday morning, Carolyn Arends will lead us in song and also help us explore “the cycle of grace” and its connection to a sustainable way of life in ministry.



HeartSmart HR: Understanding Clergy Communication Privilege

By Louanne Haugan, Director of Communications and Development

Clergy communication privilege in Canada is a legal concept that protects confidential communications between clergy and individuals seeking spiritual guidance or counseling.  Individuals often turn to the Church for guidance in matters that are deeply personal or sensitive in nature. Understanding the level of privacy can be confusing at times. While preserving trust between clergy and parishioners is paramount, are there circumstances that require pastors to divulge what they have been told? The Canadian Centre for Christian Charities provides helpful information on this.

In Canada, clergy communication privilege varies across provinces and territories—there is no federal legislation. Instead, it is primarily established through common law principles and may be subject to interpretation by courts on a case-by-case basis.

The last time the Supreme Court of Canada discussed this matter in detail was in 1991 concerning the case of R. v. Gruenke. In that case, Ms. Gruenke confessed to a pastor and of her involvement in the murder of an elderly man. The pastor went to the police and gave a statement outlining what he was told.

Ms. Gruenke’s legal counsel made the argument that the information given to the pastor was privileged and could not be disclosed during the trial. The matter made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada, where seven out of nine judges determined that religious communication between a parishioner and a clergy member does not warrant special status unless if fits the “Wigmore Test” (John Henry Wigmore, Evidence in Trials at Common Law) as determined on a case-by-case basis. There are four elements of the test:

  1. The communications must originate in a confidence that they will not be disclosed.
  2. The element of confidentiality must be essential to the full and satisfactory maintenance of the relation between the parties.
  3. The relation must be one which in the opinion of the community ought to be sedulously fostered.
  4. The injury that would inure to the relation by the disclosure of the communications must be greater than the benefit thereby gained for the correct disposal of litigation.

When it comes to the welfare of children, there is no situation for which a pastor or religious leader can legally refuse to report suspected or actual abuse. In some provinces, it is also required to report elder abuse. A church cannot say that the refusal to report was because they planned to deal with it as a matter of internal discipline. If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child may be in need of protection, then you are required by law to promptly report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based to the authorities. Many tragic incidents of child abuse continue because of the failure of informed individuals to report the ill-treatment to the police and other government agencies. The church, including its directors and officers, may be liable for failing to report suspected abuse if such reporting would have curtailed the abuse.

Overall, clergy communication privilege plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of individuals seeking spiritual guidance and support without fear of disclosure. While it is not absolute, it reflects Canada’s commitment to respecting the privacy of individuals in matters of faith and personal conscience. It is important for clergy to understand the importance of maintaining clergy-parishioner confidentiality while also understanding when that confidentiality may be overridden legally or in the interest of public safety. In cases where a pastor may be called upon to give confidential evidence—for instance, in a court case—it would be prudent to consult legal counsel before doing so.

Churches may wish to develop policies as to how they will handle such communications. At the very least, they should consider adopting a policy in which any confessions that pose a “risk to public safety” will be reported, and individuals who may be undergoing counseling by pastoral staff should be made aware of this policy in advance.

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James 3:17)

¹R v. Gruenke [1991] 3 S.C.R. 263

Developing a Vision for the Future

Westhill Park Baptist Takes Advantage of Gov Grant

By Jenna Hanger

It is common knowledge that society has shifted a lot over the past 30 years. The ever-expanding use of technology, changing demographics in communities, inflation rates rising, significant social-cultural changes, and a growing number of young people who don’t identify with faith or moved away from it, have all led to new needs that churches have to confront.

When the pandemic hit, churches were significantly affected within a short-time frame, leaving many in a place of uncertainty. Westhill Park Baptist Church in Regina, SK, felt these pressures. One of the most noticeable changes for them was the number of people choosing to engage online instead of in-person. Pre-pandemic, around 5% of the congregation took part online. After the pandemic, about one-third of the church had moved to online, creating a need to figure out how to still care for and pastor the people who weren’t attending physically.

On top of the shift brought on by the pandemic, Westhill’s pastor of twenty-two years retired. These circumstances led to an opportunity to sit and evaluate their priorities, and to refocus the mission of their church.

When Westhill received an email from CBWC alerting them of an opportunity to apply for the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery, they moved quickly to fill out the lengthy application with a unique vision in mind—to hire a third-party company to guide them in developing a “Strategy Map.” This map would clearly lay out their hopes and dreams, as well as mission statement and goals that their church would strive to follow and be held accountable to.

With funds from the grant, Westhill was able to hire Praxis Consulting who, over the course of a few months, held many spirit-led discussions, prayer meetings, and conversations. They talked with people from all parts of the church—from leadership down to the youngest children.

The process was very affirming––bathed in prayer and worship together. The congregation was fully engaged with God and each other as an expert guided them in meaningful conversations.

These meetings led to the development of a document which articulated their vision, mission, hope and dream for the world. They were then able to develop some deliverables, aspirations, and goals—as well as a tangible plan to achieve them.

“With God’s direction, we now have a 5-year strategy map that will inform, contextualize, and guide our ministry goals, priorities, programs, activities, and staffing. This is a very exciting time for our church, and we want to continue to transform lives, families, and our community in ever-increasing ways,” Pastor Tim Coleman shared.

One thing that came out of the sessions was a clear focus to reach the next generation. This desire led to a priority to hire a Next Gen ministries youth pastor, which was achieved.

The timing for a refocus was also unique for Westhill as they just celebrated their 100th anniversary. As they reflected on this milestone, there was a lot of thoughtful discussion in what they want to lay as groundwork for those who will be here to celebrate the next 100 years.

Special note from Westhill Park Baptist Church:

The strategic planning initiative was funded by the Government of Canada’s
Community Services Recovery Fund. The Community Services Recovery Fund is a
$400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support community
service organizations, including charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing
bodies, as they adapt and modernize their organizations.

We are grateful for this support in enabling us to put together our Strategy Map.

He Refreshes My Soul

Do you long to rest in the character of God, release the things of this world that we cling to, and reset our focus on the Kingdom of God? Then join us in this fourth devotional from Psalm 23, seeking to follow Christ’s invitation to each of us to enter His shalom. These reflections are adapted from Deb Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom and are used with permission.  

He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3) 

Rest. Drink. Restore. Repeat. The imagery the psalmist uses to describe the restoration of our souls opens up our imagination to the wonder of what rest could look like. 

It is stunningly beautiful. Will we allow ourselves to be led by our Shepherd, giving ourselves permission to stop for a while and receive a much-needed break from our schedules and the chaos of life?  

The purpose of spiritual disciplines is not as a means to control our sin. Their purpose is to help us open our hearts to God. This is not drudgery. It is freedom.  

To spend time with the Lord is to let your guard down and rest in Him. To sit in His presence without having to fill the silence, without having to accomplish something, and without having an agenda to bring to God is not only a soul thing—it’s also a heart, mind, and body thing. It is all interconnected. Our whole being longs to be filled with the shalom of God. We simply don’t always recognize our restlessness and discontent as a lack of resting in God’s presence. The connection between soul care and wellbeing is undeniable. 

Are you struggling to make decisions in life? Has feeling anxious become a way of life? Do you find yourself filled with negativity (critical of others, negative thinking, gossip, judgmental, tense and short tempered)? Do you have unexplained pain, headaches, or digestive issues? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by small and trivial things, or do you feel out of gas? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be your soul telling you it is in need—and not only your soul but also your heart, mind, and body. 

There is a collective fatigue and yearning for something more. There is a desire, whether conscious or not, to connect with God and people at a deeper level. And there is a longing to live at a pace that is sustainable and life-giving. For years, we have worn busyness as a badge of honor. Lately, though, there seems to be an underlying sadness attached to it. We feel trapped by our busyness. 

What will it take for us to exchange fast-paced productivity and efficiency for a slow, deep, and meaningful way of life? 

The truth of the matter is, it is a question of lordship. Who gets the final say on our health and well-being—the world or Jesus? As a shepherd tends to his sheep making sure all their needs are met, we too are invited to experience the same kind of care from the Lord. Are we willing to submit ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, for the sake of His Name? 

By allowing ourselves to be guided by Him into the best places where will we grow and thrive, we will find the spiritual sustenance to strengthen our souls, enabling us to go out and participate with God in redeeming the whole earth. 

The Gospel is far more than merely “coming to Jesus” and securing our salvation. It is an invitation into the kingdom of God where there is no sacred and secular divide. Jesus is Lord of all, and when we submit to His lordship through righteousness and repentance, shalom is cultivated in us and the world around us. 

Righteousness cultivates shalom. As we allow the Lord to guide us along the path of righteousness, giving ourselves away to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we open the door to receive the abundant generosity of the Shepherd. We lack nothing. But we also become less fragile. Our relationship with Jesus is strengthened because we are building spiritual muscle. Rest and responsibility lead to renewal and righteousness. 

Repentance cultivates shalom by turning us back toward Jesus and giving us a fresh and renewed presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

Questions for Reflection 

  • Where have you gotten off track from the path of righteousness?  
  • What cultural voices are drowning out the voice of Jesus and work of the cross in your life? 
  • What is going on in your soul?  
  • Where do you see the Holy Spirit in this situation? Will you allow your Father in heaven to guide you back along the path of righteousness? To gather you to Himself and let the longing of your soul be met with His intimate love? 

As He heals and restores us, He is shaping and forming us into new creations in Christ. While we rest, we grow, becoming the people God both imagined and created us to be. 

This reflection is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative where your donation can make double the difference helping as many pastors as possible attend Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Learn more: 

Notice of Voluntary Disaffiliation

The CBWC wishes to express its gratitude to First Baptist Church in Edmonton, AB in honour of our shared history and ministry together. The CBWC was notified of their voluntary disaffiliation effective June 21, 2024.

FBC Edmonton joined the CBWC in 1907. We pray God’s blessing upon this congregation as they move forward in embracing a new beginning and alignment elsewhere.

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections June 2024

Kurios Update & Lower Fees

Kurios is now the most affordable Christian gap year experience in Canada!

Thanks to a generous donation, we have been able to reduce the cost for students to attend this coming year to only $7500! For an 8-month program, that is less than $1000/month, which includes housing, food, teaching, mentoring, and tons of adventure!! The only thing not included is our 5 weeks in Guatemala (approx. $4000), which is fully fundraised by each student. Click here for cost info

Do you know any young adults looking to invest in their relationship with God? Please share this exciting news with them. We’ve learned, over 4 years of recruiting students, that the most significant factor is always the invitation to consider Kurios from a trusted Christian adult. We need you to encourage them to check out our program, our viewbook is a great place to start.

The adventure begins with moving to Jasper, into a newly renovated 100-year-old home in the center of this mountain community. We are warmly and deeply welcomed by the church community, and invited into their lives, homes, and ongoing ministry. Together, our group of young adults create a beautiful rhythm of life centered on Jesus Christ our Lord, learning to love God and love others with our whole, integrated beings. We get out into the mountains where cell phones don’t work, and begin the journey of learning to listen to God in prayer. Here are some comments from our most recent participants:

Ben – I love starting each day focused on God and inviting Him to be present in all that we have planned, and then ending each day looking back and thanking God for all that He has done. 

Grace – This year has given me time to begin to heal from hurtful experiences, and I can now see that God has been with me through it all.

Dani – I love that we take time to discuss the Bible and really try and understand it. I’ve learned that I really care about how to live out the Bible in my life.

Tyler – Being in Jasper with amazing people who showed me and guided me through scripture and my every day journey with Christ was very impactful and leads me to where I am today.

Our fall session includes a west coast road trip, the highlight being our time with HopeHill in Vancouver, where our young adults get to meet, learn from, and serve older adults in this amazing community. We are so grateful for this partnership! The trip also includes ministry opportunities with our lower mainland churches, learning sessions with amazing presenters, and an appearance at our annual pastor’s conference in Banff.

The winter session begins with our 5+ weeks in Guatemala, trading the -25°C Canadian winter for the +25°C Guatemalan dry season. This life changing immersion in another culture forever changes how we understand the Kingdom of God, as we build friendships with other followers of Jesus who see life and faith from a different point of view. Our CBM partners are amazing in coordinating and facilitating this core part of our program.

We appreciate your continued prayers for us as we look ahead and plan for this coming year, and for all of our alumni in their many endeavors. If you feel led to support Kurios financially, just click here. You can always follow us in our adventures on Instagram or Facebook.

Please reach out with feedback or questions! I can be reached by cell at 780-690-2357 or

 Partner Spotlight: CBWC Foundation

Need Help Making a Will?

A recent study of Canadians found that 62% do not have a will and a further 12% have an outdated will. That is close to 75% of us who do not have this piece of important financial discipline properly cared for.

Why does a will matter?

Financially, it means lower costs to your estate and more help for your loved ones. Lower costs, because estates with a proper will are probated faster and more efficiently—saving money on legal and executor costs. In contentious situations where there is no will, the process can be prolonged by years, tying up resources and piling on fees. It also means that a court-appointed government agent will decide how the estate will be paid out with no obligation to be as efficient as possible with taxes or according to your wishes.

While finances are important, more importantly is the care it provides for your remaining family members. In a time of dislocation and grief, they are not forced to deal with the legal complexities that having no will can cause. They also have clear direction on your wishes, which is very helpful and comforting in a time of grief. And finally, no one knows the nuances of your family dynamics better than you to ensure your resources do the most possible good for your family.

Our final will is also our last chance to direct resources to ministries and causes we care about. Just like your annual tax return, our government is very generous toward charitable giving, allowing us to direct what would have been taxed to things we want to support. This is no less true on your final tax return. With the help of a gift planner, you can often make substantial contributions to causes you care about—like your church and ministries you love, without substantially reducing the amount you leave to your family.

Need help making a will?

CBWC constituents have access to guidance on making wills and gift planning services through Advisors with Purpose. AWP is a ministry designed to help with these crucial aspects of stewardship. CBWC, the CBWC Foundation and Carey have generously prepaid these services for you so that finances are not a barrier to anyone in our family of churches. You can access AWP through any of our websites. Its free and confidential.

Heartland Regional Newsletter

June 2024

Let’s Get Active!

It’s time to lace up your sneakers and get Active in Mission! 

Last year, we raised over $100,000 to help feed people in Canada and around the world. This year, we want to do even more! Will you be part of it this year? Whether it’s you, your youth group, or your church team—join us in Feeding Hope locally and globally.  

Are you ready to get Active in Mission?  Register today!

What is Your Soul Saying Today?

We’re in our third instalment in a series of reflections from Psalm 23 in which we hope you join us to rest in the character of God, release the things of this world that we cling to, and reset our focus on the Kingdom of God and His invitation to each of us to enter His shalom. These reflections are adapted from Pastor Deborah Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom and are used with her permission.

He leads me beside quiet waters (Psalm 23:2).

What is your soul saying to you today?

Is it parched and feeling like it is about to shrivel up? Perhaps it feels fatigued or weather-beaten, confused or disappointed. On the other end of the spectrum, maybe your soul feels like a deep well of fresh water, even overflowing enough to share with others.

Wherever you are at, caring for your soul is a vital part of spiritual formation. I don’t know about you, but I was not brought up with the concept of paying attention or tending to my soul. This now feels shocking to me. Our soul is our very breath of life.

Our soul is the place within us where our spirit connects with God’s Spirit. Why would it be okay to ignore that?

The imagery in Psalm 23 speaks loudly as we enter with the Lord leading us beside still and quiet waters. Note the Shepherd is the lead and the sheep are following. The Shepherd sees when His sheep are thirsty. They become restless and begin to look for water to quench their thirst. They will settle for any kind of water because they don’t know any better. This is often to their detriment because they will drink polluted water with parasites, causing all sorts of discomfort and disease.

The Shepherd knows where the clean, fresh, cool water is. He takes them to the best place—where the sheep can receive sustenance and satisfy their thirst. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matthew 5:6 NIV).

Jesus calls us to become deeper people. When we long for more, Jesus responds by offering us living water. We drink our fill from His wellspring, and in turn, He sends us out to bring it to those in need.

Rest enables us to gain clarity, to declutter and let go of things that prevent us from experiencing peace. This, in turn, creates space for us to drink from the well of living water, refreshing and restoring us.

Spending time with Jesus cultivates shalom.

  • Do you feel full and refreshed or parched and dry?
  • Do you long for more of God’s presence in your life?
  • What does it look like right now in your life to “drink from the well of living water”? Are you regularly setting aside time to care for your soul?
  • When was the last time you experienced God’s presence in your life? Take a moment to write about it. Describe the emotions you were feeling leading up to the experience and the emotions you felt after God met with you.

This psalm paints a striking picture of what Jesus, our Shepherd, is offering us. He is inviting us to drink from His well and fill our soul with His refreshment.

He is offering us life.

This reflection is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible to join us at Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Find out how your donation can make double the difference:

Let’s Celebrate Father’s Day!

World Refugee Day

By Jenna Hanger

There are 130.8 million refugees worldwide—according to reporting by the UN Refugee Agency—a number that is brought to light as we celebrate World Refugee Day on June 20th.

Refugee work is an important part of CBWC’s Engaging in Mission value. This past year, our churches have helped to sponsor 187 individuals. While this number may seem like a small drop in an ocean of need, we cannot underestimate the significance of being able to help even one individual.

Mahbuba, a refugee from Afghanistan who arrived in August 2023, is an example of a life changed. With the support of Kitsilano Christian Community Church in Vancouver, BC (Kits), Mahbuba has settled into her new life and pursue further education––a dream that would not have been a reality without support.

When Mahbuba arrived, she was provided with a place to stay rent free, a family to live with, and financial support as she completed English courses and now works to complete a Legal Administrative Assistant course. Having such a solid support system in place when she arrived has been a substantial leg up.

“If someone comes here and they don’t have anyone to guide them, they will feel completely lost. New country, new language, new people, new system… I have been privileged to have this,” Mahbuba said, excitedly talking about the opportunities she has had in Canada.

“If I talk about my country, there’s a lot of people that have a dream––they want to move forward, but they were deprived of a lot of things and couldn’t. But here, if you want to, you can do it. If you have a goal and patience for that specific goal, you can move forward here.”

Susan Ferguson, a member of Kits, has been instrumental in helping with her church’s refugee effort. 

Their journey started in 2015/2016 when they brought a family from Syria over through the CBWC’s refugee program. Since then, they have helped welcome several people from Afghanistan as well. This past year alone, they have helped a family of five, a family of four, and two individuals settle in Canada.

“It can be very overwhelming to work in this area because there is such a huge need. We are aware of what terrible situations people are coming from. It can seem really overwhelming. The thing that I remind myself of is that you can’t help everyone, but you can help the one that’s in front of you. You can help this small group, this family, this individual,” Susan said.

She added that the outreach to their immediate community through their refugee efforts has also been significant.

“When we have gone to raise money, more than half of the money is contributed from people outside of the church. When we are doing this work, people see our church doing something other than the things that churches make the headlines for these days,” Susan said. 

“It is an important form of outreach for our church. People who would normally never step foot in the door want to be part of something good that we are doing.”

For churches who are considering sponsorship, Susan says the most important thing you can do is really listen to the people you are trying to help.

“One thing that I think is important is to let yourself, to some extent, be led by the people you are trying to help. In other words, not deciding for them what is good for them, but making opportunities available and then listening.” Susan said.

There are things that we have no idea about that they are dealing with when they first arrive—the traumatic experiences they have been through, but also cultural norms and expectations. It is so easy to misstep.”

For more information on how you might get involved, check out the Justice and Mercy Network’s resource page HERE.

Notice of Voluntary Disaffiliation: 

The CBWC wishes to express its gratitude to The Church at Southpoint in Surrey, BC, in honour of our shared history and ministry together. The CBWC was notified of their voluntary disaffiliation effective April 26, 2024.

Southpoint was incorporated in 2004. We pray God’s blessing upon this congregation as they move forward in embracing a new beginning and alignment elsewhere.

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections May 2024

What’s Happening

  • Looking forward to gathering with you on Zoom for CBWC Assembly 2024 on May 16
  • BC and Yukon Pastors and Spouses, join us for a retreat: June 13-14 in White Rock with speaker Mark Hazzard. Register here:
  • From workshops to ice cream socials to keynote Carolyn Arends, BCY Regional Assembly and BC Convention AGM is sure to be a wonderful weekend. Join us June 14-15 in White Rock. Details and sign up info here:
  • Banff Pastors Conference is approaching November 11-14. Find out how you can give to support clergy wellness, or attend the conference, at c

He Makes Me Lie Down

The great irony of Sabbath-keeping is how hard it is for us to say no to people but how with such ease we say no to being at rest with God. — A. J. Swoboda, Subversive Sabbath 

He makes me lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:2). 

 When was the last time you slept like a baby? 

And who came up with that phrase? Because whoever used that metaphor for a good night’s sleep clearly never spent a night with my kids! 

In our home, nighttime was the survival of the fittest. It was quite a production every evening: the bath and the story time, the prayers, the lullabies, the back rubs, and the reassurance that we were right down the hall, not far away. 

Finally, the lights were turned off, and my husband and I would sit down to relax. It was then that round two of the bedtime ritual would begin. Someone was thirsty or had to go to the bathroom. They were too hot or too cold, the blankets weren’t right, or they were lonely. 

Our kids could not bring themselves to surrender to sleep until all their needs were met. Finally, they were so utterly exhausted they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer. And so were we. 

It was always a challenge to convince our kids that sleep was a good thing. They were tired but restless, unaware of what they really needed. They didn’t understand that while they slept, their bodies were healing, restoring, and growing.  

Our job as parents is to take care of our children and keep them safe. Their job is to trust us and in turn, obey. There is a mutuality to their thriving. 

Trust is the backbone of a healthy relationship. Trust is built over time and needs to be nurtured. For better or for worse, and often unknowingly, we tend to rely on our experiences with others to affirm or deny a person’s trustworthiness. It is difficult to rest in the presence of someone you don’t trust. Sadly, trust is something many of us struggle with when it comes to our relationship with God. I wonder whether the main reason is because we have placed ourselves in the driver’s seat of the relationship, constantly questioning if God is trustworthy enough for us to allow him to take over. 

We cannot rest in God if we do not feel safe. 

Psalm 23 speaks to this through the rich imagery of a shepherd tending his flock of sheep: “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” 

The fact that the word makes is used in this verse indicates that we aren’t always willing to heed the Shepherd’s direction by giving ourselves over to rest. It seems that we have reversed the nature of what it means to be in relationship with Jesus. We forget it is God who initiated the relationship, not us. It is His role as our Father in heaven to take care of us and meet our needs. Our job is to respond with trust and, yes—obedience. But like children, we often resist the very thing that will keep us healthy and content. 

W. Phillip Keller is an author who happens to be a shepherd. He explains in his book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 that sheep don’t always know what they need and what is best for them, so they rely on the shepherd to guide them to a good place to rest.  

They don’t need to know where the green pastures or still waters are. They need only to know where the shepherd is. Because they trust their shepherd, the sheep look to him for guidance, comfort, safety and care. 

With this imagery in mind, we gain a deeper sense of what David is trying to say about his relationship with God. My shepherd provides all my needs. Because in Christ I lack nothing, I can trust Him to watch over me and care for me. When He sees I need rest, I can submit to His direction. I can relax and lie down because I know that all my concerns are safely in His care while I refresh and restore. 

Jesus invites us into this kind of rest-Sabbath rest. God created Sabbath and has given it as a gift for our well-being.  

Our job is to accept the gift.    

This reflection adapted from Deborah Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom is used with her permission and is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible to join us at Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Learn more: 

 Partner Spotlight: Hopehill

Hello From Hopehill in Vancouver. There is an old proverb that states, “Don’t curse the darkness, light a candle.”   

It is great advice. There is much darkness to be aware of in life.  One of the dark spots in Canadian life is the “cost of affordable housing.” Every generation faces this challenge, and it seems to be true in almost every province, especially in the larger cities. Vancouver is just “insane” in this matter.

We could curse the darkness, or we could light a candle. We choose the second. Hopehill is building 250 new, affordable, low-cost housing units for low-income seniors over the next 5 years. Our target audience is people, over 60, who are living on less than $50K per year. We know how stressful it is to find an affordable place if you don’t have one, and how stressful it is to maintain a place as costs keep rising. Once done, Hopehill will be home to 600 residents living in a vibrant, village-like community in Vancouver.

As of April 2024, we are halfway to completing our first of 3 residences. 64 units will be available in February 2025. Would you like to come join us? We clearly identify as a faith-based campus, but two-thirds of our residents profess no faith, or an alternative worldview. We believe we are on a mission at Hopehill! If you are interested, please contact us at We will begin taking applications in August of this year.

Jesus once talked about the value of “a cup of cold water in His Name.” If He were to contextualize it to today, would He also say “an affordable place to call ‘home’ in His Name?”

Mountain Standard Regional Newsletter

May 2024

Lessons from Motherhood

By Jenna Hanger

I remember last Mother’s Day, watching a cute video at church that listed all these adjectives for mothers. Endless patience, kindness, and understanding. Gentle as a lamb, strong as a giant. An angelic voice when singing lullabies, but loud as a foghorn when calling for dinner. There was even mention of mending and sewing clothes. These lovely words were accompanied by a mother smiling and whirling her children around. Energetically cleaning the house, which already looked suspiciously pristine and cradling her new baby serenely.

I sat there thinking, goodness, that is not me at all. I do not have endless patience, kindness, or understanding.

I have limits that I seem to hit daily. I am not as gentle as a lamb. I have a terrible singing voice. I cannot sew, and I am not serenely doing anything. I am maddeningly tidying the house, which never seems to stay clean, or I am sitting at my computer trying to get work done as chaos swirls around me. (Case in point, it has taken me a couple days to write this article because of the constant interruptions.) It seems I am constantly apologizing for talking too harshly to my girls and feeling overstimulated. Most moms I know are pulled in a thousand directions—trying to work like we don’t have kids and raise kids like we don’t work.

I watched this video, which we seem to see a different version of every year and thought, Why can’t they show something realistic? A haggard mom flopping on her bed with a to-do list that seems barely touched or shouting at her kids to stop fighting. The narrator could say, “Here is a mom, at the end of her rope. She’s given up on finishing the laundry, is exhausted from work, and has a pounding headache from the noisy household. This Mother’s Day, why don’t you go for a nice long walk and give your mom some well-needed peace and quiet?” Immediately, of course, I felt guilty. Because on Mother’s Day I should want to be with my children, not craving some alone time—though, alone time is very much needed now and again. It’s the never-ending emotional swirl of motherhood—the guilt, enjoyment, and genuine longing to be home again when we get a break—all mixed together.

I was beginning to feel resentful of these picture-perfect moms presented to us on Mother’s Day, but then I thought back to memories of my mom growing up. My mother raised five daughters while helping on the ranch, speaking at various youth events and pursuing her many interests. I remember my mom sometimes struggling. But mostly, oddly, I remember scenes like the idyllic video shows. I remember her having an impressive amount of patience in our chaotic house. I remember fun family moments, quiet snuggles on the couch, and family dinners around the table. Even the times when we all weren’t at our best are now funny to reminisce about. All these little moments—which I am sure weren’t always easy for my mom—are built up in my head as a happy childhood. My mom is still one of my favourite people on this planet. Celebrating her every May is easy for me. I count myself very lucky to have the mom that I do. Interestingly, she still says those days of us being young and demanding were some of her favourite times. It made me wonder if perhaps I am not doing too bad myself, and if my kids see things differently than I do.

This reflecting has made me thankful for three things; grace, forgiveness, and love without conditions. These traits are what my children give me so freely, what the Lord gives me daily, and what can turn even the bad days into good days. It amazes me how quickly my kids can forgive my shortcomings and move on to the next thing, or how they come to me for hugs and kisses even after I have lost my temper.

Even though it feels like I am the one always giving to my kids, the truth is they give some incredible gifts and life lessons to me. Though physically and mentally I can feel drained, spiritually speaking, I think they teach me and fill me up more than I can even recognize right now in the thick of it.

I see traits from the Lord, and reflections of my relationship with Him through both my relationships as a daughter and as a mother. Coming to Him for comfort, counsel and nurturing, He plays a significant maternal role in my life. Him forgiving me an endless number of times and loving me regardless of my shortcomings is akin to how my children bounce back to me, no matter what kind of day we have.

It’s interesting to view motherhood like this, like a reflection of our relationship with the Lord. We often reflect on God the Father, but there are verses about God being like a mother as well.

Isaiah 66:13 says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”

In Luke 13:34,  Jesus says, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.”

If you are like me, wrapped up in the thick of motherhood and feeling the weight of everything you aren’t, I hope that you can cut yourself some slack and realize you are doing better than you think you are. I also hope you can see the beauty in the chaos and see the Lord’s love reflecting at you throughout it all.

And if you aren’t a mother, but have one, go give her a hug and maybe some flowers. A little goes a long way!

Giving Room for Grief

By Jenna Hanger

Leanne Friesen was no stranger to the process of dying. In fact, she was somewhat of an expert on it. Having become a pastor at twenty-seven years old, completed courses on bereavement, led funerals, supported grievers in their loss, and sat beside deathbeds, she felt well familiar with the area.

But, when her sister passed away after an eight-year battle with cancer, Leanne was humbled to realize she did not understand grief at all. She found her journey with grief to be confusing, difficult, and surprising in ways she hadn’t expected.

“In the years that went from there, I came out with this term “Grieving Room.” I spent the next few years realizing that what grief needs is space. There’s always this desire to fix it, to come up with some big solution, but I started realizing I just really need my grief to be heard and seen and allowed to be. I needed to give myself that room,” Leanne said.

The lessons she was learning evolved into a blog, which eventually during the COVID lockdowns led to writing her book; Grieving Room: Making Space for All the Hard Things after Death and Loss—which was eventually published this past February. Throughout that time, she also built up an Instagram following of 30,000 followers who engage with her posts and discussions on grieving.

“Collectively this ministry just grew and grew and grew, so now I call it my weird hobby,” Leanne laughed, adding it isn’t the most ideal hobby when working full-time as Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ). Most of her time is taken up with her job, but when she can, she is writing posts and participating on podcasts, supporting people walking through grief, and promoting her new book.

Grieving Room has touched many people of all walks of life and faith journeys. A mix of memoir and how-to’s, Leanne shares her real-life experience losing her sister and advises both those walking through grief and those trying to support grievers.

“It goes from when I found out that she was sick, and all the type of room that was needed as she was dying, and then the early days of her death, and then as I grieve. So, it starts from ‘Room to be Uncertain.’ I talk about this fear when I hear she is dying, that I must have enough faith to save her. I’ve come to understand that there is room for uncertain faith as Christians,” Leanne said.

The book then moves into ‘Room for Dying’, and the cultural struggles that we have to make space for someone who is passing.

“We put a lot of pressure on dying people, and we don’t realize it,” Leanne said, sharing a story about a well-meaning person who told her not to say her sister was dying because that was giving up “hope.”

“It’s so interesting, as Christians, that the only [acceptable] version of hope is saying ‘they aren’t going to die’, which isn’t even scriptural. Scripture doesn’t say ‘don’t grieve.’ It says we don’t grieve as those who have no hope. Somehow, we have taken that to mean we don’t grieve at all, or we just pretend that everything is going to go in one particular direction, and our only version of hope is that things are going to get better in this life.”

“My hope is that if we live, we live unto the Lord, and if we die, we die unto the Lord. Whether we live or die, we belong unto the Lord. That was my hope in that moment [when my sister was passing]. My hope wasn’t that she was going to suddenly get better, my hope was this isn’t the end. We are going to get through this, and God is with her.”

Leanne shared that, although there is space for miracles to occur, there also needs to be recognition for things to be exactly as they are. There needs to be room for the reality that sometimes people will die, and we can’t push that truth away because it is awkward or difficult.

The book continues on to cover a vast majority of topics: covering how goodbyes are never like the movies portray, and that is okay; how Leanne walked through her own grief, making room for the rollercoaster of grief––and learning to live with it, not just move on.

“One thing that is really normal is that it lasts so much longer than people think. It’s normal that a few years later, the grief is still hitting you. We have this belief that a couple months in, and you should be in a better place. After a year, it should be done. And none of that is true.”

Another aspect of grief that Leanne discusses is that it is both profoundly personal, and profoundly universal—which is what makes it such a special experience.

“It’s so shocking and overwhelming, and each person’s grief is so unique, which is why it’s tricky to say to someone. ‘I know how you feel.’ We don’t know how anyone feels. Even if we lost the same person, we grieve for them differently. We lose different things when we lose a person because we all had different relationships with that person.”

For those who are helping someone through grief, Leanne gives two key pieces of advice. The first being that you don’t need to fix it. The second being you should not ignore it. These two things go a long way to help grievers have room to process their grief.

“First of all, anything with ‘at least’ you just don’t need to say, ever. Because you don’t feel ‘at least’ when you are grieving (at least they didn’t suffer, at least they had a long life, etc.)”

Leanne said, adding that you should take the lead from the person you are trying to comfort––agree with them and let them know you are sad with them.

“The other thing that really hurts grievers, so much more than someone saying something less than ideal, is when people say nothing. Or do nothing. I can tell you that in my many, many years of talking to people who have had loss, they all have a story–– every single one—of the friend who wasn’t there for them,” Leanne said.

To learn more about Leanne’s grief ministry, check out her Instagram account HERE, and her book on Amazon HERE. Or go to your local Indigo Bookstore to purchase a copy.

You can also hear more of her thoughts on grief by listening to the following podcasts:

· Grief and Light Podcast (March 2024):

· “The Story We Tell Ourselves” (February 2024):

A 45 minute discussion, digging especially into theology and faith issues like why we suffer, and how we process loss as people of faith: · “Faith and Grief” Podcast:

Leanne discusses “Grieving Room” and why we need to talk about grief and loss, as we consider why our world is grief avoidant and what would help grievers who need space for grief.

· “The Power of Love” Podcast (February 2024):

In this episode of Power and Love, Leanne talks to founders Taj and TJ about the themes of her book and why she hopes to help grievers give grief room.

Healthy Leadership Cultures

A Conversation with Nate Collins, Hillside Church

As we dive into our series on Healthy Church Leadership Cultures, we hope to hear from many CBWC churches about the way you do leadership and where you see health happening in your congregation. We begin with a conversation with Rev. Nate Collins, Co-Pastor at Hillside Church, North Vancouver.  

CHURCH PLANTING: How would you describe the leadership structure at your church? Tell us about the makeup of the leadership and staff teams, Elders’ Board etc.  

NATE: We have three co-pastors, a youth pastor, an administrator (who is also director of children’s ministries), a building manager, and often an intern or two. The three co-pastors share the responsibility of leading the church as a whole (along with our board of elders). We divvy up tasks based on gifting and available time. Decisions (at least big ones) are usually made in consultation with each other. 

On paper, we are an elder-led church. Jeff, Pauline and I are not technically pastors from the church’s perspective, though we use the term plenty conversationally. Technically we are paid elders. We have 5 non-paid elders, too. Of course, we need some paid elders because non-paid elders don’t have time to run a church. The idea is that we are all equals on the elder board in terms of authority and influence.  

In practice, though, it doesn’t quite work that way. Most of the elders do perform an important function: One oversees our tech team and leads worship a lot. One is an intern and on our preaching team. One spearheads our efforts toward reconciliation with indigenous peoples along with her husband. One oversees our finances. I don’t want to minimize that, because it’s really important and good. At the same time, I usually feel like it’s up to the pastors to make most stuff happen, whether it’s calling elders meetings, setting the agenda, leading vision casting for the year, planning what events we’ll do, etc. That’s not what I would imagine if I were to hear about an elder-led church with paid and non-paid elders who are all equal. I’m not complaining, but I think it’s important to be honest about both what we’re supposedly aiming at and how we actually function! 

CP: How do people join the leadership team? What’s the relationship between congregation and leadership?  

NATE: Basically, our elder board has a brainstorming session about who we think might make a good elder. Elders have a 3-year term, which can be renewed for a total of 6 years as an elder before a mandatory year off of being an elder. That means we’re usually looking for a new elder or two each year. When we think of someone who would be a good candidate, we ask (and sometimes beg) them. If they agree, then the congregation votes at our AGM on whether they should be an elder. People could ask to be an elder and people could nominate someone to be an elder, but I’ve only seen that once.  

As for the relationship between elders, staff, and the congregation, it’s pretty open. We get some people in the congregation who like to see mainly the pastors as on a separate level from them, but that’s definitely not something we are trying to communicate at Hillside. Oddly, Pauline rarely gets put on a pedestal the way Jeff and I do. Lots of times people don’t feel like it counts as a pastor contacting them if Pauline does it. It drives her up the wall, as I’m sure you can imagine! In general, we try to foster an atmosphere of equality and accessibility.  


Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.

Making Connections April 2024

What’s Happening 

There are plenty of opportunities to look forward to in our life together in the coming season. We want to highlight a few for you:

Theology for the Ordinary Book Club: At the next Theology for the Ordinary book club meeting, they will be discussing Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N. T. Wright. The meeting will be held Wednesday, May 1st at 6 pm, PST using Zoom. Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom link, even if you have attended in the past.

Last Chances for Masterclasses

Shannon Youell and her church planting allies across the country have provided some top-notch training opportunities over the past couple of years in the form of free Evangelism Masterclasses. The final two Masterclasses (in this form, anyway), are coming up fast! Join the conversation around cross-cultural Gospel communication tomorrow morning with Tharwat Eskander & Mirna Dirani of the Salvation Army, and discuss what role house churches have in today’s church landscape with former CBWC pastor Scott Hemenway on May 7.

Baptists, Assemble!

This year’s Assembly is coming to you online on May 16, making it easy to include many from your congregation in celebrating the goodness and faithfulness of God as we review 2023 and continue to live into all that 2024 has for us as a community of Christ followers.

Each year, we gather either in person or online for an Annual General Meeting, as required by the Canadian government. In our online meetings, our time together is centred on connecting with our family of churches using the Zoom platform in order to present audited financial statements, proposed budgets for future years, updates on our shared work together, and ministry partner initiatives.

Registration for Assembly 2024 closes April 25, so make sure to get your pastors and delegates signed up at

Summer is A-Comin’

Our 6 camps are shifting gears as we come out of winter season and looking to the summer ahead, which means spots are already filling up! Register your child/grandchild for camp, or donate to support the great work of these ministries:

And speaking of summer fun, is your group signed up for SERVE yet? Join youth from across the CBWC to serve, connect, worship, and learn in Prince Albert Saskatchewan from June 30 – July 6, 2024. Early Bird registration ends April 30:

Posting Summer Jobs

We’re pleased to share a new resource for churches and camps: the Seasonal/Short-Term Job Postings page on CBWC’s website. This online job posting board is specifically for CBWC positions like summer camp staff, ministry interns, school year interns, and any other short-term positions. Because this is brand new, there are only a few positions currently listed. Visit the new page at to view current postings and learn about how to submit your own.

Truth and Reconciliation

There is a team of Canadian Baptists across the country collaborating to create resources for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, which is on September 30. Resources include support for Sunday, September 29 worship gatherings. Throughout the coming months, they will be adding more pieces, but now is the time to put September 29 and 30th on the calendar and begin to plan how we as churches, families, and individuals will mark this important time. More information to come; keep checking CBWC website for details.

Give or Go to BPC 2024!

Registration opens TODAY for Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference (November 11-14, 2024). A survey published in the Journal of Psychology and Theology showed that pastors in the US named clergy retreats as one of the most helpful supports for their mental health. Do you think the same could be true for our church leaders here in Canada? Find out how you can support clergy care in a special matching campaign, or sign up for BPC:

Cultivating Shalom: Rest, Release, Resetting with Psalm 23 

Out of our desire at CBWC to see pastors and congregations cared for and flourishing, we are offering reflections from Psalm 23 over the coming months. We hope you join us as we seek to rest in the character of God, release the things of this world that we cling to, and reset our focus on the Kingdom of God and His invitation to each of us to enter His shalom. These reflections are adapted from CBWC Pastor Deborah Judas’ book Cultivating Shalom and are used with her permission. Let’s dive in! 

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing (Psalm 23:1). 

Following the way of Jesus requires a complete reframing of how we see God, ourselves, and the world. One part of this reframing is that in Christ (our shepherd), we lack nothing. This truth presents a great difficulty for us, especially living in the Western world. We are surrounded by abundance, yet we continually experience a sense of scarcity. All around us are things we want, which feeds our discontent. And sadly, it is not only material possessions that we feel we lack.  

 We are also told that, as people, we are not enough. Before our feet hit the floor every morning, we feel inadequate. We never have enough money or time, are never good looking or thin or smart enough. Even we who minister in churches struggle with feelings that our churches are not big enough, cool enough, gifted enough, or effective enough. 

Choosing Trust 
With the world constantly reminding us of our inadequacy and shortfalls, how do we move from our feeling of scarcity to a place of contentment? How do we begin to flourish and experience the wholeness of God’s favour on us—and His delight in us—even in genuine scarcity? 

The “I lack nothing” statement calls us to make a decision. In fact, in other translations, the phrase is “I shall not want,” which seems to better communicate that we are to choose to not desire more than what the Lord gives us. It demands a certain amount of trust to accept and believe that God’s blessing is not limited to our finances, material well-being, health, and relationships. In fact, the things we place our trust in and allow to rule our lives are often the things that will never permit us to flourish. 

  • Where are you experiencing the most lack? Where do you need the most healing? Are you willing to invite God into these areas and allow Him to heal and transform you? 
  • Is God on your radar as you go about your day? Is His guidance and His work in the world important enough to you that you keep an eye out for opportunities to participate with Him?  
  • How often do we miss out on His invitation because all we can see are the things that are blocking our view—things like fear, insecurity, and inadequacy? 

Experiencing a life without lack comes when we give ourselves away to others, thus making room for more of God in our lives. It is like gardening. If we leave the fruit or flowers on the plant, it will eventually wither away. But when we cut flowers or pick fruit from the plants, we increase our harvest capacity. Over the years, the crops will enlarge, and the fruit will be abundant. In the same way, as we cultivate shalom by giving of ourselves to others, our capacity to minister will increase, and we will live and serve out of the abundance. 

Lord Jesus, In the midst of our perceived lack, may we be reminded of Your abundance. May our minds be renewed each day with the truth of Your gracious provision. As we awaken each day, may we choose to not desire more than You give us. May we live in Your delight, trusting in Your word, and flourishing in Your love and grace. In Your name, amen. 

This reflection is brought to you by CBWC’s Banff Pastors and Spouses GIVE and GO campaign, a clergy care initiative to help as many pastors as possible to join us at Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference this November. Join us in reminding our pastors: you matter to us, and you matter to God! 

 Partner Spotlight: Carey

Carey Student Residence: Graduate Reflections

As the UBC academic year comes to an end, Carey Student Residence says farewell to many of our students who are graduating or moving out. This year, we have seven students in our residence graduating from their undergraduate UBC programs to venture off into new directions.
Hear from two graduating students, Jaslyn and Logan, who share what it has been like living at Carey.

Jaslyn Thienbunlertrat is graduating from the Faculty of Arts with a major in English

How has Carey been part of your faith journey?
Living at Carey and sharing life day-to-day with the other “Careyites” has been transformative in how I understand loving my neighbour. You’re given chances to learn how to do that every single day; at the cafeteria, in the lounge, and at regular dorm social events. In the past two years, I’ve experienced the 

depths of God’s grace and tenderness through the people here and the ways they have loved me—as well as in the ways I have been invited into loving them. Sharing life in this way is so meaningful and has helped me grow in my faith—not just learning what it means to love my (literal) neighbours, but also learning what it looks like to walk alongside other Christians in their daily lives (in both joyful and sorrowful seasons).

What will you miss the most about Carey?

I’ll miss living so close to such dear friends and being able to live life with them! Part of the beauty of living at Carey is being able to study, pray, have fun, and make music with my friends at any given time. This support network has been so precious to me. I will be very sad to say goodbye to these people whom I’ve grown to love very much.

What advice would you give students considering applying to Carey’s student residence?

I’d recommend investing in the Carey community! Regularly participating in dorm events and community life makes such a difference. Being part of communal meals, Monday night events, and discipleship groups allows you to get to know people on a deeper level. It teaches you a lot about how to be comfortable with being yourself, how to extend hospitality to a stranger (who can quickly become a good friend!)—and in that long process of getting to know who you’re living with, what it means to love and be loved (which in itself is such a gift!).

Logan Wiebe is graduating from the Faculty of Applied Science

How was Carey part of your faith journey?

Something I appreciated was getting to know people from different Christian backgrounds. The diversity in thought among fellow believers is useful in building your faith. Also, I’ve noticed that Carey excels at offering opportunities to connect with my peers and with God. I had no shortage of small groups, worship nights, or church invitations. 

What will you miss the most about Carey?

Without a doubt, being able to eat every single meal with friends. I look forward to coming down to the cafeteria because there will always be welcoming people to have a conversation with.

What advice would you give students considering applying to Carey’s student residence?

Don’t delay! Carey is a beautiful place to make friends, establish habits, and grow.

From Jaslyn sharing about experiencing the love of others and being invited to love her fellow students back, we are pointed to the verse in 1 John 4:7: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” As our students grow in friendship and community, our hope is that they will also grow in their love and knowledge for God.

We are excited to share about the upcoming expansion to our student residence program. Currently, the maximum capacity for our student residence program is 44 students. This year, 33 of our 44 students have decided to continue staying at Carey for another academic year beginning this Fall 2024. We are thankful that we have been a community that these students enjoy and want to continue to be part of year after year. With 145 student resident applications last year, we anticipate it will be a competitive year for new students wanting to live at Carey this fall.

Construction has been moving swiftly! In March 2024, we placed the last beam on the sixth and final floor of our building.

We are thankful that our new student residence building is under construction and is projected to be completed by spring of next year, 2025. Our new building will add an additional 104 beds to the UBC campus. It is designed with amenities such as in-unit laundry, full kitchen, and shared meeting spaces for students to study and worship. With the ongoing increase in demand for student housing on campus, we are excited for the opportunity to welcome more students to our student residence program, where they can enjoy a unique Christian community focused on discipleship and fellowship. We hope to continue to be a light in the UBC community and build up a community of Christ-followers across campus.

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year closed on April 1st. Late applications will still be reviewed, and CBWC members will receive priority placement. All other applicants will be placed directly on the waitlist. If you want to learn more about our student residence program, check out our website here.

BCY Regional Newsletter

April 2024

The Power of Short-term Missions

By Executive Minister, Rob Ogilvie 

Some of you may have already seen my post on Facebook, that this all started with me saying to Bonnie last fall, “How about an all-inclusive in Mexico in January?” To which she replied, “How about joining our church (Bonavista Baptist) mission to Guatemala and building houses for some people who could use a hand?” And so, we became a part of a team of 11 people who built 16 houses in 5 days. And it was great!

If you let those numbers sink in, you soon realize that the only way we could do that was if there was a huge amount of work done by many people before we ever arrived on Guatemalan soil. We were invited into God’s mission, already well underway, in Central America!

When we returned home, I began thinking more and more about our role in going and building these homes, and the practical side of me thought, “They really didn’t need us to come and build the houses.” They needed the money that was raised by the church and so many individuals, but there were enough people there on the ground that they could have built those houses without us. I really wasn’t sure that they needed us. 

As I continued to ponder this, I began to think about the fact that perhaps it’s not about them needing us, but rather us needing them. We needed to go and experience the people and the living conditions and the poverty to shake us out of our normal North American comforts and expectations; to challenge us to read scripture through the eyes of people different than ourselves; to help us to think about what our lives would have been like had we been born in their context; to challenge us to understand that we are not any better than anyone else and we are not more blessed by God because of the stuff we have, or the place we live; and to encourage us to learn to look at those that have less than us, that we see right here in our own towns and cities, in a different way.

These are people of faith. Some spoke of praying for a home for their family for years. Most wanted a small wooden cross, which we brought for them, mounted high on a wall because—symbolically—they wanted Jesus to be the head and overlooking the household.

And so, I went from “They don’t need us, they just need our money” to “We need them”—but I think I’ve settled on a place that says, “We need each other.”

We have resources and time and a willingness to share with others.

The people we built homes for were kind and gracious and welcoming and thankful, even with very little—a powerful example to us all.

And I think this is what the church is called to be.

Skye Jethani—co-host of the Holy Post podcast, guest speaker at our Banff Pastor’s and Spouses Conference in November and author of several books, including, “What if Jesus was Serious about the Church”—says,

Rather than an event, a building, or an institution, the New Testament calls the church to be a community living in communion with God and one another for the sake of the world.

People in relationship with God and one another for the sake of the world is what I hear when Jesus declares that “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:49). James challenges us, in the second chapter of his letter to the churches, that faith and works cannot be separated, and that we are called to live out our faith in the things we do. Or in Matthew 25, in one of the most powerful parables given in scripture, Jesus says, “Whenever you did this (feed, cloth, visit in prison, etc.) to one of the least, you did it to Me.”

There are lots of opinions held by people about mission trips to the developing world. As a fairly simple guy, here is my take. If you go, go with a heart to serve, and go with an openness to be touched and changed. And go out of a desire to be in communion with God and others, for the sake of the world!

Celebrating Creation Care

By Jenna Hanger

Spring is here, the days are longer, and the snow is melting! April is such an exciting time as we tentatively step outside again and enjoy the fresh air, baby animals, and the promise of summer coming (even if it comes with mounds of mud). It is also the time to acknowledge the annual celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd!

Earth Day is a great opportunity to take some time to reflection on Creation Care. Over the past few years, we have chatted about this topic or highlighted a ministry that is actively taking steps to care for our planet and get people involved.

Check out our older articles here:,,

This year, we are thrilled to share about the efforts at Calvary Baptist Church to extend their community garden project. Calvary Baptist Church was one recipient of the Active in Mission Grant, and they have already started putting the funds to good use!

On behalf of Calvary Baptist Church, the Board of Elders, and the Jubilee Garden Committee, I would like to thank you very much for the grant that has been received from the Justice and Mercy Network and CBWC.

Our Community Garden extension project has already begun. On February 17, we were delighted to have seventeen volunteers at a work party removing old garden boxes, taking down old fencing, levelling the ground with mini-excavator and tractor donated for our use by a church attender—with seven new garden boxes in place by the end of the day. It was a time of great co-operation and fellowship, which included a hardy mid-day lunch. A second work party is planned for March 9 to continue the work. When completed, we hope to have forty-two new garden boxes for neighbours and members of our community to grow vegetables, fruit, and flowers. A formal report with pictures will be sent in the future so that you can see the finished garden. At present, we are continuing to receive donations to continue with the project and see it to completion before planting time in May.

We are excited about this opportunity to connect with the community and provide garden boxes for those interested in raising organic vegetables and enjoying the gardening experience.

Another exciting item is that a couple of members of our congregation recently donated a new large BBQ. We hope to have a barbecue celebration with gardeners and church folk when the project is complete.

Again, thank you for the donation from the CBWC to help make this project happen.

Katherine Johnson
Calvary Baptist Church of Gibsons

We would like to encourage everyone to take part in this year’s Earth Day celebration! For some resources on Creation Care, click HERE.

JustWork—Closing After 20 Years

By Jenna Hanger

Nearly twenty years ago, Grandview Calvary Baptist Church in Vancouver had a vision of helping the growing number of people in the Grandview-Woodlands neighbourhood struggling to find work. Through this desire, JustWork Economic Initiative was incorporated as a charity in 2006, and operated three social enterprises; JustPotters, JustCatering and JustRenos.

In January, it was announced that JustWork made the difficult decision to close, citing that financial struggles caused by the current economic climate were too much to overcome. 

JustWork shared this statement on their Facebook Page:

Big THANKS to our amazing community! As JustWork comes to a close, we reflect with awe and gratitude on those who have walked alongside us. This work will resonate meaningfully throughout our community and the lives of those we have served, leaving a lasting impact for years to come.⁠

We started in 2006 with a dream and a mission to fill a critical employment gap and help those facing the most significant barriers. It has been a privilege to give people the opportunity to sustain an income through our social enterprises for 18 years.

As we move forward, we carry beautiful stories of impact, struggles, moments of gains and loss, and the bonds of friendship and joy.

We are grateful for you—our silent companions, faithful supporters, and the soul of our journey.

⁠We wish you the very best! THANK YOU for being a part of our story.

The heart that Grandview Baptist had all those years ago led to years of touching and changing many lives. We are so proud of the work that JustWork has done, and wish everyone who was involved the very best in their next chapter!

Copyright ©  2024 Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, All rights reserved.

Making Connections is the monthly newsletter of the CBWC.