Vol 1 No. 1 Greetings

Greetings in Christ,

Our Baptist Union family of churches is so diverse and spread over such a vast 
landscape that it is wonderful that we have a unity in Christ. It is this same Christ that the 
apostle Paul draws near to in Romans 8:38-39:

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor 
things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor 
anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God 
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am drawn to the reassurance of God’s presence in times of joy, pain, loneliness, hope, 
fear and anticipation. It is anticipation that brings me to this first letter as I begin my 
service as Executive Minister this summer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for my predecessor, Gerry Fisher and 
his service to us all. I carry a great respect and affection for Gerry and thank him for the 
ease of transition. I wish to also give thanks for the excellent privilege of serving with our 
Union staff and Union board under Sam Chaise’s capable leadership.

I have committed to write a weekly letter sharing our life together in the Baptist Union. It 
will appear every Wednesday with the exception of next week because several of us will 
be unavailable. The letter will include God’s stories in the lives of his people, news of 
past thanksgivings and word of things we are preparing for.

In this letter I would like to do three things. First, to tell you of some of the summer 
events I’ll be involved in. Secondly, to ask for your prayers. And thirdly, to invite you to 
begin to recollect some of God’s stories in your midst so that you can share them with 
others across the Union in the months to come.

I am working with the Calgary office group on July 4 and 5th and the Executive Staff 
(Area Ministers, Sam Breakey, Paul Pearce and John Prociuk; Jack Borchert of the 
Development Fund; Brian Stelck of Carey Hall; David Holten, our Director of 
Administration and Finance; and our Executive Assistant, Linda Kilburn). We will meet at 
the Carey Centre from July 6 to 7th. On July 9th I will fly to Manitoba for the 125th 
Anniversary of Shoal Lake Baptist Church to be followed on Monday by spending time 
with the Winnipeg Ministerial. That is a start for the summer. Could you pray for Ken 
Thiessen as he prepares to be the new Heartland Area Minister? Please pray for 
wisdom and perspective for me as I begin this new task.

I look forward to my time with so many of you in the Union. I also look forward to us 
meeting, praying, planning, and living out God’s call for us in Western Canada. As we 
remember that “nothing separates us from the love of God in Christ” may we also grow 
closer and stronger together in this same Christ who holds us together.


Jeremy Bell