The CBWC has added a discussion forum to its website to encourage members of CBWC churches to connect with each other and build momentum around shared ministry interests. Go to sign up.
The CBWC Forum is intended to be a place where pastors, ministry leaders, CBWC staff and church members from different congregations can talk to each other publicly about their ministry visions, needed resources and their capacity to get involved beyond the local church. Our hope is that it will help us create connections between local and regional churches so they can work together to do more for God.
To get involved, simply go to the forum and sign up. You will be given a password. You can change the password by going to the upper right hand corner of the screen where it says ‘Howdy’. The password change is done under the category ‘edit my profile’. It would also help us greatly if you would give us your real name so we know who we are talking to.
To find topics that interest you, click on one of the general headings in red or type key words into the ‘search’ function. If you want to reply to a posted topic, there is a reply box below the topic post. Place your curser within the large blank space, click, and begin typing. The “Submit” button is at the bottom right of the page. To start your own topic, just go to one of the red headings, type your topic title, make your comment and press submit at the bottom right. Easy!
The CBWC Forum is a work in progress, so we’ll be making adjustments, reorganizing and adding capabilities as we discover together what works and what doesn’t.
The CBWC Forum will be most useful if members use it a lot to bounce ideas around and return often to view responses. Join today and see what God is placing on the hearts of His people.