CBWC Sunday

November 2023

Each year we ask that you set aside a Sunday in November to celebrate what it means to be part of the larger CBWC family and our shared ministries.  

This year, hot off the heels of our Making Connections Live Road Trip across Western Canada, we want to thank you, our churches, for the amazing ministry you do amongst us. From Comox, BC to Yellowknife, NT to Dauphin, MB—you are faithfully contributing to the ministry of Christ in your community.  

Below, please find a collection of downloadable service elements including PowerPoint slides and a responsive reading written by MST Regional Minister Tim Kerber.

Visit Vimeo to download or stream a video greeting from Director of Communications and Development Louanne Haugan, and a 10-minute pre/post-service video of news, notes, resources and photos from CBWC.

Use each piece as you like. Questions? Contact Cailey Morgan at cmorgan@cbwc.ca. We hope you and your congregation are blessed. 

Service Resources

.zip file containing the following:

  • PowerPoint with slides and videos
  • Responsive reading
  • Printable post cards
