Foundation Column: Standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side

Jason Krueger joined CBWC last fall as the President of the CBWC Foundation. This is the first installment of a new quarterly column from the Foundation. Keep an eye on this space for reflections and stories from their work among CBWC churches and ministries.

Standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel. Philippians 1:27

Upon joining the CBWC family last October as President of the Foundation, I was warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Our staff and board members at the Foundation take joy in sharing purpose with CBWC leaders, and there is a sense of excitement and comradery in working together. We have established the groundwork for a mutually trustful and supportive relationship. I am humbled to serve alongside our denominational and ministerial leaders as we seek to glorify our Lord.

I thank the many people who faithfully support the CBWC Foundation. We invest the financial gifts from our constituents to meet the long-term needs of the CBWC family. With the funds we receive from our depositors, we advance loans to support the ministry needs of our churches and partner agencies.

Here are some recent highlights of partnerships we’ve had with CBWC churches:

Clive Baptist

Last November, Clive Baptist Church in Alberta celebrated retiring their mortgage from the Foundation. Their rich history goes back almost a century, and the loan enabled them to renovate and expand their church, something they’ve been envisioning for over 10 years.

“The financial support from the Foundation made a huge difference for us,” said Senior Pastor Jamie Veitch. “We loved partnering with an organization that shares our mandate to spread the gospel and knowing that every dollar in interest incurred would be designated toward further Christian work.”

No celebration is complete without a little fire. Here’s Senior Pastor Jamie Veitch igniting the mortgage papers in a mortgage burning ceremony. 

Bonnie Doon

Is it not amazing how the Lord opens doors? When the congregation and leaders of Bonnie Doon Baptist Church closed their doors for good, they donated the 103-year old building to the CBWC. Now, a Haitian church called Evangelical Emmanuel Fellowship Church has moved into the building, giving new life and opportunity to that flourishing congregation. The Foundation was honored to provide renovation financing for this beautiful community of believers.  “I share in the excitement and energy this congregation has for the Kingdom,” said Dennis Stone, CBWC’s AB & NWT Regional Minister.

The 103-year old Bonnie Doon church, soon to be the new home of a flourishing Haitian church in Edmonton.

 Mill Bay 

In late 2017, the Foundation was thrilled to come alongside Mill Bay Baptist Fellowship, BC with construction financing. Since their beginning in 2011, the church has met in a community centre’s multipurpose room. Determined to deepen and strengthen their roots in the community, they bought a small triangle of land a few years ago, and began construction on the church building in August 2017. They hope to celebrate Easter in their new church.

“The MBBF Church Family is extremely grateful to the Foundation for the support received to finance the purchase of our 5 acres and once it was repaid, to finance the building of our first ministry centre,” said Mill Bay Pastor Norm Sowden. “We really appreciate the interest shown in our ministry by the Foundation staff, and also the great cooperation in the entire process.”

We pray the Lord continues to bless this church and their neighbours, and impact the international college students and members of the Malahat First Nations community on Vancouver Island.

Mill Bay Church under construction. Nearly done!


I ask that you uphold the Foundation in prayer, as we discern how best to honor God through our operations.  Should you wish to discuss how you may be a support to CBWC through the Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact me (, Ray Chan ( or Chris Reid (


Jason Krueger

President CBWC Foundation

What is the CBWC Foundation?

As the autonomous financial branch of the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, the Foundation’s mandate is to receive various gifts and manage them for the long-term benefit of CBWC and its ministries. We offer savings accounts for individuals, provide loans to CBWC churches and ministry partners, provide grants to ministerial students, manage Foundation and Partner investment portfolios, and provide stewardship support to all our constituents. Returns from our activities directly support CBWC and its ministries.

This article was published in the February 2018 issue of Making Connections. Subscribe to the Making Connections monthly newsletter here.
