Dear Treasurer/Moderator,
For many years, the Treasurer’s Corner articles has served as a communication cum advisory platform on issues pertaining to rules, guidelines, best practices, CRA regulations, general charity information and various governing issues related to the operation of CBWC churches. Again, we would like to thank David Holten for his years of generosity and faithfulness in researching and writing these past articles that has impacted all of us “practitioners” in one way or the other.
Entering this new season, we are excited to re-envision what the Treasurer’s Corner will be as a resource for church Treasurers and Moderators. We’re doing two new things:
- Launching a Q&A section, and
- Inviting various experts from within CBWC to contribute articles for the monthly newsletter.
The Treasurer’s Corner Q&A section can be found here or by navigating to the Treasurers section in Church Life under the Resources menu above. This is a place where you can enter questions about church operations, common challenges, specific regulations, practical questions around implementing policies, or other issues you’d like us to weigh in on.
We’ll provide answers and resources with the hope that all the Q&As will become a useful resource for our churches to meet real needs they face in daily operations. You’ll be notified via email when your query is answered.
Go ahead and take a look! There are no questions or answers yet, because we just created it. Have a question about the ins and outs of running a charity in Canada? Enter it there, and we’ll get an answer to you that will become a resource for other churches as well. You’ll be notified via email when we respond.
We believed the Q&A section will bring a greater benefit to our churches and it will also provide a social space for our Treasurers to ask important questions that is of a greater interest to all.
As for the monthly newsletter, we’re amping it up by inviting various experts to write articles of interest to church operations. Next month we’ve asked our Director of Development, Louanne Haugan to weigh in on the regulations and best practices of our Sun Life Pension Plan. We hope this new style of articles will provide good insights into relevant topics under discussion.
We look forward to serving you better as we transform the Treasurer’s Corner into a “sounding board” for our church Treasurers, to share their own experiences, needs and concerns to benefit the greater constituencies within our association.
Thank you!
Victor Ku, Director of Finance & Administration
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