New Heartland Regional Minister

May 14, 2014 —  On behalf of the Board of the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, we are very pleased to announce the appointment of a Heartland Regional Minister.  After an excellent search process with a deep field of candidates thoughtful interviews, and careful deliberation, the Search Committee unanimously recommended to the CBWC Board Reverend Mark Doerksen.  The Board has wholeheartedly endorsed that recommendation and Mark has accepted the appointment.  Mark Doerksen has been associated with the CBWC for the past twenty-two years; seventeen of those years at Willowlake Baptist Church in Winnipeg; the past ten years as the congregation’s Lead Pastor.  Mark is married to Mary Stuber Doerksen, who has served on the Heartland Regional Advisory Team as Moderator and the CBWC Board.  Mark and Mary have two children: Micah (16) and Aby (14).   Mark earned a B.Th. from Providence College, Otterburne, MB, his M.Div. (Honours) from Providence Theological Seminary, and is currently engaged in a D.Min. program at Carey Theological College.  Mark has served in a wide variety of capacities within the Winnipeg Ministerial and the denomination over the years and brings some excellent gifts and complementary skills to the CBWC Staff Team – all of whom are looking forward to working with him.

Mark is expected to begin employment with the CBWC in August, 2014, final details to be confirmed.
