A time of prayer and transitions
Dear friends,
There is a well-known Chinese expression (or general expression from Asia) that says we live in interesting times. It is indeed true in the family of churches called the CBWC. It is often been said that change is seen as loss and that loss needs to be grieved. I would beg to differ for I feel that the changes we are engaged in in the CBWC are exciting, encouraging, and dynamically led by the Holy Spirit. I recall an annual meeting I once attended that began with a quote from Charles Dickens. The quote was the opening line of a Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times and it was the worst of times”…. I think that the current opportunities and challenges that are available to us as a family have given us the chance of a generation to see God’s activity amongst us and through us in the service of the Gospel in Western Canada.
Let’s begin our time together this week by recapping our 2 previous newsletters. We have been encouraging each other to ask two simple questions. First of all, Lord make yourself known to me and secondly, if it be your will make yourself known to others through me. We have also asked one another whether there are particular people to whom we could speak of this new life in Christ as the season of Lent begins and we all turn our hearts and minds towards Easter and the resurrection story. We pray and trust that this resurrection story might be personal and real for the many whom we are privileged and have the opportunity to pray for. I have reflected on whom I will pray for and have in my heart and mind 3 or 4 names, I trust you will find this experience meaningful to you as well.
- Please pray for our new Executive Minister Mr. Rob Ogilvie as he prepares to transition well from the BCY regional position. He will probably end his work in BCY in May and pick up the orientation part of his new work in June. He will be overlapping with me for that month.
- Please also pray for Dawn Johannesson, the BCY regional office administrator, and the BCY regional advisory group as they experience the transition of Rob and also anticipate a new BCY regional minister.
- Please pray for Kayely Rich and the search committee looking for the new BC regional minister.
- Please pray for Laura Nelson, our president, as she finishes her term and leads us, along with Kayely Rich and the organizing committee, for The Gathering at the end of May.
- Pray for Louanne Haugan as she creates her own development team.
- I would ask your prayers in my own transition and so that I might discern well how to use the break for reflection and Sabbath with my wife Kerry.
In Christ,