We as CBWC support one another through three ministry priorities: Cultivating Leadership, Investing in Relationship, and Engaging in Mission.

Developing the next generation of Canadian Baptists.

In this ever-changing world, the CBWC recognizes and prioritizes the ongoing need to train and equip the next generation of ministry leaders. Our new gap year program Kurios—along with continuing to support, encourage, strengthen and grow our current church leaders—enables us to intentionally move forward in the direction God is already moving and leading.

Leadership training and ongoing professional Development are one key for the longevity of a strong pastoral ministry. Within the CBWC, we offer the Banff Pastors Conference and encourage our churches to budget for all pastors to attend at least every other year. Each region also hosts a pastors retreat.

Carey Theological College is CBWC’s graduate school of theology, located on the University of British Columbia Campus in Vancouver.

Our Peer Mentoring Program seeks to orient and support incoming ministry personnel during their first year of CBWC service.

Talk to your Regional Office about ways the CBWC can support you in your education journey.

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Youth are not only the church of tomorrow, but the church of today. That’s why we prioritize leadership development for youth and youth workers. This resourcing happens through the Youth Leadership Team (YLT), providing support to youth workers across the CBWC, and through SERVE: a week of service, learning, and worship for the youth of our denomination.

85% of Christians make decisions to follow Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14. We want to help your church reach one of our most crucial mission fields—Canada’s kids—through our camps:

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Kurios (pronounced koo’-ree-os) is the English transliteration of the Greek word for “Lord” which means master and ruler. Our purpose is to grow young Christian disciples and leaders holistically through experiential learning: scriptural, relational and practical.

The biggest decision adolescents must make is who or what will be Lord in their life.  As this program is aimed at those who are already Christians, they will be challenged to make Jesus Lord of every area of their lives. Adolescents need a safe place in which to ask questions about God and life without being ignored or made to feel foolish or heretical.  Our Gap Year Experience will be the perfect environment to ask those questions and seek God’s answers. To find out more, visit kurios.ca.

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Providing resources for our churches and clergy to maximize their health and effective ministry

Ministry is all about relationships. Healthy relationships happen when people trust one another, and people trust one another when they are given a chance to speak, to be heard, and to know their concerns have been taken seriously. In this next season of ministry, the CBWC will prioritize working closely with all our partners and will take every opportunity we can to tell the stories of what God is doing in our ministries.

Carey is CBWC’s graduate school of theology, located on the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver. Carey also facilitates lifelong learning by focusing on lay leadership development, pastoral continuing education and issue-based learning.

The CBWC Foundation provides loans to churches, ministries and pastors, and education grants to accredited CBWC ministerial students as well as CBWC pastors interested in continuing education.

Hopehill (formerly Beulah Garden Homes) is a not-for-profit organization providing Vancouver seniors with affordable housing in a safe, comfortable, caring, healthy and relaxed community.

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The CBWC staff team lives and works throughout Western Canada to better serve the local church.

Regional Ministers are sometimes called “pastors to pastors” and love to connect churches to other churches and to the resources and support available through CBWC.

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Contact Your Regional Office

Growing our CBWC family through fresh expressions and intentional implementation of the gospel.

The CBWC’s priority on justice will focus on two key areas. We will continue to sponsor Refugees, serving those that arrive in this country seeking to find a new home, and we continue our work with UNDRIP to advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework for reconciliation. Our Church Planting initiative is ongoing as we partner with God in growing our CBWC family through fresh expressions and implementation of the gospel. Along with our national partners, the CBWC will assist in training and equipping teams to go into new regions, extending the mission to which God has called them.

Our vision is to multiply the number of Christ-followers in Western Canada. And that means multiplying our churches, too. If God has gifted you with a willingness to share the gospel in word and deed, and a desire to depend more fully on Him, contact us today to find out how you can participate in or support a new church plant.

Consider asking your congregation to join in a partnership program where you can participate firsthand in the joys of church planting by supporting a young church in its formative years. Contact us to find out more.

Support New Ministries

For $100 a month, you can be a part of bolstering a young congregation.

” I’m thrilled to know that a partner church is supporting our ministry through prayers and concrete resources. I thank my God for you because of your partnership in the gospel. “

-CBWC Church Planter in Vancouver

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The CBWC’s Justice & Mercy Network seeks to inspire and equip churches in their theological vision of the kingdom of God so that we all pursue right relationships with God, with self, with others, and with the world. We seek to provide a thoughtful and wise social analysis of injustice, and to offer various resources that help inform decisions about justice.

Please visit the Justice and Mercy website for resources concerning Engagement, Creation Care, Poverty, Homelessness, Indigenous Issues, and Refugees.

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