Social Justice

“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love” (Micah 6:8 The Message). Here are a few ways we are supporting our churches as they seek to live like Jesus in His mercy and humility.

God calls us to reconcile with our brothers and sisters, and neighbours, and to start this lifelong journey by asking forgiveness for what was done on our behalf and in the past by governments and churches. Through colonial expansion, treaties, racism, ignorance and government policy, the First Nations of Canada were forced off their traditional lands and onto reserves, usually located in remote locations with few economic opportunities. We can begin to break the destructive cycles that have kept aboriginal and non-aboriginal people apart.

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The book of Genesis reminds us that this world God created for us is good.

As God’s stewards, we have the privilege and responsibility of caring for this earthly home. Environmental issues seem so big and beyond personal control, but like the mustard seed that starts out small and grows into a large plant, Christians can make a difference that will preserve the beautiful world God has given us.

One way we are growing together in environmental awareness is the Good Soil campaign, working to provide grassroots education on the connection between food security and creation care.


Many vulnerable people live on the street and many more have no permanent home but stay with friends or family temporarily before moving on to the next place of refuge. Recently, more people are at risk of homelessness because the high cost of housing makes them spend too much of their monthly income on housing.

Causes of homelessness include the shortage of affordable housing, inability of incomes to keep up with housing costs, poverty, personal crisis, mental health disorders and addictions. Many who are homeless have jobs but simply cannot find an affordable place to live.

Homelessness is a complex issue and a difficult one to solve. As Christians, God calls us to care for those who are underhoused. The following resources might help get you started.

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“The CBWC helps us learn from one another, see examples of love in action and hear different perspectives” -CBWC Church Member

In Canada, poverty is lessened by a range of government programs and policies: universal health care, universal education, minimum wages, welfare and old age security, among others. But it isn’t enough. We may not be able to eliminate poverty entirely (Jesus tells us that the poor are always with us) but Christians can do better to love our neighbours as ourselves and to care for the poor and vulnerable, as so much of the Bible exhorts us to do.


There are over 10 million refugees around the world. God has called us to be welcoming and hospitable to all, including the stranger. Over 70 refugees have been welcomed to Canada through our family of churches since 2015, with at least as many still having their applications processed. Consider today how your congregation can bring life-changing hope to refugees through direct sponsorship or giving to support our shared work of refugee sponsorship coordination through the CBWC.

Choosing Love Over Fear

When Rod Olson of CBWC’s Refugee Ministry approached GoodTree Christian Fellowship with the possibility of sponsoring Farid and Aya, GoodTree members Nick and Hoyee embraced love over fear, arranging to share their home with this couple they had never met. Through the support provided from the Canadian Baptists and the hard work and open hearts of the congregation, GoodTree has sponsored not only Farid and Aya, but Farid’s brother Emad as well, helping to reunite a family separated by violence and upheaval.


Faye Reynolds, Refugee Sponsorship Coordinator

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