Vol 8 No. 25 Praying For Our Camps

Dear Folks,

Every June just before camping season we put together a list of prayer concerns, challenges and any
other comments that camping directors like to share with us. This year is no different, yet it is different in the sense that there are many exciting things going on in our camps this year.

We have listed below the names of our camps and their directors so you can pray for each of them.
Pray especially for ongoing registration; for safety for all, particularly at each of the camps, but also for the camper’s commute to and from camp; a sense of initial belonging for campers new to camp; a
personal beginning of a relationship with Jesus for those who have not met Him; and a deepening of
faith that continues.

As well, during this busy season of preparation for them, I have posed questions to the camp directors
and you will find two responses below.

In Christ,




Keats Camp, Keats Island, BC: Dan Galpin, Camp Director, keatscamps.com
Mill Creek Baptist Camp, near Pincher Creek, AB: Alison Kidd, Executive Director,
Gull Lake Centre, near Lacombe, AB: Steve Roadhouse, Executive Director, www.gulllakecentre.ca
Camp Wapiti, near Grande Prairie, AB: Jeremy Landon, Program Director, www.campwapiti.ca
The Quest at Christopher Lake, near Prince Albert, SK: Sean Cruikshank, Executive Director,
Katepwa Lake Camp, near Fort Qu’Appelle, SK: Walter Willford, Executive Director,

Gull Lake Centre
Steve Roadhouse, Executive Director

1. How are you doing in general as you prepare for the summer camping season?

We are so incredibly excited right now! I live for the summer and cannot wait for camp to start. The
summer staff have been arriving in ones and twos for the past few weeks with everyone set to start on
June 15. First day of camp is June 22 and it is going to be AWESOME!

2. How are registrations coming?

Really well. We are on an 8 year plan to increase from 72 campers per week to 150 so we have been
expanding each year and this year is no different. We are hoping to have about 800 campers this
summer, which will be a record year. What is really exciting is that to get the extra campers we have
been promoting in schools and farmers markets and while historically 75-80% of our campers have been
church kids, we are now finding that as many as half of our campers in a week are unchurched!

3. Are there particular ways that you need prayer?

We always need prayer. Everything that we do is completely by the love of God. Please pray that we
(full time staff, summer staff, all leaders) will be humble and connected to God. Everything that we do
starts there.

4. Any comments or other things that you would like us to know about?

Something that I am really excited about is that we have 4 students coming from Lebanon this summer
to learn our LTD program (Leadership Training and Discipleship – our 3 –year high school leadership
program) so that they can take it back with them and run it in Lebanon.

The Quest at Christopher Lake
Sean Cruickshank, Executive Director

1. How are you doing in general as you prepare for the summer camping season?

We are as busy as to be expected as the summer approaches but praise the Lord are doing well and
trusting God for a year where staff and children truly grow deeper in the love for Him.

2. How are registrations coming?

Registrations were a bit late to start but we have caught up to where we were last year with a few
weeks still to go.

3. Are there particular ways that you need prayer?

Pray that the Spirit of God will dwell richly in our hearts as we prepare to minister to the young children
he gives into our care. Pray for hearts to be receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ and for many to come
to know Christ.

4. Any comments or other things that you would like us to know about?

Thank you for keeping us and the camping ministry in your prayers – please continue to do so.
