Formerly called the Manual for Worship & Service, this resource has been used by Canadian Baptists for decades to assist in the planning of worship services, weddings and funerals, child dedications and other key events in the life of the local church.  Much of its material continues to be invaluable for pastors today, but in this age of electronic tools, its paper format had become less useful to some.

We now present to you Common Expressionthe updated, electronic version of the former Minister’s Manual.  What is new?

Most Scripture references are now quoted in the New Living Translation, unless specifically noted.  This translation continues to grow in usage as it more easily communicates the message to listeners of all ages.

  1. Updated language for some of the liturgies and worship guides
  2. Some additional new material for sample prayers, calls to worship and removal of less useful material.
  3. Easy “cut and paste” format that allows you to extract pieces you want to put into your own documents, phones or tablets.
  4. New low price of $10.00!

*Please note: You will be taken to the CBWC’s event registration portal to make this purchase. The event is listed as Common Expression. Please fill out all necessary fields to proceed to payment section. Once payment is received, a confirmation email will be sent to you with the downloadable link.