Resources on MAiD from a Faith Perspective
Placing value on the sanctity of all human life means that life is a gift from God for us to respect and protect through all its stages. Each person’s life has worth because they are made in the image of God and loved by Him.
The CBWC leadership recognize the complexities surrounding MAiD and end-of-life decisions, and the need for support for family members, caregivers, and pastors involved in these difficult decisions. Below, you will find a beginning collection of materials tailored for individuals, families, and pastors navigating the moral, spiritual, and emotional dimensions of this challenging topic.
General overview of Medical Assistance in Death (MAiD)
- ARTICLE: Medical assistance in dying
- VIDEO: MAiD: Understanding the Medical Process of MAiD – 80-minute presentation
Dr. Lucinda McQuarrie explains the medical process of MAiD, including the necessary qualifications, how medical professionals are involved, and the procedure that ends a person’s life.
(MinistryLift has partnered with the chaplaincy program at ACTS Seminaries to provide training events and resources. MinistryLift members get immediate access to all of the videos on this page. Free membership access to MinistryLift has been paid for by CBWC for 2024 on behalf of all clergy and chaplains, un: cbwc, pw: equip)
MAiD and Mental Illness Timeline & Background of Decisions
Resource for Friends & Family
Medical Assistance in Dying: Understanding and Responding to it through a Christian LensWith Dr. Margaret Cottle, MD, CCFP(PC) LMEver since Medical Assistance in Dying was legalized in Canada, it has become an increasingly popular choice for Canadians. At the same time, many who hold religious beliefs feel under-educated and under-equipped in how to think about and respond to MAiD. This two-hour faith-based seminar held on February 24, 2024 in person and via livestream at Trinity Baptist Church Sherwood Park, educated broadly on the current status and future proposals for MAiD in Canada, and also equipped participants on how to practically care for loved ones facing end-of-life decisions. The seminar concluded with a live Q&A time and suggested resources for continued learning. To watch the recorded livestream click HERE.
For Pastors & Chaplains
- ARTICLE: Ministry amid Competing Values: Pastoral Care and Medical Assistance in Dying | Dr. Gloria Woodland, Director of Chaplaincy Program, Associate Professor of Chaplaincy Studies and Spiritual Care at MB Biblical Seminary and Chaplaincy Program Director at ACTS Seminaries
- VIDEO: Walking Pastorally With Those Impacted by MAiD. (un: cbwc pw: equip) The Canadian government introduced legislation in 2016 that allows eligible adults to request medical assistance in dying (MAiD). Dr. Gloria Woodland developed a one-day training event to address how pastors, chaplains, counselors, and other caring people can walk with people who are impacted by MAiD. The training includes a history of how this legislation came to be, a presentation from a medical doctor on the approved medical process that ends a patient’s life, direction on how to walk pastorally with those impacted by MAiD, and a panel discussion comprised of medical and ministry professionals.
- Pastoral Awareness for Ministry in MAiD
With Dr. Gloria Woodland, DMin Providence Seminary, Director of Chaplaincy Education at ACTS Seminaries at Trinity Western University, Associate Professor of Chaplaincy Studies and Spiritual Care for MB Seminary
In this session participants reviewed the development of MAiD in Canada, including the opening of MAiD to those with mental health issues. We discussed perspectives of family, patients and health care providers who are impacted by MAiD and the importance of an appropriate pastoral response that maintains a theological commitment while offering compassionate care. We also reviewed the pastoral tensions and moral residue of ministry in MAiD. To watch this recorded Zoom presentation click HERE.
Suggested resources from this session: Books: Matters of Life and Death by John Wyatt, and Right to Die by John Wyatt; pdf powerpoint file for Feb. 28, 2024 Zoom; article written by Dr. Gloria Woodland for Direction Journal 2018
Video Library:
- Regent College, Vancouver BC Lecture & Panel Discussion
- West Vancouver Baptist in Fall 2023 with Dr. Margaret Cottle who is a semi-retired Vancouver palliative care physician and clinical assistant professor at UBC. (Request video access by emailing
- A recording made by Willingdon Church, Burnaby, BC of a presentation with Dr. Margaret Cottle about MAiD from a faith perspective. Shared with permission.
General Links to articles:
- This paper was written by EFC President and CEO (and resident theologian) Dr. David Guretzki, PhD. It was commissioned by an affiliate denomination, the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (particularly its SALT committee – Social Awareness Living Truth), and presented at a gathering of EMCC pastors, leaders and interested laypeople through a 90-minute workshop.
- Article from a spiritual health practitioner on the front lines in Ontario – Doug Koop. Shared with permission.
These resources are gathered from many sources and are intended to assist in the ongoing exploration and discussion around MAiD. Opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the CBWC’s held value of the sanctity of life from conception to death.