When should you take your Canada Pension Plan?

I often got asked, when is the best time to take the CPP? Many would say that they heard that at age 62 was the best time. I would respond that it would depend on when you know you will die.

Actuaries Lisa Bjornson and Fred Vettese wrote an article for the Financial Post this year saying that a decision to defer could save up to $72,000. Interested? Here it is.

-David Holten
Church Resources Consultant

Deferring your CPP could be worth $72,000, but few Canadians take advantage of it

What would you rather have: a bag of money with $20,000 in it or a bag with $25,000? It seems like a silly question but the debate about when to start CPP pension boils down to a question just like it. Is it better to start CPP at 60 or 65 or even 70? The usual answer from industry experts tends to be the highly unsatisfactory “it depends.” Fortunately, actuarial science gives us the tools to do better. This article may be the one and only time you will see a definitive answer to this question though we do admit it depends on one’s earnings history.

To wait or not to wait: this question makes sense, of course, only if you have a choice. If you retire at 60 with little money saved away, you will absolutely need to start your CPP payments immediately. What makes a choice possible is having a six-figure nest-egg to tide you over until you choose to start your CPP pension.

Few people appreciate how punitive it is to start CPP early, or how beneficial it can be to defer it beyond age 65. Data from government sources reveals a great propensity to begin CPP benefits as soon as one is eligible — which is at age 60. In 2015, 42 per cent of Canadians who began CPP benefits were 60 years old. A mere 6 per cent postponed the first payment beyond age 65.

The rules for computing CPP pensions are complicated, especially because of the dropout provisions, the combination rules for survivor pensions after 65 and changes in the average national wage. Rather than reciting these rules, let us consider an example.

Jacques is a pending retiree who just turned 60 years old. He is married and has made the maximum CPP contributions since he was 23. He has accumulated enough in his RRSPs that he doesn’t have to begin his CPP immediately. Instead, he can draw down his savings until age 70. Jacques is not troubled by this option since he is determined to start his CPP pension when it will give him the greatest overall value.

In 2017, Jacques’ CPP pension at 60 would be $713 month. This is calculated as the maximum pension less a reduction of 36 per cent. With inflation at 2.2 per cent a year, the monthly payments will gradually climb to $886 by the time he hits 70. If he holds off on collecting CPP until 70, the monthly pension at 70 will be about $2,056! (This assumes wage inflation beats price inflation by 1 per cent a year.) Comparing an indexed pension of $713 from age 60 to a pension of $2,056 from 70 is hard. It is a little bit like handicapping the race between the tortoise and the hare. Almost everyone roots for the hare (which means taking the $713 a month from age 60) but who wins in the long run?

Fortunately, actuarial science comes to the rescue. Actuaries try to take everything into account when assessing the present value of a pension: the probability of death on a year by year basis up to age 115, changes in the dropout provision as the starting age changes, survivor benefits, future inflation and most important, the appropriate discount rate. We used 1 per cent as the real discount rate (after inflation). This is a risk-free rate and though it sounds low, it is a little higher than the current yields on real-return bonds.

And the result? The actuarial present value of Jacques’ CPP benefit if he commenced it at age 60 is $205,000. The corresponding value if he starts CPP at 70 is $277,000. And no, we didn’t hand Warren Beatty the wrong card. Starting CPP at age 70 is the clear winner. By postponing his CPP to age 70 instead of 60, Jacques can increase the value of his benefit by 35 per cent.

Why are Canadians the beneficiaries of such government largesse? The answer lies in that all-important discount rate. From the government’s perspective, the choice between a starting age of 60 or 70 is more or less cost-neutral but that is because they use a real discount rate of 4 per cent to compare the options instead of 1 per cent. This doesn’t make 4 per cent the right choice for you though because you cannot earn 4 per cent after inflation without taking big risks.

Let us generalize the result to the extent we can. If Jacques were not married, the difference is almost as great — the value of his CPP benefit from age 70 would still be significantly greater than starting it at 60.

If Jacques started working at age 26, the CPP pension starting at 70 is still worth more, though the difference shrinks to 24 per cent. For the individual in this case, the true difference in value can be more than 24 per cent. That is because the CPP pension is virtually guaranteed; having more retirement income coming from a guaranteed source like CPP reduces both your investment and your longevity risk.

There are situations where the excess value at 70 is even smaller; for instance, if you have a spotty contributory record or a shorter than average life span. Most people though, benefit from deferral.

Lisa Bjornson is an actuarial associate in Morneau Shepell’s Retirement Solutions PracticeFred is the firm’s Chief Actuary.
