Dear Friends,
Welcome to the final days of summer… or in the case of many of our Alberta friends the early winter. This is a fall prayer letter. To being with please pray for those experiencing huge financial and production setbacks in the farming sector because of the Alberta snow.
Please remember and pray for the following:
- Ceal McLean leads the Communication and Stewardship committee meeting today.
- For Dr. Joyce Chan, the new interim VP of Academics at Carey Centre.
- For Staff, volunteers, counsellors and campers from this summer seasons camps: that God may continue to challenge, bless and touch their lives so that they might belong to a church, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and deepen as they grow in him.
- Please pray for the Mustard Seed in Calgary in its transitions and selections of a new President.
- Please pray for the CBWC board meetings on September 25&26th; Greg Anderson our President will be leading us.
- Michael Hayes chairs the Finance Committee in Calgary on September 22nd. This committee assesses, with Victor Ku, the financial state of the work and helps frame responses to be presented to the CBWC board.
- Thanks to Cailey Morgan for her leadership in the area of social media as we build community together.
- Please pray for financial stability in our churches and at the CBWC in the crucial fall and winter months.
- Please pray for Celebration Dinners in:
Summerland BC, September 23rd
Saskatoon Saskatchewan, October 23rd
Edmonton Alberta, November 24th
Clive Alberta, November 25th
- Pray for Bob Webber and friends as they create the Partnerships and Possibilities brochure for this new year.
As the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth was once heard to say; “if you can’t pray for yourself, pray for those you know” (pray for yourself too…). Or as an Anglican Priest on Vancouver Island, Heather Robinson is heard to say (every Sunday); “Pray for those you love and those you should love.”
God continue to be with you,
In Christ,