Dear friends,
As we approach Assembly next week, we are committed to praying for it and for those who are part of it. Here are some things we might consider praying for:
- Safe travel for all participants
- Easy passage and transition from the cares of our regular lives so that we are fully present to God and one another.
- Spirit – filled openness and preparation of all those coming to Assembly
- Thankful that at present we have 300 people registered to attend, which represents 88 churches
- People to pray for; folks to simply care for by asking them how they are:
- Heather Thomson, our conference planner
- Greg Anderson, our CBWC President
- Laura Nelson, our VP of Personnel and Programme and our incoming President
- Tim Kerber, VP of Planning and Chair of the Budget Committee
- Michael Hayes, VP of Finance and Chair of the Finance Committee
- Cal Malena, Board Member and Chair of the Audit Committee
- Victor Ku, our Director of Finance and Administration, as heads that part of our discussion
- Jan Paasuke, former President and Chair of the Nominations Committee
- Dayle Medgett, our host Pastor and Bible Study Leader
- 2 Worship teams led by Rhys Green and Russ Rosen
- Axel Schoeber, our bylaws authority and parliamentarian
- Rod Olson and Louanne Haugan, our emcees and conference leaders
- Assembly Committee; Laura Nelson, Heather Thomson, Nora Walker, Linda Rochow, Josh Goetz, Jeremy Bell, Bob Webber, Jill Cardwell, Shelby Gregg
- Hospitality of those at Westview
- Retiring Board members: David Connop, Greg Anderson, Michael Cantlon, and Patrick Schoenberger
- Amy Hanson, one of our keynote speakers
- Rod Wilson, who is recovering from a stroke earlier this year. Our prayers are with he and his wife Bev as the they transition from Regent and into health. Rod is recuperating and will not be coming to the Gathering in Calgary.
- Darrell Johnson, who is the senior pastor at FBC Vancouver and the former Dean of the Chapel at Fuller and Regent. Darrell will be taking Rod’s place on Friday evening and speaking from Luke 11:1-13. We are delighted that Darrell is able to lead us.
“How shall we then pray?”
In our Friday evening session, we will spend the time in Luke 11:1-13, wherein Jesus responds to His disciples request, “Lord, teach us to pray.” And we will discover that what Jesus teaches them changes their and our whole understanding of what it means to pray; for what Jesus does is open up a vision of the Living God none of us would have ever come up with on our own! Jesus will tell us that the really important question is not “how shall we then pray?” but “Who is this to Whom we pray?”
On another note, many of the Executive Staff from across Canada met in Vancouver this week. More on this later.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bell