Dear friends,
I share with you some items for prayer in the weeks ahead.
1. I have already asked for follow up on the great and good gift that Assembly was. Please continue to do so.
2. Celebration Dinners
- Tuesday 19 May 2015 in Winnipeg, MB.
- Wednesday 20 May 2015 in Neepawa, MB.
- Monday 25 May 2015 in Victoria, BC.
- Tuesday 26 May 2015 in Burnaby, BC
3. Our CBWC Board, who were voted in at Assembly, and will meet together in September of this year for their first meeting. Please pray for the meeting; please also pray as we prepare orientation for each of them leading up to the September meeting.
- Laura Nelson: President
- Tim Kerber: VP of Planning
- Kayely Rich: VP of Personnel and Programme
- Michael Hayes: VP of Finance
- Joshua Goetz: Heartland
- Loralyn Lind: Heartland
- Ravi George: Heartland
- Jason Johnson: AB / NWT
- Linda Rochow: AB / NWT
- Herb Ziegler: AB / NWT
- Nora Walker: BCY
- Cal Malena: BCY
- Greg Sumner: BCY
4. The Carey Board and Senate were also approved at the Assembly this year. They will meet on the last weekend in June, and the Carey Graduation will take place in Vancouver on Sunday 28 June.
5. I have mentioned the many who successfully presented themselves before the Ordination Examining Council (OEC) in both March and April of this year. Each of their churches will hold an Ordination Service for them; continue to pray for those services, and for the new duties that each of these ordinands take on.
6. We have a number of camps in Western Canada. Please pray for each of the camps, for their Directors, for the staff who give of their time, for the kids who come to camp, and for those kids after they leave the camp as well, returning to their homes and communities.
- Keats Camp (Dan Galpin, Camp Director)
- Zao Outdoor Ministries (Board of Directors; Mattias Morrison, Ministry Coordinator)
- Gull Lake Centre (Steve Roadhouse, Executive Director)
- Mill Creek Baptist Camp (Alyssa Cameron, Executive Director)
- Camp Wapiti
- The Quest at Christopher Lake (Sean Cruickshank, Executive Director)
- Katepwa Lake Camp (Jimmy Schimmel, Executive Director)
Please continue to keep all of these in your prayers.
In Christ,