Dear friends,
We have long been supportive and encouraging of one another in the area of church renewal. While we have encouraged and provided a wide range of resources we’ve left the option to use those resources up to individual churches. There is an ultimate sense that is true and will continue to be true. There is also a well-known sense that if we self-diagnose we sometimes don’t get the best information. Likewise, I avoid going to a doctor because I think I can identify all my issues. There is a far cruder version of that piece which says those who represent themselves in court have a fool for a lawyer… Crude but still insightful. Let’s seize the opportunity that the following announcement provides: to benefit from prayerful, experienced, and thoughtful folk in the exercising of our work together.
Since the first church meeting in May 1874 in Winnipeg Canadian Baptists of Western Canada and its predecessors have sought to resource churches in health and mission. Whether it was local associations that planted churches or regional clusters of churches that sought to begin camping and educational programmes, we have consistently encouraged one another in the work of Christ’s Body.
In recent decades one of the primary focuses of energy from Regional Ministers and area executives has been working directly with churches. We encourage each other in evangelism, children and family ministry, youth ministry, camping, finances, governance, church health, conflict resolution, staff and pastoral services, amongst many other things. Much of this work has been in response to expressed need by local congregations. It has become increasingly apparent that a comprehensive process of renewal and review should be available to churches. There is an abundance of resources to do just that but often those resources lack a knowledge, understanding and openness to the needs of the local congregation.
We are profoundly grateful and delighted that Sam Breakey who has experience as a pastor, Alberta Regional Minister, and Director at Mustard Seed Edmonton, is working with us in a pilot project to make available to churches a process of consultation, renewal, and ministry review. This will begin in the Fall in collaboration with Regional Ministers. It will include material for churches to reflect on and prepare for the process. It will include a site visit from a small team and will include follow up and ongoing resources.
Further information will be available the second week of September and by calling your Regional Office.
In Christ,
Sam Breakey’s Bio
Sam Breakey is the Church Health Strategist for Canadian Baptists of Western Canada. His office is located in Edmonton but he works with congregations throughout the west.
He has served in a number of ministry positions, including Lead Pastor and Alberta Regional Minister, within Canadian Baptists of Western Canada during the past twenty years. Previously he served with Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec and the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He oversaw the two year intentional transition of one of the largest Baptist congregations in western Canada, as Lead Pastor. His experience also includes being the Executive Director of the Mustard Seed, a respected ministry to people living in poverty in Edmonton, and a three year term as the Operations Manager of a custom home building company in Ontario.
He is passionate about helping people and organisations examine their health and their context, while empowering them to move towards a robust future, fully dependent upon Jesus Christ.
Sam and his wife Nancy were married in 1981. Nancy teaches instrumental music at Hardisty School in Edmonton. They have three married children and three grandchildren.
When Sam has free time, he focuses on family life, building furniture, and renovating their home and cabin. Frequently he can be found helping his neighbours doing the same.