Vol 12 No. 19 Intergenerational Leadership… The Youth: Part 1

Dear friends,

As reported by Tammy Klassen in a recent newsletter there was a gathering of a Canadian Baptist Youth and Family Forum.  They are working on a draft report and the beginning of it is priceless in its authenticity, conviction, and, for many of us, prophetic voice.  Rather like a Pauline letter it should begin “Dear beloved church…” and speaks to us in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Here is their invitation to us:

As Youth & Family Ministry Leader, we love the Church.

Out of this love, there is a message as the Canadian Baptist Church that we all need to hear:


Children bringing their families closer to God

Youth leading our churches into their neighborhoods with the Good News

Students introducing their friends to Christ through a vibrant faith

Young adults integrating the values of God’s kingdom in all they do

Families caring for the hurt, lonely and broken together

Communities valuing, loving and supporting each other

Churches fulfilling the call to be God’s mission people

All generations deeply in love with God, his Church and his mission

This is what we desire for the Canadian Baptist Church in Canada. But it’s not just a dream. We can make it happen. Right here and now. In our neighborhoods and throughout our country.

Two numbers resonate deeply with us:

31% of the Canadian population is under the age of 24.

85% of people became a follower of Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14.

That means almost 10 million young Canadians are seeking meaning in their lives. They are desperately searching for a place to be loved, known and belong. The time is NOW to let them know that God loves them and so do we.

In April 2016, 50 key Canadian Baptist youth and family leaders from across Canada gathered in Niagara Falls for an Invitational Forum. We were united by the desire to see the younger generation transformed by the Gospel. Collectively, we identified seven challenges and five opportunities facing the Canadian Church today. We also came up with three bold actions steps.

Beloved Church, we believe this is our time to raise up God’s banner for children and youth. We do not have ten or even five years to figure this out. We need to reach this generation now and we need to do it together. You are an important part of this work. We need you to join us in taking up the challenge.

Are you ready?

In conclusion, keep hold of an expectation that the Spirit will fill “the sails of our souls” in the old Russ Rosen lyric.  Also remember the comment on prayer and children in the Angus Reid survey on prayer that was shared recently and how that resonates with the challenge here: that 31% of the Canadian population is under 24 and that 85% of people became a follower of Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14.

Quote of the week: Tim McCoy, Executive Minister of Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec, shared a wonderful quote from Lesslie Newbigin’s updated autobiography (P242): “I am told that a Rabbi once asked a fellow Rabbi, “What do you do to make God smile?” and received the answer, “Just tell him your plans.””

Notes from the Family (title is a work in progress): Got a great story secondhand from a church this week of a pastor practicing replacement therapy.  This individual implored their congregation to engage in the acceptance of all (good for them – that’s what Christ and the incarnation are all about, providing of course we’re not just listening to our need for acceptance but in fact engaging the scripture, listening to the Spirit and asking people not to follow themselves but to walk in the steps of Christ).  He then went on to criticize individuals and organizations who disagreed.  I used the term “replacement therapy” because replacing one judgmental attitude with another judgmental attitude is not progress.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell
