Vol 2 No. 27 The First Year, Catching Our Breath

It has been a year now since I assumed the position of Executive Minister of the Baptist Union of Western Canada and begun writing these weekly notes. I would like to thank Michal Tachanko and Shelby Gregg who have typed them and Linda Kilburn and Alice Paradis who have edited them and sent them on to each of you.

I want to share a few things that might strike your interest as we begin our second year together. First, let me invite you to make some comments on these letters.


  • What topics would you like covered?
  • Are the notes too long?
  • Should they be illustrated (pictures, graphics, etc) and not just script?
  • Are there things you would like to challenge?
  • Are there things you like about the News and Notes?
  • Are there things that bother you?
  • Other comments…

While I would love to invoke John Gottman’s suggestion that every negative comment must be put into the context of five affirmations, that’s probably a little too hopeful…be blunt and be honest but be (relatively) constructive. I will not read anything that is not signed (authored) and that does not have a return email on it… while I am away Shelby Gregg will collect responses… please write her at sgregg@buwc.ca.

I am preparing a retrospective and a fall schedule and project plan to be published in early September. Sufficed to say I feel very grateful for those I serve, work with and have contact with in the Baptist Union family. I praise God for the wonderful things he is doing in our midst and I am profoundly grateful to be set aside by this family of believers to serve you, build community and to tell of God’s stories in our midst.

Some items in brief:

Under the theme of leadership development and church resourcing our first zonal visits (we need a new name folks) will begin in the Fall.

Saturday morning October 28: Calgary

Sunday late afternoon October 29: Edmonton

Friday evening, November 17: Saskatoon

Saturday afternoon, November 18: Regina

Under the theme of kingdom growth we have had our fourth planning meeting of the Urban Camping Network. Every area, almost 10 churches and a good beginning is being launched this summer. We have offered the goal of 1000 new children and 30 new 20 something’s (in age) counsellors will participate by December 31st.

Lastly, our project for 2006 in alleviating poverty and suffering is Human Trafficking Sex Trade and is progressing well. Some have expressed concern over the last couple of weeks that this work is Vancouver based Donna Forster’s work with sex trade workers is Victoria based because God raised up someone in Victoria. The same is true of this initiative. Our Vancouver based worker is Michelle Miller and she has agreed to “go on the road” across Western Canada to teach, train and facilitate this ministry elsewhere. I especially want to hear from Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg. Several of us have been very energetic working on expanding camping in Manitoba. We work hard as leaders whenever God calls us. Regional based ministry arising out of community is alive in the Baptist Union. Regionalism and myopic geographic jealousy is dead. I’ll work hard at reassuring people that we’re trying to be fair with all here. We’re working on specific ministry models that have a broader application everywhere. How we do that needs some work.

Linda Kilburn’s seven years service with the Baptist Union has come to a close. Linda ably served as a planner of Assembly, Publication, Executive Assistant to several Executive Ministers and as co-ordinator of the Banff Pastor’s Conference. Linda has many friends in the Union and has received much affirmation as she feels led by God to new ministry opportunities in the Okanagan. I affirm Linda’s walk and discernment in our Lord and we look forward to the things He will do through Linda in the years ahead.

Jo-Anne Cosier has been appointed as a special projects officer for Assembly, Publications and Banff among other things. She will be in the Calgary Office Monday to Wednesday. Jo-Anne is familiar to many of you, attends Westview Baptist, is married to Brian and they have 2 daughters. I am delighted to welcome Jo-Anne to our Calgary office. She can be reached at :



by mail:

#600, 1177-11 Ave. SW

Calgary, Alberta, T2R 1K9


by phone:

403 228 9559 ext 312

1 800 820 2479 ext 312 (outside Calgary)


email: jcosier@buwc.ca





Shelby Gregg, former Heartland Area Administrator (and outstanding barista) is my Vancouver based Executive Assistant. Shelby is a great worker, good administrator, and great with people.

The full office review will be completed and made public in September.

John Prociuk’s Clergy Care preliminary report is being completed and will go to the Board in October!

I look forward to attending the BC Area Assembly in July with Beth Posterski as the title speaker. Thanks to Martha Easter, Paul Pearce, and especially Dawn Johannesson for their hard work.

Our (Kerry’s and mine) daughter Jessica married Dave Delnea in France in May. They met at Keats. Dave is a professional photographer and some of the photos will be on this site eventually. www.davedelnea.com   We’ll be having a reception later in July so after the BC and Yukon Area Assembly I’ll be off for some study and holiday time. I’ve already written my Wednesday missives though.


In Christ,



