Vol 2 No. 48 Listening Sessions Part II

As you know from last week’s News and Notes we began our Listening Sessions in Alberta on the last weekend of October.  Last week’s information will re-cap for you the four questions we have asked people, small groups and churches to pray about over the last two months.

These sessions we planned to resource things we felt God was leading us in as churches.  You’ll remember from our previous article that the process was led and John Prociuk, our director of ministries with the support of Faye Reynolds (Women in Focus), who led communion and music along with Ryan Sato (our Youth Director).

The whole “listening to God” and “listening to one another” was placed in the context of a time of worship.  Seven churches in Edmonton shared written material with the group.  Three others were present, attentive and supportive.

Those who came together or shared at Delwood Neighbourhood Church in Edmonton included Highlands, Zion, Strathcona, First Baptist, Fort Saskatchewan,  Delwood, Shiloh, Trinity Sherwood Park, Leduc.



  1. Strathcona – Rev. Shelly Schneider – goal > prayer that leaders will be raised up to fulfill vision they feel called to
  2. Shiloh – Mr. Olson – goal > resources to meet community needs; i.e. displaced and abused people
  3. Neighbourhood – Rev. Howard Lawrence – goal > integrated BUWC weekly worship curriculum for worship through small groups
  4. Trinity – Rev. Mike Engbers – goal > prayer and resourcing for vision and enhancement
  5. First Baptist – Pastor Dan Taylor – goal > provision of faith statement and prayer support
  6. Ft. Sask. – Rev. Al McPhedran – goal > prayer support for sharing Good News lovingly and practically in and out of church
  7. Leduc – Rev. Sam Breakey on behalf of Tim Kerber – goal > outreach partnership with a ministry to isolated northern communities


So there you have the beginning of our listening sessions.  They are not resource sessions… they are reflective, worshipful, passionately active… attentiveness to God in our lives and midst.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell

P.S.  I attended both Highland and Delwood  and have so much to share in another newsletter entirely.

