We have a very mixed record when it comes to serving the children, youth and young adults of our churches. Unlike some other traditions we claim to have great stock in the “under thirty” work. We have a long way to go here, but are making great progress.
The purpose of this newsletter is to put all of us in touch with those leading us in this area, their contact information and an invitation to contact them for more information.
Children and Families Missional Network
Jennifer Dietrich, chair
Contact: jldietrich@sasktel.net
Sue Julien, Summerland
Pam Borchert, Summerland
Jo-Ann Matiachuk, Vancouver
Mike Engbers, Sherwood Park
Nola Dibski, Vernon
Sharon Harris, Lethbridge
Paul Pearce, BUWC Rep.
Glenn Rabuka, BUWC Board Rep.
Shelby Gregg, Administration
Email sgregg@buwc.ca
Phone: 604 225 5903
Website: buwc.ca/CFam
Purpose Statement: Recognizing the importance of children and families, we are committed to raising the value and enhancing the effectiveness of Children and Family Ministries in the BUWC local churches and the denomination by promoting vision and providing resources and support.
Ryan Sato, Director of Youth Ministries
Contact: rsato@buwc.ca
Regional Coordinators
Manitoba West
Winnipeg Area
Saskatchewan North – Jeremy Doorten
Saskatchewan South – Carolyn McCall
Edmonton & North – Elden Faulkner
Central Alberta – Todd McLaren
Southern Alberta – Ryan Sato
Peace River Area – Darren Andres
Okanagan – Randy Wheeler
Outer Limits/Northern Frontier
Lower Mainland – Warren Penner
Vancouver Island – Pat MacDonald
Calgary – Scott Cripps
Fraser Valley/Lower Mainland – Brent Weick
Camping Committee
Chair – Darrin Hotte
Contact: darrinhotte@royaloak.bc.ca
Encounter God http://www.thespin.ca/
Pelican Lake Camp http://www.plbc.ca/
Camp Wapiti http://www.campwapiti.ca
The Quest http://www.questnet.ca/
Mill Creek Camp http://www.millcreekcamp.org/
Sylvan Acres http://www.sylvanacres.org/
Keats Camp http://www.keatscamps.com/
Gull Lake Camp http://www.gulllakecamp.net/
Urban Camping
Director – Rod Olson
Contact: Rod.olson@gmail.com
Staff: Ryan Sato, Youth Director
Darrin Hotte, Camping Committee Chair
Jeremy Bell, Executive Minister
Shelby Gregg, Administration (sgregg@buwc.ca)
Baptist Union Cohort at Rocky Mountain College
Coordinator – Joyce Peasgood
So, here we have it; folk who are concerned and active at every stage of life from birth to 30 and above. Just a few extra thoughts…the greater majority of Christian faith commitments begun before the age of 20. Reg Bibby reports that 65% of 18 – 35 year olds are looking for a reason to be part of a church. Finally, 4% more teens are going to church than 10 years ago. Much to learn and give thanks for.
Please pray for these gifted people who serve and minister amongst us.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bell