Vol 3 No. 14 BC Listening Sessions – Lower Mainland

For those of you who are following with interest the Listening Sessions and their subsequent covenant comments, you will be interested in hearing from those that came from the Lower Mainland Churches and met at Berea Baptist, BC on February 1st.  A very wide range of church experiences were present and I share their commitments below with you.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell


Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley – 4 participating churches, 2 reports

Berea, Surrey – actively engaging with our local community with passion and purpose

Church at Southpoint – sharing the story of God’s work among us with the broader family of CBWest

Royal Oak Community – blessing and supporting our senior pastor Darrin Hotte to continue leading and strengthening our camping ministries; blessing and supporting our associate Pastor Haupi Tombing as a liaison for our emerging ethnic churches

White Rock – by reaching to our community with no strings attached

Westwood Community Coquitlam (report) – We will continue to pray for the leadership of the CBWC; we will continue to allow our pastor time to serve as the Vice Chair of the Board of Administration of Carey Theological College and to serve on the Ordination Examination Council (if needed); will continue to teach and equip our congregation to understand what it means to be “a sent people”, living out our faith day to day where we live, work and play

Burnaby North (report) – We have invited different ministries from the church to make presentations at our Sunday Worship service (missionaries like Rebecca Alward, the Forresters, representatives from Keats Camps). We also sponsor different ministries within the denomination in addition to our contribution to the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada). We will continue to do so in the future
