Vol 3 No. 15 Listening to Go, Listening to Each Other – Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley

Our White Rock church has gifted us with many leaders in the BUWC. Currently Heather Thomson of Women in Focus, Fay Puddicombe, the Carey Centre Board Chair, and Ellis Andres are all from White Rock. The church graciously hosted the Surrey, New Westminster and Fraser Valley churches on Sunday, February 25th.

I was again struck by the diversity in our midst. Southpoint in Surrey is in its 3rd year, while White Rock has a long established ministry since 1954. Berea is excited about their new minister, Ward Cowie, who is arriving in the summer and New Westminster shared the challenges of being established, yet crowded in its present location.

Here are some observations from Paul Pearce:

 The recent listening sessions were a time of encouragement and challenge as we had the opportunity to hear what God is doing through the ministries of our BUWC churches.  Each region reflected the commitment of our local churches to contextualize their ministries to their communities.  The diversity being expressed between urban/suburban and semi rural was refreshing.  The honesty and transparency of churches struggling and uncertain about the future also reflected the integrity of those who are working through significant times of change and challenge.

 The final session on Sunday evening for the Fraser Valley churches once again demonstrated faithfulness and variety.  The new Church at Southpoint, the growing multicultural congregation at Broadmoor and Royal Oak Community are representative of some of these ministries.  The host church at White Rock Baptist is visioning for the future and represents our commitment to pursue God’s work as we go ahead. 

The value of these times for those who could attend was to gain a bigger picture of our BUWC work together and network churches for future resourcing.  The commitments mutually made as we recovented around our shared ministries will be helpful and directional as we plan for the future of the BUWC.  God was with us as we took time to share some time and ministry updates together!



In Christ

Jeremy Bell




Royal Oak Community – Darrin Hotte


Help us identify the community resources available to partner with

Inspire us with stories of how community connections can be made

Inspire us with stories of creative ministry


The Church at Southpoint – Scott Simpson

Continue to support us with faith and trust through financial support and administrative services and to embrace us as a new church in the BUWC (we would like to recover some of our GST from the past 3 years if possible)


Olivet – Wendy Amy


Relational support and consultative support during our time of discernment of God’s direction during this time of our Lead Pastor’s leave


Berea – Brenda Radstock

Finding a worship leader/coordinator (grant so we can pay?)

Equipping lay leaders/leadership team towards spiritually based leadership that is financially responsible

Children’s ministry support

Continue support of youth pastor


Broadmoor – Carol Mager

Partner with us to “seek the well-being of Richmond and beyond” in mentoring, listening, human resources and financial resources


Burnaby North – Jim Walton

Equipping of the pastor/pastoral staff to lead the church through a vision goal-setting process that will help Burnaby North discover its God-given identity


White Rock – Ellis Andre

Tools for visioning and strategic planning, facilitator

Teaching type church-partner with Baptist Union to facilitate Senior Minister, Church Administration, BU supports person seeking training


Westwood Community – Ken Wettlaufer

Enabling resources for:

  • Community carnival
  • Vacation Bible school
  • Church Retreat Travel and Accomodation subsidy
  • Homeless initiatives
  • Website enhancements
  • Wireless microphone
  • Youth facility rental and activity fees


Living Hope Fellowship – Peter Ahn

This year we need prayer and other denominational resources as we need to request them







