Vol 3 No. 18 An Overview of Banff

With over many people in attendance we celebrated the Baptist Union of Western Canada biannual Assembly in Banff. I would like to thank the core committee that organized us in this venture, which include Marshall Miner, in the initial stages and was quarterbacked by Jo-Anne Cosier, in association with Lisa Shierman and John Prociuk, along with Colleen Schnieder, Donna Guthrie, Dawn Johannesson, Judy Hoefling, Judith Arends, and Shelby Gregg. Special assistance was offered in the technical department by Michael Gurney, George Loewen Jr., and Alice Paradis under the prediction direction of Bob Webber, with so much of this sewn together by Sam Chaise, our just retired president.

To begin our report, we draw your attention to the half page summary that is on the website form transmission into your church calendars if you so wish, plus a DVD available for viewing in your congregation by phoning the Calgary office and 1 800 820 2479.

Our new executive officers of the denomination are: Beth Millard (president), David Connop (Finance), David Simpson (Planning) and Pat Flaten (Personnel). The nomination committee was chaired by Bill Mains and we thank him for his work. Our financial statements and budget were presented by our treasurer, David Holten, our VP of Finance, David Connop and our then planning director Beth Millard.

The highlights of the conference included the following speakers, meeting and actions.

Mark Holmen, our theme speaker, related to us the importance of Faith in the home and how the church at large can support and equip this. Steve Bell participated in a Saturday evening concert, which included a presentation by Gord King, Gary Nelson and Sam Matisiya, from CBM (Canadian Baptist Ministries). Some of the significant things that happened at Assembly also included our change of name from the Baptist Union of Western Canada to the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada. More of that in a coming newsletter. We also agreed to a revised set of by-laws and ministerial procedures and protocols. We agreed to acknowledge that the Carey Hall statement of Theological Position that was approved by our 1983 Assembly would continue to stand and that we would encourage its recognition in our churches. Children and Families Missional Network have agreed to seek part time staffing in different areas of the denomination, beginning with the first appointment of a position September 1st, 2007.

The Church Health and Planting Group (CHAPS, along with myself, have agreed to appoint Ken Nettleton to a fulltime and Howard Lawrence to a part time position in church health and planting, resourcing our churches. Both will have a 2 year appointment.

I had two meetings with the start of new ministry networks. The first was lunch around rural church renewal. The second was a church – based housing initiative.  A list of workshops (below) will give you an idea of how wide the interest in ministries of the Union are. Also attached are a list of the moments of sharing by several individuals and churches.

That’s just a sampling – more to tell you in later days.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell

