Vol 3 No. 40 More on Rocky Mountain College

The CBWC have long had a history of contributing to the life and formation of undergrads in the West. Brandon College, Baptist Leadership Training School, Ascent, and the Carey Hall residency at University of British Columbia have all contributed to this Ethos.

In Recent years we have not been as active in undergrad formation. Part of what has contributed to that lack of involvement is the rise of some very good para church organizations like Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Navigators, and Campus Crusade as well as many others. The closing of BLTS and the Ascent program posed the need for new initiatives in this area. Three of our own Baptist Union Personnel already teach at Rocky Mountain in Calgary; Joyce Peasgood, Rod Olson and John Prociuk. This agreement was signed in the spring of 2007 to partner with Rocky Mountain College. Our first students are beginning to work with us this fall. Our first major intake we believe will be in January 2008.

The denomination over Western Canada has many graduates in Leadership; Gary Nelson, our CBM General Secretary; Andy Trevoy, a man with many hats which include BUDF President, Gull Lake board chair and our legal counsel; Faye Reynolds who is the coordinator for Women in Focus; Jeff Dyer at Gull Lake; Myrna Sears, Registrar at Carey Centre; Peter Burnham, Geologist and member of the BUDF Loans Committee, David Bentall, Laura Nelson, Jennifer Pierre, Gillian Fowler and far too many more to mention. This list simply gives you an idea of how an undergraduate program broadens and gifts people for service within a church community. BLTS and Ascent produced over 2000 graduates who have brought numerous gifts and skills to
Western Canada. Our relationship with Rocky Mountain College will accomplish this.


What does this program offer to the students involved in it?

Check out the website to see.


Who are the go-to people for this initiative? How can you become more involved?

Speak with either Rod Olson ( rod.olson@gmail.com ) or Joyce Peasgood (jpeasgood@rockymountaincollege.ca) .



In Christ

Jeremy Bell
