Vol 3 No. 50 Edmonton, Fort SK, and Jasper Listening Sessions

On November 24rd, Trinity Baptist Church in Sherwood Park hosted the second day of the second year of our Listening and Covenanting Sessions together.

You will recall last year’s questions:

  • What has God called you to?
  • What resources has He given you?
  • What resources do you lack?
  • How might we partner together over the next year to see God’s call lived out in your ministry and community?

And this year’s follow-up questions:

  • In what ways does your church engage and make a difference in your community?
  • In what ways does your church partner to minister with other churches?
  • In what way can your church energize or enhance the work of our denomination (our family of churches in Canadian Baptists of Western Canada ) in the next year?

The following churches were present and I ask that you pray for their requests.

Edmonton and area – 10 participating churches, 9 spoken or written commitments

Trinity Baptist, Sherwood Park – will offer to host forums in which regional churches can attend to discuss matters of mutual concern, to build on one another’s strengths and prayer, encouragement and support

Community Baptist, Fort Saskatchewan – will give 10% of offerings to Canadian Baptists of Western Canada and encourage churches of Edmonton to work together to reach into our local communities in the name of Jesus

Laurier Heights Baptist – will commit to enhance the work of Canadian Baptists of Western Canada

Strathcona Baptist – will stay involved with CBWC, reaching out into old Strathcona in new ways and being available to work with CBWC

Neighbourhood Church, Delwood and Highlands – will humbly share our failed experiments to be biblically faithful and culturally relevant, will second Pastor Howard Lawrence up to 20 hours a week as Missional Church Consultant, and free up Kevin Green to encourage the work of Church Health and Planting and other northeast Edmonton churches

Zion Baptist – will reach out in faith and hire a full-time pastor

Braemar Baptist – will pray for the leadership of the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, continuing in our financial support of our denomination, supporting the various activities of the denomination, and being used wherever the denomination feels they could use the giftedness of Braemar

McLaurin Memorial Baptist – will pray for and support the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada to the best of our ability and by build new relationships within the community

Shiloh Baptist – will share God’s story as it unfolds in our community and congregation and pray for our churches and leaders

Other participating church – Jasper Park Baptist


Many thanks to Trinity Baptist Church for their hospitality, especially Wayne Larson, Kendra Shields and Mike Engbers, who hosted us. Thanks to John Prociuk, Sam Breakey, Faye Reynolds and Ryan Sato for their facilitation of this time.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell
