Vol 3 No. 7 Of Art, Artists and Networking Both

I am deeply grieved and sorry that those of you who responded to an earlier newsletter on the Artist network were lost to our records when our Vancouver office computer hard drive gave up the ghost.

Once more with feeling. (How sentimentally true of Feb. 14th!). Please find attached:

1. The original letter

2. A list of places we have found that honour God with their creativity and whose images we hope to share with you in the weeks ahead.

3. Claudia Wakeman is our contact person for this; Claudia has a great artistic / aesthetic sense and is a gifted artist as a quilter; she can be contacted at 604 225 5903 or emailed at cwakema@netscape.net.

4. Please fill out the contact information as an artist below and we’ll seek to gather the like-minded together.


Many thanks for your patience.



In Christ,




Original Letter


We want to identify artists in our midst.

We want to do that because we want to affirm and acknowledge God’s gift of the arts amongst us; the beauty and creativity that has often struggled to be expressed amongst us.

There are three parts to this.

  • Please respond to the following form.
  • Please comment or modify what we have crafted here.
  • Please be patient as it will take until October to set up the Arts component to our web site.

There are five outcomes:

To acknowledge the Arts as God’s gift.

To make art and artists in its many forms, facets, and people an integral part of our worship and celebration in the Baptist Union.

To create an online network of artists, their mediums of expression and especially how we might share in this work together.

To encourage and strengthen the practise, experience and work of artists in their God – given callings.


We long to rediscover our historic culture of Christians by expressing the aesthetic and artistic amongst us. This culture change in our midst builds country, branches our lives and honours God.

We hope to move towards a net based or fixed site lending library.

We also are praying about one day getting a retreat or farm dedicated to this endeavour.

Enough for now.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell


Images we know of and hope to post for you

Banners at First Baptist, Vancouver

Stained Glass, paintings and fabric hangings at Fairview Baptist

Banners at First Baptist Edmonton

Kitchen at Grandview Calvary, Vancouver

Banners – New Life, Duncan

Easter  meal  – Kitsilano, Vancouver

Series of photographs –at Carey Hall

The Little Box – Icon Painting Lessons

Quilt for the missing women

Quilt of Life – Breast Cancer – Kitsilano, Vancouver
