Vol 4 No. 10 New Pastor’s Orientation

Every year there is a gathering of new staff in the denomination. The gathering is called the New Pastor’s Orientation and is held at Carey Centre for two days in February. Last week I mentioned the individuals that attended. This week I want to indicate the kinds of things that we cover in our time together. It will be difficult to discern the full scope of our discussions by simply experiencing the outline, but we have never before offered even this brief glimpse. I am sure that as you read this you will wonder about some of the things that are included and some fo the things that should be added in future years. Please feel free to make suggestions.

If you are new to the denomination and have not attended one of these gatherings, you will find it necessary to attend within the first 5 years in your new position. You will find the experience not simply the discharging of a commitment to collegiality in this family of churches, but also a warm, affirming, community-building and God honouring time together.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell
