For several decades, the Baptist Union of Western Canada and its successor the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada have been committed to the mentoring and development of leadership at every stage of life. Through the Baptist Leadership Training School (BLTS) and the Ascent program there has consistently been a commitment to training young leaders from the late 1940’s. This has all been true in the formal educational and institutional sense until both BLTS and ASCENT ceased to exist in the late nineties. The exciting initative that you are about to hear of is led by our own Dean of Baptist Students at Rocky Mountain College, Joyce Peasgood. The person responsible for co-mentoring these students, sometimes teaching at the college and for recruitment in our churches is Rod Olson. I am very excited about these possibilities and in serving the churches in Calgary, South and Central Alberta and in the denomination at large. I look forward to your responses.
As well, check out our website ( or to see some videoclips of five of the students who attended the EDGE program this year. Over the next few weeks we will feature the other students, Joyce Peasgood and Rod Olson.
In Christ,
What is the Edge?
The EDGE is an 8-month discipleship program based out of Rocky Mountain College in Calgary, Alberta. Our interest in the EDGE program is due to the partnership the Canadian Baptist’s of Western Canada have entered with Rocky to offer post high school education that has been missing since the closure of BLTS and Ascent.
What will a student be involved with over the year as part of the EDGE program?
The Edge is a community learning experience with three facets: Courses, Adventures and Mentoring and a fourth facet for Canadian Baptist students; church partnership.
Courses: As an institution of higher education, Rocky Mountain College is built on the tradition of classroom learning, where students take a mix of Courses that are taught by a learned and experienced faculty. Our philosophy of education is to bring the theoretical into the practical, so we do not keep our classroom learning in the ivory tower, but bring them down to where the rubber hits the road.
Adventures: Tagging into the academic approach to learning is a series of Adventures that focus on engaging not just the mind, but the body, heart and spirit as well. Whether it is coming alongside and serving the homeless in downtown Calgary, ice climbing in the Rockies, building homes in El Salvador, or seeking God at a retreat centre in the Foothills, we venture into places that stretch us beyond our comfort zones to learn more about ourselves, our world and our God.
Mentoring: Throughout the year we are challenged by each other and guided by Mentors who live their lives on the edge. This includes meeting regularly with the Edge Director, as well as meeting regularly with Dr. Joyce Peasgood and Rod Olson for lunch, life sharing and encouraging each other on our journey with God.
Church Partnership: As a Canadian Baptist student you will be partnered with a Calgary and area church as you learn more about how the people of God are the ones to bring in the kingdom of God.
Why would a student go to Rocky for the EDGE program and not do a different one year discipleship program such as YWAM or Capernwray?
All are great options it simply depends on what a student is looking for. If a student wants an educational experience that includes time in a foreign land that focuses on her development as a follower of Christ, all three are great options. However if a student wants the year of discipleship to count towards further education then EDGE is a great option as the classes are the first year classes for most of the degrees at Rocky. Check here for other degrees
Isn’t there a bursary as well?
Yes another deciding factor for a student could very well be the $3000.00 bursary that is granted to any CBWC student who wishes to attend Rocky. This is a recommitment by the CBWC to invest in post high school education. The amount of the bursary is roughly the cost of living for the 8 months; this was also subsidized when we owned the BLTS building.
What else comes with the $3000.00 bursary?
Students are paired with a local church in the Calgary area and are given ministry opportunities within those churches for roughly 10 hours a week (as mentioned above). Students also meet regularly with other CBWC students for lunch every other week with Dean of Students Dr. Joyce Peasgood and Rod Olson to build community, share life and reflect on their ministry involvements.
What else is going on at Rocky that might be of interest to students?
As with most colleges there is a student government that plans social activities throughout the year. There is a strong athletics program with hockey, basketball, volleyball, soccer and futsal for both the guys and the ladies. As well there are several musical groups such as choir or small group ensembles as well as chapel worship teams that are open to all students as well.
How does a student apply?
Interested students need to visit the Rocky website and fill out the application form and follow the process laid out by the college.
How do students get the bursary?
For CBWC students to receive the bursary they need to contact to receive a form that lists their interests so that we can pair them with a church.
What about Calgary and area churches interested in having a student become part of their community for the year?
If you are a Calgary and area church you too need to contact to request a form that tells a bit about your community and prioritizes the areas of need that a student could possibly take part in.