Vol 4 No. 20 Peace River Listening Sessions

We really appreciated the warm welcome and hospitality of the Wembley Baptist Church on Thursday April 24th. This particular church cluster in the Peace has a strong sense of co-operation amongst its pastors and a strong sense of celebration of being part of the Northern Areas of Alberta and BC. I love the line from Dan Balisky who shared about the man on the deserted island who, after begin discovered after 30 years of isolation had built three buildings. He explained to his rescuers that the first building was his house, the second his church and the third building was the church he had left. I would not dare suggest that this has been a pattern in evangelical church life, but I will tell you that every time I repeat the story even to myself, I laugh and want to cry at the same time.  Great cause of celebration was the rebirthing of Dawson Creek and hard work of those who are part of that fellowship. We were all encouraged by the sharing and prayer of those who came; some like Jim Church and Don Holloway travelled hours to be there. We take that sacrifice and support with the great thankfulness and generosity in which it was offered. Pleases read the following commitments with thanksgiving for the openness to God that is expressed in them.



In Christ,

Jeremy Bell


Peace Country – 8 participants, 7 written commitments

Wembley – will continue to pray for those in leadership of the CBWC as they share resources; will continue to have our pastor and board members participate in training opportunities and organized evens of the CBWC

Taylor – will support and promote the opportunities the CBWC provides to the various churches within our organization in order to further the growth of God’s kingdom

Fort St. John – will continue to attend and facilitate the meeting of Baptist churches in the Peace River area; support the CBWC budget, Sharing Way and Peace cluster gatherings; continue to attend CBWC assemblies.

Grande Prairie – will continue to pursue the certification of Camp Wapiti; communicate and share documents, plans and schedules for reference

Peace River – will pray for the CBWC work, and for CBM missionaries

Dawson Creek  – will offer prayer, funding, involvement in missions, cooperation with the area churches

Webster – will commit to pray more intentionally for CBWC, and revaluate how we can better contribute to the denomination

Camp Wapiti – verbal reports were given
