I want to share something on a personal note today. This last May represents the 40th anniversary of my Baptist at Strathcona Baptist Church in Edmonton, AB. I was baptized by my father Roy Bell and amongst those baptized with me included some that I still know like Nancy Scambler, who attends First Baptist Vancouver. I was recently at a baptism around the same time of this anniversary and heard the words of commitment from the candidates; questions of the minister and the answers of the candidates. I was reminded of the things I had said to the Lord in front of those gathered witnesses and was challenged as to how I would continue to serve by making a personal recommitment of that event some time during this anniversary. I see it not only as remembering a distant event but recovenanting with God, recalling his faithfulness and once again asking to be His in a new way. One does not need an anniversary to do this but like Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and our own birthdays and anniversaries, it helps to remember, to recall and to recommit. I share with you the words used in the Baptist Union of Great Britain’s Gathering for Worship Manual, which is as follows.
Declaration of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed, or some other confession of faith, may be said by the congregation.
Alternatively, members of the congregation may be invited to renew their own baptismal
promises after the baptisms.
The minister then says
My friends, today we hear of the work of God
in the lives of those who are to be baptized.
They are here because Jesus Christ has found them
and through the work of the Holy Spirit
they have discovered new life in him.
The love of God has become real,
the call of Christ has beckoned them
and the life of the Spirit has renewed them.
The minister then addresses each of the candidates by name. They may reply as indicated, or
more briefly with such words as ‘I do’ or ‘I will’.
A do you believe in one God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
I do. This is the God in whom I trust.
Do you confess Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Saviour?
I do. He has redeemed me and called me by name.
Do you turn from sin, renounce evil
and intend to follow Christ?
I do. Christ is my way,
he is the truth and now he is my life.
Will you live within the fellowship of the church
and will you serve Jesus Christ in the world?
With the Spirit’s help, this will be my witness.
Do you renounce all evil,
and the powers
which defy God’s righteousness and love?
I renounce them.
Do you turn from the ways of sin
that separate you from the love of God?
Trusting in the gracious mercy of God,
I renounce them.
Who is your Lord and Saviour?
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour.
Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple,
obeying his word and showing his love.
With the Spirit’s help,
I will follow Jesus
in the church and in the world.
After the candidate’s have responded to these questions, each should be invited to tell, in their
own words, the story of God’s call upon their lives.
Peace strength and conviction be with you as you reengage the living God through his spirit.
In Christ
Jeremy bell