The last weekend the Board of the CBWC met in Vancouver. There are a variety of activities that are part of such a gathering and I thought you might find it interesting to know how a typical set of meetings unfolds. Just to refresh your memory, the members of the Board are as follows:
David Simpson – CBWC President
Pat Flaten – CBWC Vice President of Personnel and Programme
David Connop – CBWC Vice President of Finance
Devin Seghers – Heartland Region
Mary Stuber Doerksen – Heartland Region
Debra-Jean Moore – Heartland Region
Jan Paasuke – Alberta Region
Tim Kerber – Alberta Region
Betty Smith – Alberta Region
Connie Cristall – BCY Region
Glenn Rabuka –BCY Region
Ted Brandon – BCY Region
David Holten – CBWC Staff – Director of Administration and Finance
Sam Breakey – CBWC Staff – Alberta Regional Minister
Stu Dinsmore – BUDF
Laura Nelson – CBWC Staff – Interim BCY Regional Minister
Brian Stelck – Carey President
Ian Grant – CBWC Staff – Interim BCY Regional Minister
Jeremy Bell – CBWC Executive Minister
Rob Ogilvie – CBWC Staff – BCY Regional Minister
The President and Vice Presidents are referred to as the Executive or Table officers of the Denomination. On the typical cycle of Board meetings, the above group, with myself, meets on a Thursday evening to go over the agenda and to pick up any [particular issues they feel are important. We focused on two or three main themes this set of meetings. The first was looking at expenditure and revenues in light of the changing economic experience in Canada. The second was a discussion with representatives from CBM on how the denomination and CBM can work together more cooperatively. By the way, CBWC is represented by David Simpson, myself, along with Sam Chaise (as Past President), Tom Mei and Alfred Reschke. The CBWC Board meets four times a year. The CBM Board meets twice.
Let me express some personal concerns which in no way reflect policy and opinions of the CBWC board members. Please read my remarks carefully. I affirm the work, the vision, ministry of CBM and wholeheartedly support an enhancement of their funding from every source as it augments important ministries. We at CBWC, and this is where my concerns lie, need to be as effective at drawing attention to what God is doing in our midst and seeking human and financial resources for those endeavours as CBM does. We have only just begun to do that effectively and we need to be sensitive on how we go about these critical issues.
The third topic we looked at were areas of strategic planning, which in this particular board meeting, looked at strategic planning around leadership, community, money, and resourcing churches. The meetings generally go all day Friday with a supper break and a meeting on Friday evening of the Assembly Planning group, who are preparing for the April 2009 Assembly in Banff, AB. Pat Flaten chairs this group. On Friday all the Executive Staff join us. On Saturday morning, only the Board, Brian Stelck (as President of Carey Hall), David Holten (as Director of Finance) and myself join the board discussion. I hope this gives you a brief overview of how we gather together to meet and to serve each of you. I trust that you will pray for those in leadership, including Sam Chaise who chairs the Nominating Committee.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bell