Vol 5 No. 10 The Listening Sessions & A Small Suggestion

I have been asked about whether the Listening Sessions are a good idea or not.  That’s a fair and good question.  Let me begin by reminding each other what the questions for the Listening Sessions have been these last three years.

In our first year:

  • What does God ask of you? 
  • What resources has God provided? 
  • What remaining resources do you still need? 
  • How can we (in the churches of the Union) support your call of God this year? 

Our second year we travelled out into the country more.

  • In what ways does your church engage and make a difference in your community?
  • In what ways does your church partner to minister with other churches?
  • In what way can your church energize or enhance the work of our denomination (our family of churches in Canadian Baptists of Western Canada) in the next year?

The questions for this year are a little different again.

  • Where and how has God been at work in your community? 
  • Where and how is your church engaging God’s work in the community?
  • How can we continue to partner to do God’s work in the community?

Let me comment on the sessions in point form.

  • These questions form a basis for personal and the wider Christian Church to ask essential questions of God
  • These questions encourage the Spiritual discipline of listening to God and always talking to God; silence, not just natter
  • These times of worship challenge us
  • The reflective and wise counsel that John Prociuk gives, brings us to a stronger place in God as well as in each other.
  • Stronger churches, who may see little value or need, must be more generous in sharing with those churches who are weaker and need their resources, wisdom and help
  • Weaker churches must not be afraid nor too proud to come in need, to receive, so that one day they might share with others
  • These sessions have been dominated by two themes:   1. God’s faithfulness and 2. Our need to spend listening time with God
  • We sometimes worship our independence in the CBWC.  The Lord insists we worship Him over autonomy and declares our responsibility to care for others.
  • We are immensely blessed in the CBWC and God will continue to honour and bless what He has called us to if we wait on Him and encourage each other.


Here are the dates for the 2009 Listening Sessions:


March 28 Saskatchewan

May 2 Manitoba

May 23 Lower Mainland #1

Sept 12 Alberta – Peace Country

Sept 19 Lower Mainland #2

Oct 17 Okanagan

Oct 24 Alberta – Calgary

Nov 14 Alberta – Edmonton

Nov 28 Vancouver Island


There are several new ways we are trying to evaluate and re-frame these times.  Please pray for their unfolding this year and thank you for your prayers in advance.



In Christ,


