On a regular basis I try to update you on current resources from the CBWC. We do this for 3 simple reasons. The first is that it is important to continue to hold our work together in prayer; if nothing else, let us remember that. Second, it is important to refresh our memories of the breadth and scope of what we are participating in. And finally it is important to keep information current and accurate. Below are listed our many resources.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bell
Residential Camps: 8 residential camps across Western Canada allow about 5, 00 children the opportunity to learn about God in a safe, creative environment each year. They are:
- Camp Wapiti, Grande Prairie, AB www.campwapiti.ca
- Gull Lake Centre, Lacombe, AB www.gulllakecentre.ca
- Katepwa Baptist Camp, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK www.kbk.ca
- Keats Camp, Keats Island, BC www.keatscamps.com
- Mill Creek Baptist Camp, Pincher Creek, AB www.millcreekcamp.org
- Pelican Lake Camp, Ninette, MB www.plbc.ca
- Quest Baptist Camp and Retreat Centre, Christopher Lake, SK www.questnet.ca
- Sylvan Acres Ministries, Port Alberni, BC www.sylvanacres.org
Urban Camping: Camp comes to kids in a year-round program that builds relationships between churches and their neighbourhoods. www.urbancampers.ca
Children and Families Missional Network (CFAM): Regional coordinators support churches and share resources to strengthen church ministries to families and children. www.childrenandfamilies.ca
Youth Ministry: A Youth Ministry Director and a Youth Leadership Team representing all CBWC regions facilitates a dynamic youth ministry in local churches. www.cbwcyouth.ca
Short-Term Missions: You don’t need to leave Canada to serve. Volunteers are matched with challenging short-term mission opportunities across Western Canada. www.shorttermmissions.ca.
Homelessness & Uprooted Peoples: CBWC coordinators support local churches as they reach out to vulnerable people, particularly those who lack shelter and refugees. www.cbwc.ca
Women in Focus: Women are encouraged and trained for local leadership as they grow in their love for God and His service. www.womeninfocus.org
Opportunity Fund: Churches and ministries may apply for grants to support innovative ministries. www.cbwc.ca
Carey Theological College: Carey Theological College is our graduate school of theology located on the UBC campus in Vancouver, providing training for most CBWC pastors and lay leaders. www.careycentre.com
William Carey Institute: The William Carey Institute facilitates life-long undergraduate learning and spiritual growth. By going to its students, WCI develops lay leaders in Canada and trains pastors in Africa and Asia. www.williamcarey.ca
Centre for Spiritual Formation: As part of Carey Theological College, the Centre offers a 2-year graduate level program to assist individuals to enrich their devotional life. www.careycentre.com
The Edge: The CBWC offers high school grads a $3,000 bursary to attend Rocky Mountain College’s one-year Edge leadership development program in Calgary in exchange for service in local churches. www.rockymountaincollege.ca or www.cbwc.ca
Online Resource Library: Pastors and church leaders can borrow books and resources to enhance their ministries by ordering them online. CBWC covers all costs. www.cbwc.ca
Website Resources: The CBWC makes a growing list of resources available on its website to support individuals, pastors and churches in their ministries and personal spiritual growth. Capacity-building resources are also available. www.cbwc.ca
Church Health and Planting: The CBWC works to support the health of all churches and to plant new churches using many different church planting models, and by providing expertise and financial resources. www.cbwc.ca
Church Support: Several CBWC staff support churches in strategic planning, hiring new pastors, conflict resolution and ministry needs. www.cbwc.ca
Pastoral Support: CBWC administers clergy pensions and benefits, provides lifelong learning opportunities and provides loans to clergy. www.cbwc.ca
Baptist Union Development Foundation: The Foundation manages donations and deposits to support the many ministries of the CBWC. It also offers the LEGACY forMinistryTM program that helps CBWC members put their personal affairs in order. www.budf.ca