Vol 5 No. 4 Finances “R” Us

I recently heard an announcement for finances at a local church which mirrors my own understanding of what each Christian and every church should be able to say.  The presenter was clear, respectful, low key and direct.  He said this, “I want to tell you that we have treated the Lord’s money and yours with respect; we have endeavoured to spend what we said we would spend and we have done that.  Second, I would like to tell you we are about $40,000 from our commitment to God and His work amongst us and through us and I would ask you to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your response to that challenge.”  He said this second part with respect and a sincere belief that God would move people and that people were trustworthy to respond.  “Lastly,” he said “God is faithful in all things, including money.  I know that in our own family life and if you would like to hear of that story please speak to me after the service.”

Three simple parts:

We are careful with God’s money.

We have some challenges before us.

God is faithful.


There is a sense that I need say no more about money than what I have just written.  God is faithful, the churches of the CBWC are open, faithful and responsive to our call to ministry and resourcing together in Western Canada.  Let me share just a few other comments.

The economic times we find ourselves in the world, with our largest trading partner, and in Western Canada are the most challenging in most people’s living memories.  The crucial concern is one of anxiety.  As Christians we seek to be faithful money managers and to place our concerns in the care of a faithful God; “both and” not “either or” concepts.  The budget of the CBWC was reduced from $3.9 million to $3.1 million at a recent meeting of the CBWC Board.  This is as a result of a conscious choice to reduce our monies from the Baptist Union Development Foundation (BUDF).  We have taken measures to increase our challenges to one another in terms of our giving, cutting costs, strengthening what we are called to do, and postponing some new initiatives.

  • 20 churches gave more in 2008 than in 2007.
  • Contributions were up $30,000 in the same period.
  • 58 churches have increased their giving over the last 5 years.
  • 3 of our camps had increased attendance last summer and met their financial targets.
  • Over 1000 new people have started attending our CBWC churches in this last year.
  • Urban camping grew from 440 participants to 870 this past year.

God is indeed faithful!  We are very encouraged at the growth, commitment and new life amongst us.

I thank God for His consistency when that is not always true of me.  I am deeply appreciative of the BUDF’s support, of David Connop and David Holton’s skills and integrity in handling our finances, and for a CBWC Board who balance responsibilities with responsiveness to God’s call.

As Edith Jose used to sign off when she wrote her weekly column for Old Crow “There’s the news for now.”  It may be cold in the land my friends, but there’s a fire, the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within us.



In Christ,


