Vol 6 No. 14 Prayers for Thursdays

Hello All,


About two years ago Ken Bellous, the then Executive Minister of the Canadian Baptists of Quebec and Ontario, told me about how their denomination staff had a weekly gathering; a stand-up as it were, to check in.

I borrowed the essential elements of that meeting and incorporated them into one for the CBWC Executive Staff.  By the way, Ken and Joyce (a former professor at McMaster Divinity College) have retired in the West and live in Edmonton.  I thought I would tell you of our gathering so that sometime on Thursday mornings (regularly or from time to time) you might pray for us.

The Executive Staff of the CBWC is made up of permanent staff with open-ended appointments, like the Chief Financial Officer, the Regional Ministers, the representatives from CBWC-F and Women in Focus; those on 2 year renewable contracts like Church Planting and Clergy Care; and those on five year (potentially renewable) contracts such as the President of Carey Centre and the Executive Minister.

These people work out of offices in Regina, Edmonton, Prince George, Calgary, Langley, and Vancouver.  Our geography and the times zones make it essential that we find ways to reflect, pray together and meet regularly.

We gather every Thursday with few exceptions at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Those present (as we are on the phone) make themselves known so that we know who we are talking to.

Someone opens our time with a Scripture, devotional and prayer.

The meeting is chaired by me, but in my absence anyone on the list below is eligible to do so.

The meeting continues by a general inquiry as to whether there are particular personal, professional, pastoral or agenda items that should be discussed.  If there are, we place them in order of importance.  If not, we go around the metaphorical table and do a check -in of everyone concerned.

The following participate.  All would covet your prayers and any inquiry you would make of themselves or the ministries they endeavour to undertake with you and on your behalf.


Stu Dinsmore, Interim President CBWC-F

David Holten, Director of Administration and Finance

Tom Lavigne, Director of Church Planting

Rob Ogilvie, Regional Minister, BCY

John Prociuk, Director of Clergy Care and Special Projects

Faye Reynolds, Women in Focus Coordinator and Ministry Cluster Leader

Brian Stelck, President Carey Centre

Dennis Stone, Regional Minister, Alberta

Ken Thiessen, Regional Minister, Heartland

Jeremy Bell, Executive Minister

Shelby Gregg, Administrative Associate


Every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time

May we walk with each other.



In Christ,



P.S. I wrote a couple weeks ago about the upcoming Assembly/Gathering in Vancouver, July 2-4.  For those of you who have inquired (and those of you who haven’t!), here is a the link to the information on our website about this, including registration forms.

2010 Assembly/Gathering

