I heard in early December that the Calgary office had closed. Tragic, earth shaking news…at least from my point of view…trouble is it wasn’t true! I’ll let you in on how the rumour got started and, more importantly, how we can serve you best in this wonderful family of churches through the offices we have.
The easy explanation is that the Calgary office moved and in order to do so, did indeed close for a day or two, as it accomplished that huge event during a snowstorm. Not really a closure but a hiccup. The person or persons responsible for said “hiccup” are primarily David Holten who so wonderfully arranged our new lease,* our move and organized ironing out the wrinkles for the whole thing. The new office is an enhanced space for CBWC, CBWC-F and CBM. Thank you so much for all your work David. David also wants me to thank Colleen Schneider, Liz Walker, Stu Dinsmore, and Ray Chan.
Our new office address is: 1100-550 11th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 1M7
The phone number remains the same, follow the prompts for some changes in extension numbers.
301 Liz Walker
305 Angie Patterson
308 Colleen Schneider
309 Ingrid Bakken
310 Jeremy Bell
312 Shared Office
313 David Holten
323 Ray Chan (CBWC-F)
315 Stu Dinsmore (CBWC-F)
319 Julia Hamilton
320 Lisa Roth (CBWC-F)
321 John Prociuk
325 Penny Felipe (CBWC-F)
326 Dennis Shierman (CBC)
This rich and deep reservoir of people and ministry resources are a testimony to God’s fruitfulness and the fruitfulness of those who serve us.
*We were asked to move because another tenant in our building requested our space and paid for our move.
In Christ,