I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Bob Webber as our Director of Ministry, for an appointment of 2 years, to the CBWC. Bob and Faye Webber’s history with the denomination, their ministry of encouragement and involvement with us over many decades encourages me that we will be really blessed with Bob’s energy, commitment to our common Lord and purpose and deeply thankful that he is willing to serve in such a way.
As one of Bob’s first jobs, he directed Keats Camp. He has worked in the agro – business in a variety of roles and has had major responsibilities in the communications and advertising world. Bob grew up in First Baptist Church, Calgary, AB. The Webbers are members of Brownfield Church, AB, where they have a family farm. Bob is also a member of the Board of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Recently, Bob has been the Communications Consultant for the CBWC, working with David Connop (who is the Chair of our Communications & Stewardship Committee). Bob brings outstanding gifts, energy and an ability to link ministries together to this position.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bell