Ordination starts in the personal walk of a believer with God. That walk develops into a call from God, confirmed by the Holy Spirit; tested by Scripture, character, faithfulness and personal circumstance. The call of God on someone’s life to minister as a “minister of the Gospel” must be scrutinized, discerned, prayed over and confirmed by the local church. The local church ordains an individual to gospel ministry. This discerning process is tested again at the mini-semester led by Brian Stelck, Carey Faculty, and CBWC staff. This discernment process is once again ascertained by the Ordination Examining Council where a congregation speaks/presents a candidate, and representatives from the CBWC family of churches inquire of the candidate on a whole host of issues that are pertinent to the candidate’s ordination statement, personal testimony of faith in the Lord Jesus and spiritual journey and discernment. Please read the names and pray for those involved in this process this week.
In Christ,
Candidates for Ordination:
David Nacho, Grandview Calvary Baptist, Vancouver, BC
Doug McLellan, White Rock Baptist, White Rock, BC
Wally Pohlmann, Peach Community Church, Taylor, BC
Allan Tam, Grace Community Baptist, Vancouver, BC
Mark Rajan, Grace Community Baptist, Vancouver, BC
Jim Walton, Burnaby North Baptist, Burnaby, BC
Peter Elias, First Baptist, Thompson, MB
Clark Taylor, First Baptist, Penticton, BC
Joy Banks, Grandview Calvary Baptist, Vancouver, BC
Jeremy Keay, First Baptist, Edmonton, AB
Tim Coleman, First Baptist, Kitimat, BC
Shaun Jessop, Gateway Baptist, Victoria, BC
Those for whom we are recognizing Prior Ordination:
Mary Widmer, Southwest Community, Kamloops, BC
Darrell Johnson, First Baptist, Vancouver, BC
Dan Rutherford, Gateway, Victoria, BC
Ordination Examining Council
Wayne Larson, Chair
Doug Johnston, Recording Secretary
Laurie MacKay, BCY Region
Paul Stade, BCY Region
Mary Dyk, BCY Region
Pat Schoenenberger, Alberta Region
Rein Paasuke, Alberta Region
Harriet Mitchell, Alberta Region
Betty Smith, Alberta Region
Mel Konkel, Heartland Region
Randy Stanton, Heartland Region
Ed Neufeld, Heartland Region
Betty Lynn Nylen, Heartland Region
Lou Leventhal, Heartland Region
Greg Anderson, CBWC Board
Glenn Rabuka, CBWC Board
Rob Ogilvie, BCY Regional Minister
Shelby Gregg, Administrative Associate, Vancouver
Monica Hof, BCY Region
Ian Grant, BCY Region
Carol Mager, CBWC Board
Jeremy Bell, CBWC Executive Minister
Brian Stelck, President, Carey Theological College
Dennis Stone, Alberta Regional Minister
Carrie Belter, Administrative Assistant, Heartland Region