Dear Folks,
There are a constant stream of challenges and celebrations that occur in our family of churches. All are in need of prayer.
Please pray for:
- Keats Camps as it discerns its new path through uncertain financial challenges. We give thanks for people’s generosity, and all the work of Greg Duskin, David Connop, Rob Ogilvie, and Laurie Bristow.
- Please pray for Tim Colborne as he leaves the senior minister’s calling at Kitsilano Christian Community in Vancouver, for Liz Drance, their moderator and for wisdom in their search for a new pastor.
- Pray for Ken and Bev Thiessen as they have transitioned out of Regional Ministry and as Ken explores new challenges as he follows God’s call in coaching and consulting.
- We give thanks for and pray for our Banff Pastors’ conference speakers: Darrell Johnson, Barbara Mutch and Paddy Ducklow. Please pray for Liz Swab as she leads and coordinates.
- Please pray for Claire McLean, who has been a gift as our Youth Resources CBWC Leader, as she comes to the end of her term. Please pray for Peter Anderson who will be in a six month contract position to cover Claire’s former role.
- Please pray for Bowness Baptist Church in Calgary and Brian Lum, their pastor, as they work on their present and future mission as a church under severe financial challenges.
- Thanksgiving for the new MDiv students at Carey, which have increased from around 30 to over 70 since September, 2009.
- Great thanksgiving for John Prociuk; his life, work, care and ministry amongst us as he prepares to work for CBM in the new year.
- Pray for Tom Lavigne as he leads our church planting initiative; and for all the congregations (over 30) he is in process with in these next months.
- Please pray for Nadia VanderKuip as she meets with over 12 pastors at the Banff Pastors’ Conference to discuss Short Term Ministry plans for the next year.
- Pray for Shelby Gregg, Vancouver Office Administrator, as she returns from a 3 month sabbatical that she is refreshed and encouraged.
In Christ,