Dear Folks,
It occurs to me from time to time that there are “so many things that happen under the sun” that do not get mentioned. I’m going to attempt to mention some of them briefly today.
Mid September found David Holten and Colleen Schneider meeting with the CBM Pension Benefits group in Mississauga on our behalf. Thank you. These are difficult times.
On September 21st and 22nd, Executive Staff met followed by the CBWC Board in Calgary on September 23rd and 24th. On the following Tuesday, Canadian Council of Christian Charities met for their annual meeting. There were several familiar faces at the gathering; Jack and Pam Borchert, (Jack has been on the CCCC’s corporation for several years), our former treasurer and business manager, Michael Packer was present, as was Pat Nixon, formerly of Mustard Seed, and Gary Nelson who is now President of Tyndale University College. There were many others, too numerous to mention. I also presented a seminar on how you measure outcomes in churches and not-for-profit organizations.
Last week (September 26th -30th) saw a new person appointed to take over some of the extensive work that David Holten performed on our behalf. More on that in the coming weeks. David Holten has also begun to spend two days engaged in church resourcing and relations.
There was a celebration dinner in Kelowna on Thursday night (the 27th) where 9 out of 9 churches participated. Monday and Tuesday of this week saw two more celebration dinner, one in Calgary and one in Edmonton.
Friday the 30th saw Bob Webber, our Director of Ministries and Canadian Food Grains Bank member, harvesting this year’s bumper crop – more later. It was a huge crop, bringing in almost $100,000, which, when matched by the Federal Government, puts half a million dollars available for hunger relief worldwide.
I was in Prince George this past weekend to preach. I deeply appreciated Cal and Joanne Malena, their hospitality, great small group and a very moving baptism and service. I loved connecting with Lance and Pat Morgan, and Pat MacDonald.
As well, this past weekend the Carey Senate and Board met. I am deeply committed, as I know you are, to this ministry as Brian Stelck leads the larger work and Myrna Sears leads the Institute. Exciting times, tough finances.
My wife Kerry has noted the quote below for a couple years now, but I needed to appropriate it for myself. I now share it with you. It comes from the book of Celtic Daily Prayer.
Help me to know that the secret of contentment
lies in organizing the self
in the direction of simplicity.
Unless You have another task for me,
keep me vigilant in prayer.
Part of thanksgiving is to offer the Lord an attentive, prayerful life.
What a warm up to Thanksgiving! A deep, hearty and strong thanksgiving greeting to you all.
In Christ,