Vol 8 No. 39 Prayer Requests

Dear Folks,

On a regular basis we list items for prayer that we all share together. Here are some items for
consideration and prayer today:

  • Thanksgiving that the Brownfield churches Canadian Foodgrains Bank project had a safe and successful harvest this last Friday, September 21st. Thanks for Bob Webber, Bill Richardson and many others from the Brownfield church for their hard work and particularly from a personal point of view for the hospitality of Faye and Bob Webber for my wife Kerry and myself.
  • Jan and Rein Paasuke also represented the CBWC.
  • Please pray for the CBWC Board meetings to be held this week. Jan Paasuke will be leading us.
  • Please remember the work of the Finance committee, Greg Anderson who is Chair as they met yesterday.
  • Please pray for Danice Carlson and the Winnipeg Area churches as they plan for SERVE 2013 in Winnipeg next summer.
  • Remember those who have led our camps over the summer that they may be renewed and refreshed in these fall months as they get ready to prepare for next year.
  • Please remember Fay Puddicombe as she chairs the search committee for Brian Stelck’s replacement as President of Carey Centre. Please also remember George Sears, Chair of Carey Centre.
  • Thanks for the work of Bob Webber and Ceal McLean for their work on the Partnerships and Possibilities catalogue. It will be ready in mid-October.
  • Please remember the celebration dinners in
    • Charlie Lake this Saturday, September 29th
    • White Rock next Wednesday, October 3rd
    • West Vancouver next Thursday, October 4th
  • Pray for the huge challenges for financial planning in the denomination as the CBWC foundation investments are struggling like every other institutional investments.
  • Please pray for the Assembly planning group under Glenn Rabuka’s encouragement and



In Christ,


