Dear Folks,
It has been a couple of years since we have done a resource letter. What on earth is that? Sounds
like the terms “really unique” or other equally confusing terms because a newsletter and a resource,
by definition, would seem to be similar. Okay, this newsletter has started off badly. I want to hide
behind what I shall now refer to as a Rex Murphy defence. In his recent Laing lectures at Regent
College, Murphy began by saying: “I would like to digress but having not started I can’t really digress
from something I have not begun”…for those of you who are frustrated by this little example, you are
probably more in need of lightness in your life than even I am. Never the less, we have some most
unusual resources that we would like to share.
1. Making Connections – a monthly eNewsletter sharing 4-5 stories of what is going on in CBWC
churches. It also lists upcoming events. Some recent article titles include:
- Transformation at Keats
- Festive Atmosphere at Event to End Hunger
- Bursary Program Expands
- Embracing Refugees at Kinbrace
- SERVE 2012 Blesses Peace River
- More Women in Pastoral Positions
2. Regional Newsletters – Each Region within the CBWC has its own “Our Journey Newsletter”
- The most recent edition for the BCY region can be found here.
- The most recent edition for the Alberta/NWT region can be found here.
- The most recent edition for the Heartland Region can be found here.
3. Check out the new CBWC website at: Some topics that you can search under are:
- Churches
- Leaders
- Regions
- Ministries
- Learn
- Connect
4. News and Notes – a weekly eNewsletter by Jeremy Bell, the Executive Minister of the CBWC.
Covers news, prayer requests, and Jeremy’s latest thoughts on a wide assortment of topics. Some
recent titles include:
- Anticipating Remembrance Day Sunday
- Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference
- Thanksgiving
- Evangelism
- A series of Conversations with Members of the Executive Staff
5. Receive updates and information regarding upcoming events through our social media streams:
- Follow the CBWC on Twitter: @TheCBWC
- Follow Jeremy on Twitter: @_JeremyBell
- ‘Like’ the CBWC on Facebook: facebook/Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
6. Publications – The CBWC has few print publications because of our emphasis on good stewardship
— which means we publish most of our resources electronically — but we do publish a few church
bulletins, reports and catalogues each year. These publications are meant to engage Canadian
Baptists across Western Canada so they know what is going on in our family of churches. They are
also meant to hold the CBWC accountable to its member churches.
- Partnerships and Possibilities
- Accountability Reports
- Continuing Education Brochure
In Christ,