Dear Folks,
Let me share some news of some of our dear CBWC family who are facing some challenges due
to sickness or injury, they need our prayers.
Devin Seghers, our Heartland Regional Minister, intervened at a gas station in Brampton
Manitoba in order to protect a woman from imminent assault. The assailant (he has confessed so he is
not a suspect) was about to assault the woman when Devin stood in front of the woman and challenged
him. The assailant hit Devin in the head causing a concussion and in the abdomen, breaking a rib.
Devin has post concussive syndrome and has prematurely tried to get back to work. He needs to rest
for some weeks now so lets pray for his recovery, for his wife Joan and for our brand new Heartland
Administrator Cindy Emmons.
Sharon Onciul, our Alberta Regional Administrator, avoided serious injury on Tuesday November
when a large piece of the ceiling fell on her at the Banff Pastor’s Conference at the Banff Springs
Hotel. Sharon was responded to by some of our own para-medical folk. Sharon was hurt but is
recovering and will be back in a week or so. It was a bad scare for her and indeed for all who were there.
More could have been injured if it had been a busier time at the location of the ceiling falling. Mend well
Reed Elley who has pastored in West Van, Royal Oak, Crescent Heights and many other places
including a stint as Member of Parliament had a mild heart attack last week. Our prayers for Reed.
This is sounding a little wild but one more…Sandy Smith (the Pastoral Care Associate for First
Baptist Edmonton) had very kindly offered to drive our Banff Pastor’s speaker Myra Blyth to the Calgary
Airport. Sandy and Myra were rear-ended in winter storm weather near Cochrane. Sandy needed a
trip to the hospital (Myra was fine) and will be resting at home for a couple of weeks. Good recovery
Sandy…FBC will take good care of you and our prayers accompany you.
Banff Pastor Conference went very well with over 220 in attendance (biggest in 3 years).
Excellent Bible study, music, worship and teaching. The Lord is good, present and mending not only
those who are mentioned here but in many places we will never hear about.
Thanksgiving for Heather Thomson, Tim Kerber, Cindy Emmons, Dawn Johannesson and Shelby
Gregg for their great and good work at the Banff Pastors and Spouses Conference.
In Christ,