Dear Folks,
I just want to do a brief check in with you on the CBWC Stewardship and Communication group. This group has been going for about 3 years under the leadership of David Connop, a name familiar to many of you. David has done an excellent job in leading this group. David is a chartered accountant, has been involved with Keats Camps, Beulah Gardens Homes, the BCY Region, First Baptist Church, Vancouver, the CBWC Board as the Vice-President of Finance as well as many other works, including the Board of the Union Gospel Mission. David has been an incredible personal support to me and an inspiring example to those who volunteer their expertise. David is pursuing other ministries within and without the CBWC and will no longer be chair of the Communications and Stewardship group.
Let me describe some of the things this group does together and who does them. Bob Webber is our Director of Ministries and Communications. He comes from a very strong background in both secular and full time Christian work. His first job out of university was as the Director of Gull Lake Camp. He is also a board member for the Canadian Food Grains Bank. Bob has been responsible for many of our creative ideas around communication from accountability brochures to Partnerships and Possibilities and banners. Ceal McLean is a professional writer who has worked in a variety of contexts, and is a member of the Homestart ministry at Kitsilano Christian Community Church in Vancouver. She has done most of the writing that you see in the denomination, including the monthly Making Connections. Ceal is the new chair of this committee. Our first meeting was today and it was an excellent beginning. Another individual working on your behalf is Heather Thomson who so ably runs our Celebration Dinners. In 15 months, we have had over 1000 guests at these dinners, celebrating God’s faithfulness amongst us. The committee is rounded out by myself and Naomi Wakeman, who puts together newsletters and various other publications, by Brian and/or Nadia VanderKuip, who represent Carey Centre and either Stu Dinsmore or Gerry Fisher who represent the CBWC Foundation. This group is responsible for the following among other things:
- News and Notes
- Making Connections
- Treasurer’s Corner
- Partnerships and Possibilities
- The CBWC Website
- Communications in general
- Teaching and encouraging of good stewardship
Another aspect that is part of this group is the work of David Holten, who with Victor Ku, our Director of Administration and Finance, and our regional ministers, resource churches around revenue and expenditures when requested. Take a moment to go onto our website ( to take a look at some of the handiwork of this group.
I am very grateful for this group.
In Christ,